One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 79 The arrival of the navy, Zefa!

Offshore of the Little Garden

"Teacher Zefa, I once heard that there are two giants fighting in the Little Garden, and it has been going on for hundreds of years."

The shadow of the island can be seen in sight, and Ian looked at the teacher standing on the bow and spoke.

"It is true."

Zefar nodded slightly.

"Are they also pirates?"

"Yes, a hundred years ago, they were rewarded with 100 million berries!"

"Then why didn't the navy catch them?"

Ian looked at Zefa puzzled.

The pirates are obviously there, and the navy also knows about their existence.

However, after a hundred years, the pirates are still there, and the navy still knows about their existence.

Zefar did not answer his disciple's question, but just looked at the island that was getting closer and closer with deep eyes.

Yes, why?

Why didn't they send troops to arrest the pirates even though they knew they were here?

Are they worried that the giants would retaliate against the World Government? Or are they worried that they can no longer recruit giant soldiers from Elbaf?

In short, it's nothing more than what the upper level considers.

However, just because of these trade-offs and considerations, can we turn a blind eye to what is happening in front of us?

Can we just ignore the existence of pirates?

If so, how can we be worthy of the justice we carry on our shoulders!

Zefa's eyes became more and more determined, and his fists clenched tightly.

"Then let me arrest them!"

Bang! !

Another all-out attack, Broki and Donli's attacks fell on each other at the same time, hitting their bodies back again and again.

"I can't break the move!"

Watching the battle between the two giants, Rod whispered.

These two giants, also from Elbaf, have received the same training since childhood.

Even after going to sea, they are both the leaders of the Giant Pirates, and later they fought on this island for a hundred years, with more than 70,000 battles.

After so many years, they have long been very familiar with each other, whether it is the way of fighting or the habit of fighting.

The information obtained from the weapons of the two people yesterday can also confirm this.

"I'm afraid this is another battle in which both sides will suffer losses and no one will win."

"The only difference is that both of them have a stronger desire to win, and they will probably fight to the last moment until they are exhausted."

Under the gaze of Rhode and his party, the two giants fought with all their strength. Even if they couldn't even hold their weapons, they still didn't retreat and continued to attack each other with their fists.

Until the end, the two fists hit each other at the same time.

Compared with the beginning, their fists have become weak and powerless, but they made the two bodies unconsciously step back a few steps, and then both fell to the ground.

"70534 fights, 70534 draws, and in the end there is still no winner..."

Broki lay on his back on the ground, looking at the clouds floating in the sky.

He was completely powerless. The battle between the two people lasted for a century, but in the end there was no result.

"It's over, I'll treat them."

Seeing the two giants who were completely exhausted, Luo got up and walked towards them.

Both of them were covered with wounds of varying sizes. Although they were not fatal, they could not be left alone.


Just as Rhodes and his group were walking towards the two giants, a voice suddenly rang out.

Immediately afterwards, the entire forest seemed to come alive, with countless vines dancing wildly and wrapping around everyone. Dongli and Broki were the focus of the vines. In just a moment, the two were already entangled by dense vines.

"This is it!"

Feeling the vines entangled around him, Broki's face changed and he was about to break free.

However, the previous battle had completely exhausted him, and he could not break free from the vines entangled around him at all. He could only watch as the layers of vines were tied up, tightly entangled his body, and tied to the ground.

On the other side, Dongli was the same as him, but was tied up by the vines that suddenly appeared in an instant and tied to the ground.

"What is this?"


"Too hard!"

The crazy vines also took care of Rhodes and his group, but in the blink of an eye, Gray and his group were tied up.


At the moment the vines entangled him, Rhodes reacted and dodged the vines. Finally, he stayed in the air with the Moon Step, looking down with a serious face.

This ability seemed familiar, as if it was the ability of the navy in a certain theater version.

And the boss of this theater version...


A sturdy figure suddenly appeared in the air, and with a chuckle, a terrifying heavy blow instantly fell on Rhodes.

Bang! ! !

The black fist like a cannonball even smashed a sonic boom in the air, and hammered Rhodes heavily.

Boom! !

Rhodes' body was instantly knocked away, and with a huge roar, it hit the ground, leaving a huge deep pit.

"Your punch is really powerful! Zephyr!!"

Rod stood up and looked at the purple-haired muscular man who was not far from him.

Former admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Zephyr!

Although he covered his body with domineering aura the moment he was hit, Rod was still severely injured by the previous attack.

"To deal with a young man like me, you, an old man, don't have martial ethics to attack by surprise, but you actually used armed and domineering internal destruction at the moment of taking action. It's too outrageous!"

"It's been too long since I've had a real fight. My punch just now was too light."

After glancing at Rhodes who just spat out a mouthful of blood, Zefa clenched his right fist and said in a deep voice.

In the pirate attack three years ago, almost all his students were killed, leaving only Ain and Binz.

And he himself had his right arm cut off by pirates.

His right hand now has a prosthetic limb installed by the Naval Science Corps.

Although Dr. Vegapunk's skills are very powerful, and the prosthetic limbs he wears do not affect his daily life at all, there are still some inconveniences in battle.

Especially the flow of domineering energy is not as good as his original arm.

However, it would be enough to deal with the pirates in front of us.

He is the former admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the black-armed Zefa!

"Everyone, the rest of the navy will be left to you!"

Rhodes stared at Zefa closely, not daring to relax at all.

"Zefa, let me deal with it!"

"Humph, you really dare to say that, you green-eyed brat!"


Rhodes' eyebrows twitched slightly, anger building in his heart.

"You navy guys really know how to piss me off. Don't mention this damn nickname in front of me again!"


With a sudden step, Rhodes once again left a deep footprint on the ground that was already full of cracks.


Rhodes' body instantly appeared in front of Zefa, with strong domineering energy flowing in his tightly clenched fists.

"Split the sky!!"

boom! !

Zefa's fist also blasted out suddenly. Before their fists collided, a violent impact erupted, and terrifying waves continued to spread to the surroundings.

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