One Piece Food System

Chapter 171 Above the sky!

Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly like a shuttle.

Ordinary days always pass extremely quickly.

Since the destruction of the 'Germa Group' and the commotion in the Holy Land Mariejoia, the sea has been peaceful for a long time. Of course, this is only a relative term.

With the advent of the "Great Pirate Age", there are naturally many more incidents on the sea than before, but big events like the first two that shocked the entire sea cannot happen every day.

In the blink of an eye, another two years have passed.

In the past two years, 'Bad Wolf' Leifa has continued to maintain his evil reputation, killing countless pirates and criminals with bounties on them. At the same time, as the minions of the 'Broken Wolf', the three of Kuif also made great contributions. When Refa was finally promoted to 'Brigadier General', all three of them had become lieutenant colonels.

Hercules didn't deliberately try to gain much fame. This was probably because he didn't like the limelight. As a scientist, he spent most of his time on scientific research.

In addition, through his unremitting efforts and Refana's various ideas from the 21st century, the Harmony has become more and more incredible.

However, in Refa's eyes, this kind of life is still too ordinary.

The first half of the Grand Line, over Gaya Island.

After a violent lift-off, as the rising currents dispersed, the Harmony stopped in a sea of ​​white clouds. Everyone on board was in extreme shock.

Even Lei Fa, who actively planned to come here, is no exception!

"Is this... the White Sea?" Looking at this endless ocean of clouds, Lei Fa was deeply shocked.

The kingdom above the clouds is not really in line with the 'scientific view', but it actually exists here. Facts speak louder than words!

"I didn't expect what you said, boss, is actually true..." Hercules was particularly excited.

He felt like the blood all over his body was boiling at something that was beyond his imagination.

Sanya was also very excited, and the rest of his subordinates also ran out of the cabin and looked at the new world from all directions on the deck.

"This is just the White Sea. Above this, there is a sea of ​​clouds called the White Sea. There are still many aborigines of this empty island living there." Leifa pointed upward.

"Still up there? Boss, is the place you want to go up here?" Kuif asked.

"No, the place we are going to is called Bika, but if we want to find where Bika is, we have to ask someone." Refa shook his head.

"How should we go up? There is also an upwelling current here?" Hercules asked.

"There is a passage between here and above. Let me confirm the direction." Leifa said, jumping out of the Harmony and arriving on the White Sea.

However, the buoyancy of the White Sea is even smaller than that of the sea below. It is absolutely impossible for him to stand directly on it, but this does not trouble him.

"Sound wall——"

A square barrier appeared under Leifa's feet.

He put one hand on the white sea and immediately activated the echo sound wave detection!

After about a minute, he took back his hand, jumped back on the boat and pointed in one direction, "Sail that way."

Hercules nodded, but without seeing any movement from him, the entire Harmony had already moved and headed in the direction pointed by Refa.

After two years of transformation and upgrading, Hercules can now easily control the ship on his own. With his ability, it only takes a thought, which is very convenient.

"Speaking of which, boss, why do you know so much about this place? Have you ever been here?"

"I've heard people talk about this place." Refa smiled.

"This is really a magical place." Hercules sighed again.

While Lefa and Hercules were chatting, Logut suddenly looked to the left front of the Harmony and said, "Who is it? Come out!"

"Huh?" Lefa was chatting with Hercules and didn't pay attention to his surroundings. After Luogute said this, he discovered something fishy.

In the white sea around the Harmony, there was something vaguely moving through the white sea through the cover of the clouds, as if semi-invisible.

However, this was still too obvious to Logut, an expert in disappearing, so he immediately discovered something fishy.

Hercules and Quave soon discovered that there were people around them.


There was a sound of gunfire, and a fireball emerged from the white sea and shot towards the Harmony.

"Boring." Logut raised his hand in the direction of the fireball.

The next moment, the fireball disappeared halfway!

"Can your 'Invisible Fruit' be activated through the air..." Lei Fa's eyes lit up.

"I just mastered it not long ago, and I haven't had a chance to try it out." Luogute showed a rare smile.

While Logut was speaking, a man on a skateboard, carrying a cannon barrel, and wearing a ghost mask appeared on the White Sea, gliding around the Harmony at high speed.

"Pretending to be a ghost." Kuif couldn't bear his temper anymore.

He leaped into the air, and walked towards the direction of the ghost-faced man as if he was flying!

The ghost-faced man seemed to be suddenly shocked when he saw this scene.

However, Kuif will not let him go just because he is distracted. There is no need to talk about kindness and morality when dealing with enemies.

"Get the fuck over here!"

Kuif appeared not far in front of the Ghost-Faced Man and grabbed him.

Because he was wearing a mask, he couldn't see clearly what the Ghost-Faced Man's expression was, but he could guess from the slight tremor in his body that he must have been shocked by Kuif's skill!

When Kuif grabbed him with a grim smile, the Ghostfaced Man's reaction was not too slow. He turned the barrel with his backhand and fired at Kuif!


Not wanting to waste time trying to dodge, Kuif transformed directly into the half-golden-horned rhinoceros form, resisted the fireball attack with his body, and at the same time grabbed the ghost-faced man!

"Caught you!" Kuif smiled ferociously.

The fireball hit him, leaving only a black spot but no other manifestations.


Kuif returned to the Harmony and threw the Ghostface directly on the deck.

"Shock Bay!"

As soon as the Ghost-Faced Man regained his freedom, he suddenly raised his right hand and opened it in the direction of Kuif. In his palm, a red conch clung to it, sending a huge impact towards Kuif.

"Sound wall——"

Refa snapped his fingers and easily blocked the blow.

"what's the situation?"

The ghost-faced man was shocked beyond words when he saw that Shockbei's attack was inexplicably neutralized. He immediately wanted to turn around and run away, but he was still a step too slow.

Seeing this, Hercules lightly stamped his feet, and saw four iron rings suddenly appeared on the deck, tying the limbs of the Ghostfaced Man tightly to the deck.

Refa took two steps forward and squatted down, taking off the mask on the Ghostfaced Man's face, revealing a young face. (To be continued.)

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