One Piece Food System

Chapter 137 Everyone Shows Their Magical Powers

When the passenger ship was stopped, several people in the cabin where a buffet lunch was being held suddenly couldn't sit still and began to communicate privately.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

"Find a place to hide. The navy will not stop a passenger ship for no reason. I have reason to believe that they are coming specifically for us... First, spread out and find a place to hide. Don't meet each other. There are too many people here." He will become a target of search and should not stay for a long time.”

"But if we spread out, wouldn't we be too weak if we encounter the navy?"

"Don't think about a head-on confrontation. Although I don't know who the people are, they must know who the target is. According to the Navy's code of conduct, they will not fight an unprepared battle."

"Okay, then I'll listen to you, boss. Let's find a place to hide."

"Also, remember, even if you are caught, you will never be able to tell anyone else. If anyone dares to betray his brother, the rest will be punished together!"


After a brief exchange, several figures in different costumes quietly left from different directions, and their departure times were slightly staggered to ensure that they would not bump into each other.

A few minutes later, a man in blue walking to the stern of the passenger ship suddenly stopped.

Because on the way he was moving forward, there was a muscular man more than three meters tall standing there, holding his hands on his chest, and said to him calmly, "Do you want to be captured by yourself, or do I beat you until your mother can't even think about it?" Get to know you and then arrest you, choose one?"

The man in blue answered this question with his actions.

"Let me throw you into the sea!!"

But he suddenly slapped his chest violently, and then his figure continued to grow until he turned into a gorilla that was taller than the muscular man opposite him.

"Do you still want to beat me up now?" the man in blue turned into a gorilla said with a ferocious smile.

"Why not?" The muscular man opposite also suddenly transformed, and his body size also increased by one size, turning into a giant orc with a rhinoceros upper body and a human lower body!

The most eye-catching thing is that the rhinoceros horn on his forehead looks like a giant horn made of gold, shining brightly in the sun!

"Golden-horned rhinoceros...'Barbarian Tooth' Kuif?!!"

The gorilla transformed by the man in blue shouted in shock and anger.

He recognized the identity of the muscular man opposite him from the change, and at the same time he also realized that this time it might be bad!

Unexpectedly, the one who came to hunt them this time was actually the 'violent wolf'!

Since 'Barbarian Fang' has appeared, then 'Fantasy Fang' and 'Shadow Fang' must be on the ship at this moment, and if 'Three Fangs of the Violent Wolf' will appear here, then the 'Violent Wolf' must also be nearby...

"It's over." The gorilla lost its fighting spirit.

However, Kuif on the opposite side didn't intend to let him go. He roared and rushed towards him, violently knocking him to the ground, and then gave him a fat beating!

On the other side, a bald man who was also looking for a hiding place was suddenly startled when someone pulled the corner of his clothes from behind.

When he looked back, he realized that the person holding up his clothes was a cute girl who looked like she was holding an umbrella. The cute girl asked him pitifully, "Uncle, I'm lost. Can you take me to find him?" Brother, he must be looking for someone everywhere now..."

The words of the girl holding an umbrella made the bald man feel slightly excited.

If this were the case in the past, he would definitely not mind having a good 'chat' with this little sister. If possible, he would take her to see a goldfish, eat a lollipop or something.

But now people from the Navy were probably searching for him everywhere. At this time, he was completely in no mood to play goldfish games with the girl, so he immediately refused, "I am very busy now and have no time, so you should find someone else. "

"Don't be so heartless, uncle. If you are willing to help others, they will repay you well." The girl said in a coquettish tone.

"Repay her well? How do you plan to repay her?" The bald man heard something hidden in the girl's words, which immediately made him feel itchy.

"I want you to have a beautiful dream, in which you become an invincible and powerful man, have a lot of wives and concubines, and have endless wealth. How about it?" the girl said with a smile.

The girl's unusual words made the bald man suddenly feel vigilant.


"Then, I wish your dream will come true~~~" The girl didn't wait for the bald man to finish speaking, and suddenly she leaned on her shoulder and started to turn.

The cartoon pattern painted on the umbrella, after being rotated, becomes like a comic strip, with a little rabbit running quickly around the edge of the umbrella.

The bald man's eyes were immediately attracted. In his eyes, the running little rabbit was running faster and faster—

Three seconds later, the bald man's eyes became dull.

Seeing this scene, the girl nodded with satisfaction, then walked back with an umbrella, while the bald man followed her with blank eyes and said nothing.

At the same moment, at the bottom of the cabin, a man dressed as a wealthy businessman just stepped down and saw someone already lying on the ground.

When he took a closer look, a storm suddenly arose in his heart!

Because the person lying on the ground was an accomplice with whom he had just parted ways. And he is the leader of this group of people, and it was he who just made the decision to separate and hide.

But he never expected that just after they separated, one of his accomplices would already have an accident.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

"It's okay, it's okay. I just need to pretend to be panicked normally. The other party may not know my identity..." The man who looked like a wealthy businessman comforted himself quickly in his heart.

"Your men resisted and were knocked unconscious by me. Do you want to do the same to him?"

Just as he was comforting himself, a strange voice suddenly appeared in his ears, startling him, because he could see very clearly that in addition to himself, there were also people lying on the ground who had fainted. There is absolutely no third person besides my subordinates!

So where did that sound come from just now?

"Who?!" The man who looked like a wealthy businessman asked in surprise.

"I'm standing right in front of you." The strange voice said again.

After being reminded by this voice, the man who looked like a wealthy businessman rubbed his eyes and looked straight ahead. Sure enough, he seemed to see a figure standing next to his fainted subordinate.

He subconsciously took a step back, feeling shocked.

However, the next moment, the figure disappeared in front of his eyes!

"Who are you!? Come out here!" The man who looked like a wealthy businessman was horrified by this scene, and he shouted out of control.

"Didn't I say, I'm right in front of you." The voice said again.


The man who looked like a wealthy businessman took another closer look, and sure enough he saw the figure appearing next to his fainted subordinate again, looking at him.

But this scene only lasted for a moment. The next second, the trace of the figure was lost in his eyes again! (To be continued.)

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