One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 81 The Explosive Duo shows their power, and Dazbonis is defeated

Chapter 81 The explosive duo showed off their power, and Daz Bones was completely defeated.

"Damn it, it's a devil fruit user!"

Seeing the vines that suddenly danced wildly and tied everyone up, Nailu looked ugly.

He possesses the strongest intelligence and domineering power in the team and is also a sniper. He should discover the enemy as soon as possible and take precautions.

However, he relaxed his vigilance because he was too focused on the duel between Dongli and Brockie.

Although he avoided the opponent's vine entanglement at the critical moment, the other companions were trapped.

"Oh my, your reaction is really quick."

A voice suddenly sounded in Nailu's ears, causing his expression to change instantly.

His mind was so confused that he even neglected what he saw, heard and looked like.

Nailu lowered his head, and two thick vines grew out of the ground, only binding his feet.

"But it's useless, this is my home court!"

Nairu raised his head and saw the attacker's face clearly.

This is a man with a slender figure, wearing strange clothes, and a rather strange appearance. He is twisting his body in a strange posture.

“Lush and lush~~”

The vines under his feet continued to grow, tying up Nailu's body bit by bit.

"Give up, I am a person with the ability to grow fruit."

Sensing everyone's struggle, a strange smile appeared on the visitor's face.

"I can control the growth of surrounding plants. It is impossible for you to escape from me on this ancient island full of plants."

The vines are still growing, and they want to completely tie everyone up with their claws and fangs.

"Binz, stop talking nonsense to them and arrest them all quickly."

A girl with short blue hair came out of the woods with a team of marines. She glanced at the people who were tied up and turned to her friends.

"Don't worry, Ain."

Binz glanced at the people who were trapped by him and unable to move.

"There is absolutely no way they can break free from my power."


"Indeed, I can't break free."

Gray gave up resistance instantly. He might as well wait for rescue.

"Too hard!"

Bebo tried his best but couldn't break free from the vines wrapped around his body. He bit down hard, causing his teeth to break and hurt.


Nia looked unwilling.

The role she can play on the ship is getting smaller and smaller. It was the same last time and this time too. She can't help everyone at all.

"It's so uncomfortable..."

Under the squeeze of the vines, Minina felt that her chest was bulging, and she could hardly breathe.

"Former Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Black-armed Zefa!"

The moment she saw Zefa appear, Robin fell into despair, and the deep darkness almost swallowed her whole body.

Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, this has always been an insurmountable mountain that weighs on her heart.

Zefa's appearance once again aroused the fear deep in her heart.

Maybe it would be good to end my life here.

"Hey, Peggy."

"I know, Xia Qi!"

Peijin and Xia Qi were also covered with vines, with only half of their heads exposed. However, their faces were not worried or nervous at all, but were full of excitement.

"Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Black-armed Zefa! This is a legend from the past era!"

"That's right!"

"I am very sure that this moment is the moment for the two of us to emerge and make our voices heard in the world!"


"This is an art that belongs exclusively to us!"

"Art is explosion!" X2

boom! ! !

The explosion roared and flames shot into the sky. The vines generated by Binz's ability were instantly destroyed by the strong explosion.

"I'm sorry, it's your misfortune to meet the two of us."

"Your home court? It's not anymore."

Under the strong explosion, a huge pit appeared on the ground, and all the grass and trees were completely destroyed by the explosion.


Genos pulled off the clothes that were damaged by the explosion, and the injuries caused by the explosion healed in the blink of an eye.

"No, luckily it didn't affect me."

Gray looked at the huge pit not far away, and suddenly felt that it would be good to be tied up by vines. Otherwise, his small body would not be able to withstand the random explosions that Peijin and Xia Qi just made.

"What a fool!"

Luo held Beibo in his hand and appeared not far from Dongli and Brocki.

He had just been looking for the right moment to severely damage the navy and save his comrades in an instant.

Who knew that Peijin and Xia Qi would make such a big noise, and the original sneak attack plan had to be abandoned.

Looking at the few people who had escaped, Ain frowned slightly and looked at the few people who were still tied up because they were far away.

It would probably be more troublesome if we let them escape one by one.


The long sword in his hand was instantly drawn out, Ain dodged in front of Nia and thrust out the long sword in his hand.

"Mote Dust Cutting Blade!"

Daz Bonis' body suddenly rushed out, his arms and fingers all turned into blades, and he stabbed out at Ain.


The horizontal sword blocked Daz Bonis' attack, and Ain's eyes were calm.

Another Devil Fruit user, and someone who was not in the previous information.

A new member of the Rhodes Pirates?

They are really growing at an extremely fast speed.

"You must be a swordsman."

Daz Bones looked at Ain.

"I am the one who eats the Kuaishou Fruit, which can turn my whole body into blades. It is impossible for a swordsman to defeat me!"

"I see, you turned your whole body into a blade, and then cut through the binding vines."

Ain glanced at the broken vines over there.

"But it's just a blade. Do you think it won't be cut off?"

"Destroying Slash!"

Seeing the female marine on the opposite side rushing toward him, Daz Bonis crossed his hands on his chest, and his arms instantly turned into blades, and then he swung out at the opponent.


Silently, the blade cut through Daz Bones' body.


A huge wound penetrated Daz Bonis' body, and blood spurted out.

Daz Bowness was half-kneeling on the ground, his eyes turning gray.

Lost again!

And it's different from before.

The defeat to Genos was due to exhaustion of physical strength, and the defeat to Rhodes was due to absolute power.

The failure this time was a technical failure.

"It's just a blade. If you can't even cut steel, how can you be called a swordsman?"

"I see, swordsman?"

Daz Bonis was slightly stunned. It turned out that the ability he was proud of was that all swordsmen could easily cut off.

What a complete failure!


Turning around again, he blocked Genos's attack with the long sword in his hand. Ain's expression did not change at all.

As someone who had been able to enter the navy's elite class before, she had already entered the realm of swordsman a few years ago.

The group of pirates in front of me have just entered the Grand Line. Except for Captain Rhodes, there is nothing to fear!

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