One Piece Food System

Chapter 177 Conquering Enelu

"It's useless, don't make unnecessary attempts." Leifa hung high in the sky and looked directly at the thunder giant and said, "For you, the 'Thunder Fruit' is like a pistol. The pistol can indeed kill people, but your His shooting skills are so bad that he can't even touch the corner of my clothes..."

"That's nonsense!!"

The thunder giant roared, and a thunder gun appeared in his hand, and it pierced toward the location of the thunder method!

Refa's feet bounced slightly and he had already dodged the blow, and continued, "If you want to continue to verify this, I don't mind waiting a little longer -"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Thunder was rolling on [Island of Gods], and the forest was already engulfed in a sea of ​​fire. Enelu, who transformed into a thunder giant, used almost all his strength to launch continuous attacks on Leifa!

But no matter how he attacks, Leifa can always dodge easily. The speed he is proud of seems to become a joke in front of Leifa...

When this wave of continuous attacks passed, it was already more than half an hour later.

Refa looked at Enelu who was still attacking like a madman, frowned and said, "I've given you time to recognize the truth, haven't you woke up yet?"

"Death! Die! Die! Insignificant mortals, turn into dust!!"

The thunder giant's voice rumbles!

"It seems that I need to help you before you can really wake up." Refa shook his head.


When the thunder and lightning giant slapped Lei Fa with another palm, Lei Fa suddenly disappeared!

"What else are you going to do besides run, damn bug?!!"

When the Thunder Giant discovered that Lei Fa had disappeared from his sight again, he roared angrily and looked around, trying to find Lei Fa's whereabouts again!

"Run? I'm not running, I'm just helping you recognize yourself..." The thunder giant noticed that Lei Fa's voice came from behind his ears, and he immediately turned around and launched an attack!

But his movements were already a step slower——

“Calorie glutton·Fully open!!”

Leifa shouted coldly!

In an instant, the thunder giant felt a huge devouring force coming from behind!

This violent devouring force quickly sucked the lightning power from his body backwards, as if he was drinking water!

"What is it!" Enelu felt a little panicked for the first time.

‘Thunder God’ is his strongest fighting state and the most destructive mode, but in this state, it feels like his power has been stolen away. This feeling is really terrible!

"This can't go on like this!"

Enelu made a prompt decision, and the thunder giant whose blue light gradually dimmed suddenly exploded.

The next moment, Enelu had transformed into a human form again, half-kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily, and there was still a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, looking extremely embarrassed!

Lei Fa, however, seemed to be fine and slowly landed from mid-air.

"My patience is almost running out. You should understand that if I want to kill you, you will not be able to survive the first blow. I have given you opportunities again and again. If you are still stubborn If it doesn't work...then I can only express my regrets." Lefa fell to the ground, his smile faded, and his tone became slightly cooler.

"I..." Enila struggled.

"It seems that you are ready to choose death... Then, goodbye." Refa raised his hand and pointed it in the direction of Enelu.

"Stop! I give up!" Anilu suddenly shouted, "I am willing to surrender to you. In this world, whoever has the bigger fist is the 'god'. If you are stronger than me, you are the 'god'!"

"Finally I figured it out." Refa put down his hand and showed a smile.

It would be best if he could not kill Enelu. When he came to Sky Island, in addition to preparing to completely turn this place into his own territory, he was also prepared to conquer Enelu.

In the original course of the world, Eniru should still be in his hometown, Kongdao Bika, and Leifa originally planned to find the original 'god' Ganful in the Kingdom of Gods first, and then go further. Find out Bika's location and go there to find Eneru.

Unexpectedly, Anilu came to the sky island in the Kingdom of God in advance, which saved Leifa a lot of effort.

As for how to conquer Enelu, this thunder method doesn't find it difficult.

Enelu himself is the kind of person who extremely respects the strong. As long as his inexplicable pride is shattered, it is not difficult to make him bow his head. What is difficult is how to make him calm down.

With Anilu's personality, there is no so-called strong heart at all. Even if the front foot says surrender, the back foot will stab you when he finds an opportunity. If such a thing really happens, Leifa will not be surprised at all. After arriving at the Grand Line, he would most likely find an opportunity to escape. Leifa could guess this even if he thought about it with his butt.

However, he was not completely unprepared for this.

"What did you do to me?" Enelu asked with a somewhat unpleasant look on his face.

"It's nothing, I just left you a little gift." Refa said with a smile, "If you don't act recklessly, you can treat it as if it doesn't exist, but once you make some crooked idea... Unless you can guarantee that you can kill me with one blow, otherwise, this little gift can swallow your heart instantly, even if you transform into thunder and lightning, it will be useless..."

Refa left a cluster of 'Glutious Power' in Enelu's body and embedded it in his heart in the form of a pattern!

Just like Haki, the 'Taotie Power' can also harm the natural element, even if it is elementalized, it will be useless. This is the back-up that Lei Fa has already prepared.

If he didn't have this back-up, he would have no interest in subduing a bomb that could explode next to him at any time. If he accidentally exploded himself, that would be an injustice.

Enelu was naturally very dissatisfied with Refa's behavior. This could be seen from his face. No one wanted to put his life in the hands of others.

But now it was completely a man-made situation, and he knew that if he dared to say even half a word, Lei Fa would probably kill him on the spot!

Between immediate death and life or death, Enelu would choose the latter without hesitation.

"Don't be so sullen. When one day you make me feel I can trust you, I will get rid of this little gift. This is just a temporary precautionary measure." Refa patted Enelu's shoulder and smiled. road.

"I know." Enel said helplessly.

There is no way, he himself does not have any right to choose, unless he can put his own life behind and engage in a resistance of giving up freedom or death, but that is basically impossible.

"Let's go, follow me to [Angel Island] and integrate the forces on this empty island." Leifa took the lead in returning to the Harmony on moon steps.

Enelu instantly turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared!

When he reappeared, he had already arrived on the Harmony. (To be continued.)

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