One Piece Food System

Chapter 126 Transformation!

"Weihahahaha, come on, cheers!"

In the largest camp of bandits and rebels, a giant man with purple hair and a purple beard who looked more than three meters tall was eating meat and drinking wine with his men.

"Boss, when will we withdraw?" one of his men asked.

"Withdraw? Why are you withdrawing? Isn't this a bad place?" Basas took a bite of the charcoal-grilled animal leg in his hand and said, "There are things to eat, drinks, and women to play with. People are sent here automatically, this is heaven! Why are you in such a hurry to withdraw?"

"That's true, but we assassinated a king. This kind of thing is no joke. If the navy arrives, we will be finished." His subordinates said worriedly.

"I'm not afraid, what the hell are you afraid of?" Bassas didn't care. Since this matter was of great importance, in order not to leak the information, he did not tell his subordinates some of the inside story.

Therefore, the subordinates did not know who the employer was behind this incident.

But if others don’t know it, how can Bashas himself not know it? The person who hired him to take action was one of the spokespersons of that group of high-ranking world nobles.

If not, how could he dare to assassinate a king at will, and then stay on the island so openly after the killing, instead of fleeing immediately? The reason why he dared to do this was precisely because the person who hired him had promised him that the navy would not come to hunt them down because of this.

That's why he dared to conquer the bandits and rebels on the island in such a big way and made them his subordinates.

Anyway, according to the employer's request, as long as the royal family of Alabasta is not completely wiped out, the rest is casual.

However, just when Basas was having a revelry with his men.

Suddenly there was a thunderous sound above the head, shaking the top of the camp.

"Where is Bashas? Come out and die!"

"Seeking death!" This voice immediately angered Basas. He already had a hot temper, so he couldn't bear it. He stood up, kicked over the table, and rushed outside.

Several of his subordinates quickly followed.

"Did you kill King Edmund?" Bashas's image was very easy to recognize. Refa recognized him immediately and looked at him coldly and asked.

"Did you just ask me to come out to lead you to death?"

Bashas didn't bother to answer Refa's question, but asked angrily.

"If you don't answer, it seems that's it..." Refa jumped off of 'Diandian' and looked at Bashas, ​​"Yes, I asked you to come out to lead the death. Are you ready?"

"You should die for me first!"

Bashas is not a good-tempered person. Before Leifa could attack, he had already rushed towards Leifa!

Fluctuating elbow strike——! !

His right arm swept towards Leifa, and a violent shock wave came out of the hole in the steel arm armor and swept towards Leifa!

"Infinite stomach wall!"

To deal with this kind of attack, Lei Fa has no pressure at all, because the infinite stomach wall is best at defending against this kind of wave attack, and can completely dissolve it and swallow it!

Seeing that the move didn't work, Bassas realized that Refa indeed had two brushes. His feet accelerated again, and his whole body suddenly spun.

This time, a fierce jet of air came out of the steel arm armor, accelerating the rotation of his whole body, like a huge top, and rolled towards Lei Fa!

Iron-armed top! !

The spinning Basas actually rolled up all the yellow sand scattered around him. With himself as the center, he transformed into a tornado of yellow sand and crushed it towards Leifa!

"Sound Blade..."

Lei Fa moved slowly, and the cyan sonic lancet appeared in his hand again.

"The Ultimate Slash..."

Raise your sword and gather your strength.


Buzz——! ! !

There was a trembling sound of cicada wings in the air, a bit harsh, but not intense.

The cyan sonic lancet in Lei Fa's hand had disappeared into his palm. He stood there quietly, looking at the dust tornado rolling towards him indifferently, without any intention of evading.

No one understood what happened. They just thought that Lei Fa was so frightened by this scene that he even forgot to dodge.

However, the next moment, just when the sand tornado was about to roll in front of him, it suddenly stopped——


The dust dispersed, and Bashas inside had stopped spinning. On his face, there was only fear and a hint of disbelief!

"You... when... how could it happen?"

The expressions of Basas's men at this time were exactly the same as his.

Because standing nearby, they could see the extremely terrifying scene more clearly!

From the head down to the waist up, there are only white bones left in Bashas!

His lower body and head were intact, but the upper body connecting the two parts had no trace of flesh and blood, as if it had disappeared in an instant...

"Be your fighting champion in the next life, and stop being trash." Refa said calmly.

But Bassas could no longer answer him at this time, because the moment he found that only bones were left in his upper body, everything was over!


Bashas fell down.

The future captain of the first team of the Blackbeard Pirates died here.

This is also the first "plot character" that Lei Fa has killed. Previously, no matter what butterfly effect his arrival caused, it is fundamentally unclear whether it will affect the future trend.

But from the moment he killed Basas, if nothing else, at least the Blackbeard Pirates would no longer go the same way as the original world.

Refa has always been reluctant to change the original direction of the world too much because he was afraid that everything would develop in an unpredictable direction. But with Bashas's death, he realized that he had been thinking too much.

The unknown is unknown. As long as the strength is strong enough, no matter what changes occur, it doesn't matter.

"You should also go and accompany him."

When Refa came back to his senses, he looked at several of Bashas' men.

After seeing their boss being killed so easily by the young man in front of them, they didn't dare to resist. They immediately began to flee for their lives, hoping that Leifa would chase the others.

This time is obviously not the time to talk about loyalty.

"Why bother..." Leifa's feet flashed, and the person disappeared from the spot.

shave--! !

Almost at the same time, all four of Basas's men fell to the ground. The bandits and rebels who were watching in horror from a distance could not even tell who fell to the ground first and who fell last.

Wow... Wow...

The bandits and rebels fell to their knees!

How could they, who were unable to resist even Bashas, ​​dare to fight against such a terrifying young man who killed Bashas with just one knife!

When Ikarim arrived with the remaining two-thirds of the escort, he happened to see this spectacular scene. In this base camp of sand bandits and rebels, thousands of sand bandits and rebels gathered together They all knelt down in front of one person and fell to the ground. No one dared to make any sound... (To be continued.)

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