One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 49 Gray's Bizarre Adventure (New book, please read it!!)

I am doing this for our Polar, not just to satisfy my own curiosity.

After repeating this twice in his mind, Gray raised his head to Gilbert Galan, looking like a proud and arrogant scientist.

"Lead the way."

"I want to see what kind of amazing technology your navy has mastered."

Seeing Gray's performance, Gilbert Galan was not angry, but even happier.

That's what it's like!

"Please follow us!"

Waving his hand to let two navy soldiers lead the way, Gilbert Galan personally accompanied Gray and walked towards the coast.

"Don't worry, this group of pirates will be captured soon, and if you're lucky, you may see them again on the warship."

Noticing that Gray's eyes were fixed on the two battles, Gilbert Galan spoke to comfort him.

Don't scare away the scientists you finally found.

"I know."

Gray glanced at Luo who was fighting with Bepo, and then looked at Nia who was relatively closer.

"Come on! Purple-haired lady!"

Gray suddenly spoke loudly to cheer up the people in the battle.

Gilbert Galan looked at Nia in orange sportswear, and then at Neo who looked 80% similar to her and was wearing a dark suit, and shook his head slightly.

As expected, he is a scientist who focuses on scientific research, and even his gender cannot be seen.

Although Mr. Neo is indeed a little too handsome.

"Dr. Thomas, you are wrong! Although they look alike, Mr. Ernest is a man."

"Ahahaha, really? I didn't see it."

Gray laughed, and when Nia's eyes caught his, he blinked quickly.

You should have noticed me, remember to save me later!

Gray hinted wildly.

"Are your eyes uncomfortable, Dr. Thomas!"

"Maybe you are blinded by the dust they raised. Let's leave quickly."

Gilbert Galan didn't think much about it. He took Gray away from the battlefield and walked towards the north coast where the warship was docked.


Nia thought in her heart after receiving Gray's message.

But, he didn't look like he was arrested, but rather like he was invited.

Looking at Gray's lineup of leading the way in front, accompanying him, and escorting him from behind, Nia felt a little weird.

Did those navy officers make a mistake?

"You are still indecisive during the battle!"

Nio quickly approached Nia, put his hands together in the shape of a calyx and stuck them in front of Nia. As the domineering aura wrapped around his palms, Neo's arms shook suddenly, and a strong impact burst out, knocking Nia's body out.

"Use your body to feel the power of armed color domineering!"

This kid is not cute at all now!

Looking at the familiar yet strange brother in front of her, Nia pursed her lips, and a strange feeling rose in her heart.

It seemed a little relieved, and a little bitter.

However, now is not the time to think about these things!

After getting her mood in order, Nia flipped in the air, landed lightly, and then suddenly exerted force on her legs, ejected her body, and swung her clenched fist at Neo fiercely.

She has been able to master the power of the devil fruit relatively well, and she has not felt the bloodthirsty feeling in the past.

Next, it is to consider how to give full play to the power of the devil fruit and quickly master the fighting moves called "Navy Six Styles".


"This is our warship! It combines the most advanced technology of the navy and the most powerful firepower!"

Looking at the behemoth in front of him, Gray's body trembled slightly.

This is the battleship he wants to build! !

It is obviously different from the navy warships he has seen before, and the size alone is enough to crush it.

Not to mention the densely packed gun turrets on the hull, if this terrifying warship fully exerts its firepower, it may be enough to completely destroy a small island.

Seeing Gray trembling with excitement, Gilbert Galan smiled slightly, feeling that everything was under control.

"Next, let me take you on a tour."

"Let's go!"

Gray nodded quickly and couldn't wait to follow him onto the warship.

Gilbert Galan took Gray around the warship with great care and responsibility, and introduced the firepower of the warship to Gray half-exaggeratedly and half-showed off.

"This is the core power area of ​​the warship, and it is also an important support for our warship to pass through the doldrums!"

Finally, taking Gray down to the deck, Gilbert Galan pointed to a door and said to Gray.

Along the way, Gray had been completely fascinated by the powerful firepower of the warship, and at this time he suddenly remembered the secret he wanted to explore.

"Don't let anyone come in here casually, Captain Gilbert Galan!"

A middle-aged strong man in dark blue work clothes was sitting at the door. Seeing the two people coming, he spoke to Gilbert Galan without any courtesy.

"It's okay, Mr. Luca! Dr. Thomas is a scientist and has decided to join us."

Gilbert Galan stared at Gray closely while speaking. Seeing that he did not refute him but nodded slightly, he was overjoyed.

Okay, there is hope for promotion!


Luca looked at Gray suspiciously.

Messy hair, sloppy clothes, and dark circles under his eyes, he really looks like a scientist.

However, whether it is true or not needs to be confirmed.

Thinking of this, Luca casually pulled out two pieces of paper from the pile of papers under his buttocks and handed them to Gray.

"Then what do you say is drawn on this drawing?"


Gray took the drawing handed over by Luca and frowned slightly.

"Dr. Thomas, Mr. Luca is not deliberately making things difficult for you."

Seeing Gray's reaction, worried that he might have other ideas and affect his promotion plan, Gilbert Galan quickly spoke to make up for it.

"Mr. Luca is a ship's mechanical repair expert. During the voyage, the warship is maintained and repaired by the mechanical repair team led by him. This is a very important core power area, so Mr. Luca will..."

Gray stretched out his hand and stopped Gilbert Galan's chattering.

"What a great design. By using the turbocharger to increase power, it can generate more than three times the original power at the same consumption! This makes sense. Otherwise, it is impossible to drive such a huge warship to shuttle freely on the sea with only the traditional power design."

"Can you understand it!?"

Seeing that Gray only glanced at it and explained the relevant power working principle, Luca's face changed slightly, and he stood up quickly, and couldn't help using honorifics.

"Anything else?"

Not paying attention to the change in the other party's attitude, Gray reached out very naturally.

"All here!"

Moving a stool for Gray to sit down, and then placing all the relevant drawings next to Gray, Luca's attitude was even more respectful than Gilbert Galan.

He is 42 years old this year, and has been responsible for the maintenance of warships in the navy for 20 years.

However, compared to simple maintenance, he wants to participate in research and development and design!

It's not just Gilbert Galan who wants to improve!

He, Luca, also wants to improve!

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