One Piece Food System

Chapter 145 Small Island

"Yes, if that's the case, why did he admit defeat? Even if you, boss, can use your secret skills to burst out a combat power that is not weaker than his in a short time, he has not been defeated, right? Even if he doesn't know the boss You rely on secret techniques to increase your strength, so you don't have to surrender directly." Tiffany's thoughts coincided with Quaif's for once.

"You have to ask him about this..." Refa said with a smile.

"Um, by the way, what about the others?" Kuif asked.

"We will meet him after this is over, otherwise we will not be able to explain to the World Government... After all, even if he is willing to surrender, the World Government and the Navy are willing to accept it, and they will not be able to arrange him to I’m here, right?” Refa said.

"That's true." Kuif thought for a moment and nodded.

Indeed, no matter how famous Refa is, he is still just a branch colonel at best, and at most a mid-level personnel in the navy. A genius scientist like Hercules, even if the navy and the world government are willing to accept him, can't accept him. He won't be allowed to follow Refa.

Therefore, if Leifa wanted to subdue it, he could only use other small means.

In the evening, when the sun was almost completely setting, the fourth branch of the 'Germa Group' was finally completely wiped out.

Leifa and the others no longer needed to cover here, so they retreated first.

During the retreat, Leifa asked the remaining five warships to return to the 'G-5 Branch' first, while he and his men rushed towards the place previously agreed with Hercules.

This is not the first time that Lei Fa has behaved like this. People in the 'g-5 branch' have long been accustomed to it and have no objections.

By night, Refa had led his men to a small island not too far from the fourth branch of the 'Germa Group'. This small island looks completely deserted, and it's not that big. It's obvious at first glance that no one lives there.

On the warship, Kuif, who saw the small island, couldn't help but ask, "Boss, are you sure you weren't fooled by that kid? He couldn't be lying to you..."

"No hurry, look."

Lefa pointed in the direction of the island.

Quaif didn't understand what Refa was letting him see, but he understood the next moment.

Just when Lei Fa finished speaking, the island facing the direction of Lei Fa and the others suddenly shook, and a channel was opened that was large enough for warships to pass through.


Lefa waved his hand over there and signaled his men to drive the ship over there.

After a while, the warship had magically entered the middle area of ​​the island along the channel. After bypassing a small hill, a huge black cave appeared in front of it.

When Leifa and the others approached, lights suddenly lit up in the cave, illuminating the cave.

But I saw that this cave is actually a small port. Both the left and right sides can be used to dock ships. Even ships as big as navy warships are not crowded here.

On the platform on the left side of the cave's port, a gentle man wearing triangular glasses stood smiling, waiting for the arrival of Refa and the others.

"Welcome everyone, this is the first time we meet, please give me some advice." When Refa and the others jumped off the ship and also came to the platforms on both sides of the port, Hercules greeted the three of Kuif very politely, and then said to Lefa said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, and finally I'm here."

"I had a mission before, so I was delayed." Refa said with a smile.

"Let's go and sit down for a while. Let's talk while drinking." Hercules said.

"That's okay... Well, Kuif, go and explain to them and let them move around on their own on the ship." Lefa nodded and then said to Kuif.

"Yes." Kuif responded.

Arriving at this private base of Hercules, Refa discovered that everything here looked extremely 'modern', giving him a sense of technology that far exceeded the level of technology in this world. In some aspects, it was even better than the previous two lives. The eleventh century looks even more 'futuristic'.

For example, robots with rudimentary intelligence can be said to be everywhere in this base, and some of the most basic tasks are completed by these robots.

Including the tea and drinks that Refa and the others drank were the same.

After sitting down, Hercules immediately looked at Logut, "You are the 'Shadow Fang' Logut, one of the three most powerful fangs under the boss, right? You saved someone from me before, and I was completely I didn’t realize it at all, it’s such a powerful ability…”

Previously in the Fourth Division, Hercules fought against the three powerful men of the World Government alone, and finally defeated the three who beat them one against three. If Logut hadn't suddenly appeared and rescued them all, There was no guarantee that any of the three would survive there.

Because of this, Hercules was very curious about Logut, a guy who had rescued people twice under his nose without him noticing.

"Well, it's me." Logut was still very polite to his own people and responded briefly.

"I hope to learn more about your abilities when I have the opportunity in the future. It's such a wonderful feeling." Hercules did not shy away from his thoughts and said whatever came to mind.

"Boss, I've already given the order."

While Hercules was talking to Logut, Quaife had already caught up.

"Okay, I got it." Refa gestured for him to sit down too, then turned sideways and looked at Hercules and asked, "By the way, why do I feel like you don't seem to care much about what happened to the 'Germa Group'? "

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"Why do you care?" Hercules looked at Refa with a somewhat surprised look.

"After today, the 'Germa Group' should no longer exist in the world. Don't you feel a little bit sad, angry or unwilling?" Refa said with a strange expression.

"I think boss, you may have misunderstood something. The 'Germa Group' is not a force in the form of the Navy or the Pirates. Neither I, Vegapunk, nor I belong to the 'Gelma Group.' "No one is loyal to anyone. It is just an interest group formed to facilitate research. Strictly speaking, we are not even its employees."

Hercules explained, "Perhaps the grassroots personnel and founders will feel sad or even hateful about the destruction of the 'Germa Group', but we scientists don't have much thought about it... Take a boss An example that is easier for you to understand is, if the 'Bounty Hunters Guild' is suddenly destroyed by the World Government, will you hate the World Government for this?"

"Is this so?"

Only then did Lei Fa realize that he had indeed gone astray.

If the 'Whitebeard Pirates' were destroyed, its members would definitely be saddened by this, and would even become sworn enemies of the Navy. However, the 'Germa Group' is not a pirate group, not even a pirate group. Organizations with a common ambition.

Just like bounty hunters join the 'Bounty Hunters Guild' just to get information about bounty criminals and make money, Hercules and the others join the 'Germa Group' just because it will be convenient for them to do scientific research, but it does not Representatives really think they are part of this group.

Therefore, whether it is sadness or anger, it is simply impossible to talk about it. (To be continued.)

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