One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 96 The Golden Giant!

"Golden Bomb!!"

The Tezoro man was flying in the air, and the gold controlled by him finally caught up with him. In an instant, he formed a set of golden armor to cover his body, and then his fist suddenly swung out, and a violent explosion broke out. .

boom! !

A powerful shock wave suddenly erupted, along with scattered fragments, spreading in all directions with Tezolo as the center.

"It's too exaggerated."

Yisheng frowned slightly.

"There are innocent people here."

If the opponent's attack is allowed to spread, most people in this casino may be affected.

Thinking of this, Yisheng took hold of his staff and sword and swung it out suddenly.

Following a lavender halo of light, the fragments that were flying around suddenly stopped, and then slammed to the ground.

"This guy..."

Tezoro took advantage of Rhodes not pursuing him and relied on the power of his golden armor to land on the ground far away and looked at Yisheng with fearful eyes.

What did he just do?

Is it gravity?

Recalling the gold that he had lost control of just now, Tezzolo's eyes flickered.

It wasn't that his control over the gold was lifted, but that it was beyond his control.

This blind man is very strong!

Also with them?

If this is really the case, then the Rhodes Pirates would be too terrifying.

That guy Joker is really being targeted by a difficult character.

"This little brother, you must be a pirate."

After limiting Tezzolo's attack, Yisheng turned his head to Rhodes and looked at Rhodes with his pale eyes.

"Uncle, you are not a navy man."

Rhodes asked rhetorically.

Yisheng was slightly stunned.

"Indeed, I am not a navy."

"You're not a bounty hunter either."


Yisheng shook his head.

"I sometimes do things like a bounty hunter."

Rhodes choked slightly.

He really didn't know that the later general 'Fujitora' also worked part-time as a bounty hunter.

"However, I have no intention of arresting you right now, and I have no intention of interfering with the battle between the two of you."

"It's just that I won't let the surrounding people be affected by the battle between the two and die."

"If you can't do this, let me be your opponent!"

Yisheng held his own staff and sword in his hand, his face was serious, and he exuded a powerful aura, which made Tezoro and Rhodes' expressions become slightly more solemn.

"Really, it looks like the battle can't continue."

Rhodes glanced at the large number of people in the casino.

Although the battle just now was short, the movement was not small.

However, there are only a few people who sense the danger and leave quickly.

There are more gamblers, still sitting in front of the gambling table, as if unaware, still addicted to their gambling.

"But, are such people also within the scope of your protection?"

"Although they are addicted to gambling, they are just ordinary people!"

Yisheng said this with a faint smile on his face.

After hearing this, Rhodes took a deep look at the future general "Fujitora".

Compared to most of the current navy, this one is more in line with Rhodes' understanding of [Justice].

This is a man who insists on "justice full of benevolence and righteousness" and truly cares about the people.

"Bacara, right?"

After a lifetime of intervention, it seemed that the battle could no longer continue, and Rhodes turned his attention to Baccarat.

"Oh my, it's such an honor to get the attention of Blue-Eyed Rhodes, a supernova who has become famous recently."

Baccarat blinked, with an exaggerated smile on his face.

"I don't know what advice you can give me?"

"I like you very much, please join my pirate group."

Rhodes invited directly.

Upon hearing Rhodes' invitation, Baccarat couldn't help but show a hint of astonishment on her face.

She is just a little-known character, so why does she attract the attention of such a pirate?

"You're too arrogant, boy!"

Looking at Rhodes who completely ignored him and recruited his subordinates in front of him, Tezzolo's anger rose in his heart.

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your acquiescence. Come with me."

Completely ignoring Tezzolo, Rhode made the decision for Baccarat without waiting for her to speak.

The [Luck Fruit] ability she possesses is an important ability related to the future development of their pirate group. No matter what the other party thinks, Rhodes has decided to get her even if he uses force!

"You totally pissed me off, kid!"

Being ignored by Rhodes again and again, Tezzolo's anger could no longer be suppressed. With his roar, countless golds poured out from various places in the casino. In the blink of an eye, The entire casino was transformed into a sea of ​​gold.


Yisheng controlled the ground under his feet to float, holding himself in mid-air. Around him, there were also many various things floating.

But even in mid-air, several gamblers climbed onto the gaming table, arguing with each other and preparing to continue their gambling.

Under their feet, a massive amount of gold surged, almost turning the area into a sea of ​​gold. Everything was covered with a layer of gold and became gleaming.

"This is my territory, she is mine, and only I can decide the fate of the people here!"

Accompanied by a roar, a huge, golden giant climbed up from the golden ocean and roared violently at Rhodes who was suspended in the air with the Moon Step.

"How is your Moon Step practice? It's okay to take her away."

Rhodes held Bakara in one hand and turned to look at Nia who was also suspended in the air with the Moon Step.

"Just barely."

Although Nia still didn't understand why Rhodes was so obsessed with this woman, she still took her from Rhodes.

"You are a smart person, don't do unnecessary things."

Giving Bakara in his hand to Nia, Rhodes warned her.

After all, it was a semi-forced invitation, and Rhodes was a little worried that the other party would be smart and do something strange.

"Oh, I'm very good."

Bakara blinked at Rhodes, revealing a charming expression.

"After all, I am lucky. All of this is the most favorable choice made by fate for me."

"Then I am relieved."

Rod suddenly realized.

Her luck has not run out yet.

Now she doesn't have to do anything, everything will develop in her favor.

Whether she eventually joins the Rod Pirates or is snatched back by Tezoro, that is the luckiest result for her.

In this case, there is no need to worry.

Because, the one who will win in this battle must be him!

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