One Piece Food System

Chapter 105 Hawkeye’s sword!

"Sound Blade·Ultimate Slash·Afterglow!"

Leifa jumped up. As he advanced, the sonic lancet in his hand suddenly seemed to change into dozens of swords, slashing or slashing at 'Eagle Eye' from different directions and angles. , or attack and kill with a stab!

"Did the extreme speed create the illusion of multiple attacks..." 'Eagle Eye' saw this scene and did not dare to be careless. Dozens of illusory sword lights that came with the thunder method flashed in his eyes. Each one The sword lights seemed real and illusory, and it was completely impossible to tell which sword light was real and which one was fake.

Since you can’t tell the difference…then there’s no need to tell the difference!

The sword in 'Eagle Eye''s hand suddenly spun and turned into a blooming flower!

"Sword Lotus!!"

The sword in the hand is like a lotus blooming, starting from the palm of the hand and blooming in all directions!

Lei Fa's sword light came like raindrops, but the sword lotus in 'Eagle Eye''s hand was like an umbrella, blocking every raindrop from the outside and preventing it from falling in at all.

"Breaking Wind Cross Slash!"

Seeing that Lei Fa missed his move, he didn't panic. He backed away slightly and pressed towards the 'Eagle Eye' again.

It's just that this time, the sonic lancets in his hand are no longer as densely packed as before, but naturally it can't be a useless move that allows him to use it against 'Eagle Eye'.

But he saw a criss-cross shadow appearing directly in front of him. In the center of the shadow, which was the intersection of the cross, there was a half-nihilistic sharp knife light heading towards 'Eagle Eye'!

This blow was very strange.

A cut is not like a chop, and a stab is not a stab. If you use your eyes to judge, you can't even see from which angle this blow came, because it is too fast and too tricky!

This is also the first time that 'Eagle Eye' has seen such a weird sword skill. Even with his experience in swordsmanship, he can't remember any swordsmanship that has similar weirdness to it.

"The sword collapses and the sky is in chaos!"

Seeing that he could not use the most suitable way to deal with this move, 'Eagle Eye' fortunately no longer considered which move was suitable, just like using the sword lotus to block all sword shadows before, as long as it could achieve the purpose of defense.

The sword in the hand of 'Eagle Eye' suddenly spun in his hand, and launched a giant airflow-like attack, which in one fell swoop offset the thunder method's attack in mid-air.

The two passive defenses made 'Eagle Eye' more courageous as he fought. His strength was already stronger than Lei Fa's, and he only wanted to see Lei Fa's sword skills because he only defended rather than attacked.

But it has to be said that the weirdness and speed of Lei Fa's sword skills have exceeded his expectations, and even inspired his strong fighting spirit!

He couldn't bear it anymore and took the initiative to attack!

"Take my sword... split the sea!"

The sword in the hand of 'Eagle Eye' suddenly moved from top to bottom, striking out a simple and simple blow. However, such a simple sword had a stronger momentum than Leifa's previous two swords combined!

"What a terrifying sword intent!" Dorag, who was watching the battle not far away, was also moved by it.

Lei Fa's weird yet extremely fast sword skills had already amazed him. Although he was still stronger than the two of them, in terms of swordsmanship alone, whether it was Lei Fa or 'Eagle Eye' , far better than him.

The simple and unpretentious sword struck by 'Eagle Eye' now has demonstrated his profound attainments in the art of swordsmanship. It is like a return to nature!

This sword, even if the target is changed to him, it will be a bit difficult to follow.

If Leifa still used the same blocking method to defend, he would probably suffer a big loss from this sword.

Lei Fa himself also saw this. He gave up the idea of ​​using the sonic lancet to defend himself, and instead directly propped up a defensive layer in front of him——

Infinite stomach wall! !

A 'stomach' made of energy membrane appeared on the path that the sword light must pass through, firmly withstanding the simple blow of 'Eagle Eye'!

One year before going to the 'Shulin Temple' to practice, Lei Fa had used his infinite stomach wall to block the angry palm of the 'Fish Giant' Sebastian. Strictly speaking, Sebastian's strength was stronger than it is now. Hawkeye's, but the swordsman's attack is more lethal.

Therefore, in summary, the sword of 'Eagle Eye' is slightly more lethal than Sebastian's attack.

Leifa was not able to completely block Sebastian with his infinite stomach wall, but his year at the 'Shulin Temple' was not in vain, and his strength had already risen to a higher level than before.

Therefore, the defense and ablation power of the infinite stomach wall becomes more and more powerful.

He actually blocked the simple sword of ‘Eagle Eye’!

"Stop!" As soon as he blocked it, Lei Fa immediately shouted to stop.

Because when he used the infinite stomach wall, the battle between the two went beyond the scope of swordsmanship. Although sword skills are not all of his strength, and he still has a big killing weapon like the 'Shimi' that he has yet to use, don't forget that the sword just now was not the full blow of 'Eagle Eye'!

"I was reckless..." 'Eagle Eye' had calmed down from his heated state at this time. After sheathing his sword, he walked over, "My sword intention was ignited by your sword skills, and I couldn't help it. I just hit you like that, so please don’t be offended.”

The strength of 'Eagle Eye' is higher than that of Lei Fa. Therefore, when he approached Lei Fa to offer a spar, it was natural that the focus should be on skills.

Even if they really fight, they should use the same level of strength.

But just now he was attacked by Lei Fa and couldn't help but fight with all his strength. He forgot to stop for a moment. If Lei Fa hadn't had defensive means, he would have been injured by him just now. This is not in line with the etiquette of swordsmanship. .

When a weaker party challenges a stronger party, the stronger party naturally doesn't have to worry about anything, but if it's the other way around, it will be completely different.

"It's okay, you didn't mean it." Refa waved his hand nonchalantly.

"But your defensive methods are also very powerful. The sword I just struck was enough to cut through the sea. Even a big pirate couldn't easily block this sword..." said 'Eagle Eye'.

"It's just a small trick, not worth mentioning." Refa shook his head and smiled.

"In addition, your sword skills are the fastest I have ever seen. If we simply compare speed, my sword is not as fast as yours." 'Eagle Eye' concluded, "But your power still needs to be strengthened. Weird If you have more than enough, you won’t be able to do enough damage, and you will suffer a lot when you fight the weak against the strong.”

"Thanks for the advice." Lei Fa said seriously after hearing this.

With 'Eagle Eye''s swordsmanship achievements, there is no problem in giving him guidance.

Moreover, he understood that the character of 'Eagle Eye' was so straightforward, and he was not criticizing him because he had won. It was purely a summary of the nature of the discussion.

ps: Seventh update, I will eat first and continue after eating. There are still three more updates to go! (To be continued.)

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