One Piece Food System

Chapter 174 God’s Judgment!

"Didn't I say that after these four people are solved, the guy called 'God' will appear? Why hasn't he appeared yet?" Tiffany asked with a smile.

"He's already here, look -" Lefa pointed to a treetop not far away.

After Lefa said this, everyone on the boat looked over there.

But on the treetop pointed by Lefa, a young man with a white turban, extremely long earlobes, and a big drum with three magatama paintings on his back was sitting cross-legged on the treetop, tilting his head with a curious look on his face. Looking at the group of people on the 'Harmony'.

"Enilu?" Refa asked.

"You are very courageous to call me by my god's name... from Qinghai." The young man carrying the drum said with an evil smile.

"Your men have all been eliminated, shouldn't you express your anger?" Refa did not follow Enelu's topic, but changed the subject.

"It's just a few servants, just deal with it. Now, I'm more curious about what do you Qinghai people want to do when you come here? It's been a long time since I've encountered such an interesting thing. It's boring. Life..." Enelu looked at Refa and the others with interest.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you, you will know sooner or later anyway." Refa was too lazy to go around in circles with Enelu and said bluntly, "There are two main reasons for coming here this time. The first thing is to inform you. I'm afraid the owner of this empty island will change in the future..."

"The second thing is to ask you by the way if you are willing to hang out with me. Well, let me introduce myself first. My name is Leifa, the Commodore of the Navy's G-5 Branch." Leifa said with a faint smile.

"Huh? You want to take this empty island from me?" Enelu thought he heard wrongly and asked again.

"Well, that's right if you understand it that way."

Refa nodded and confirmed what Enelu said.

"You still want me to be your subordinate?" Enelu continued to ask.

"Not bad." Refa smiled and nodded.


Enelu suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

He laughed and patted his legs in an exaggerated manner, almost crying tears of laughter.

"Is it funny?" Lefa didn't get angry, he just shook his head and asked with a smile.

"What do you think?" Enilu's smile suddenly faded, and he looked at Di Lin with murderous eyes, "Do you think you can challenge me by solving those four trashes? Stupid mortal..."

"Actually, I always thought you were playing this 'god' trick because you were bored, but it wasn't until I met you that I discovered that you didn't seem to be joking, but really thought of yourself as a 'god'? "Refa looked at Enelu with some pity in his eyes.

"Stupid mortal, you don't seem to understand who you are talking to!" Refa's eyes made Enel a little annoyed.

"You are a natural-type 'Thunder Fruit' ability user, right?" Lei Fa suddenly asked.

"What do you want to express?" Enel said coldly.

"Actually, you're not the first natural Devil Fruit user I've seen. To be honest, the natural Devil Fruit ability is really amazing. With a little development, you can have many terrifying things that other Devil Fruit users can't have in their entire lives. Strength... But this is not the reason for you to sit in a well and watch the sky. Do you really think that the natural system is invincible?" Refa looked at Enelu with pity.

"You have made rude remarks over and over again. It seems that I need to let you understand what is called the power of 'god'. Only then will you know how to be in awe." The anger in Enelu's eyes was almost uncontrollable, and his tone was also It was extremely cold.

But he saw his right hand suddenly raised in the direction of Lei Fa, and then fell quickly!

"God's sanction!!!"

Enel's voice came from far away.

A lightning pillar nearly ten meters thick suddenly fell from the sky and struck the Harmony fiercely!

"not good!!"

On the Harmony, the Sandian Webb was shocked, but with his speed, he had no time to dodge. How could he be faster than Thunder?

He subconsciously put his hands above his head.

However, he waited for a moment and didn't feel that he was struck by lightning.

Looking up, he saw that the thunder pillar had not completely fallen. When it was still more than ten meters away from the Harmony, it was blocked by a layer of sapphire blue light, preventing it from advancing any further!


A few seconds later, when the thunder column dispersed, Lei Fa and his party were still standing on the deck intact and unscathed.

"You actually got him out." On the deck, Refa looked at Hercules.

"Although it was a bit troublesome, after your suggestion, boss, I spent half a year and finally got this 'anti-laser energy protective shield' out." Hercules smiled.

"It seems that I can give 'Kizaru' a big surprise in the future... I just don't know how long it can last under this kind of attack." Leifa touched his chin and smiled.

"With the power source on the ship, an attack like the one just now would not be able to break through the defense even if it were repeated hundreds of times." Hercules explained.

On the deck, Weber lying on the ground stared at this scene in shock.

When the thunder pillar struck down just now, he was already in despair!

Because he had seen with his own eyes the power of the ‘God’s Judgment’ issued by Enel, which was a power that made it impossible for people to resist!

The combat system on Sky Island is mostly based on simple physical skills and the use of various shells. Generally speaking, it still relies on the power of weapons, but the power of Enelu is completely different. It seems The god-like power of thunder and lightning is simply despairing!

The strength of these people in front of them is indeed very strong, Weber admitted this, because neither he nor the four priests have much power to resist these Qinghai people in front of them.

But compared with Enel's exaggerated thunder and lightning power, Weber still felt that Enel was more powerful. Although he hated Enel extremely, he had to admit this.

However, the reality seems not to be exactly what he thought...

"These people can actually block the 'God's Judgment'!"

On the treetop not far away, Enilu was also shocked. This was the first time since he ate the ‘Thunder Fruit’ that he saw someone blocking his attack!

Before that, no matter what kind of enemy he was, no matter how many enemies there were, it made no difference to Enelu, because no one could block his attack, and no one could hurt him even a hair. It was precisely because In this way, he gradually regarded himself as a god!

But the arrogant Qinghai people in front of him can actually block his attack? !

"No wonder you dare to be so arrogant. It turns out you are quite capable." After the shock passed, Enilu couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Yeah, hahahaha, it's so interesting. I haven't encountered such an interesting thing in a long time. I I have almost forgotten the feeling of surprise..." (To be continued.)

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