One Piece Food System

Chapter 181 Dressrosa

Looking at the villagers who were shaking with fear, and the two little girls who looked at Enel with admiration, Lei Fa looked around and said, "You can each take back your share of these treasures. Don't worry, those fishmen will not come back. You are safe."

The villagers looked at each other, but no one dared to come over.

Seeing this, Belle Mel climbed up with difficulty and walked towards Lei Fa, and said to Lei Fa gratefully, "Thank you for your help, what is your name?"

"Lei Fa."

"Excuse me, is Lord Lei Fa a navy? Ahem..." Belle Mel coughed and asked.

"Yes, I belong to the 'G-5 Branch'." Lei Fa replied.

"Is Lord Lei Fa actually a navy from the Grand Line? No wonder he was able to drive away those vicious fishmen." Belle Mel exclaimed.

"You are a very courageous mother, and what I admire most is courageous people." Lei Fa looked at Belle Mel, and his words made people a little confused.

"This is a disposable portable Den Den Mushi. It can only be used once. After use, it will die... Keep it well. If you encounter a problem that you can't solve one day, you can use it to contact me. Maybe I can help you." Lei Fa took out a Den Den Mushi the size of a baby's fist from his pocket and handed it to Bellmère.

After doing this, Lei Fa turned and left.

Enel followed him. Before leaving, he blinked at Nami and Nokiko. Two balls of lightning flashed in his eyes, making the two little girls excited again.

Bellmère was a little dazed holding the Den Den Mushi that Lei Fa gave her, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time.


Soon, Lei Fa and the others appeared on a small boat.

The appearance of this small boat is very strange. It is composed of two separate hulls in parallel. Each separate hull has a comfortable seat, which can just accommodate two people.

This is a temporary vehicle specially made by Hercules for Enel. It doesn't have any special functions. It just allows Enel's power to be converted into the power source of the boat. There is a metal plate that can transmit electricity at the foot of the seat. As long as Enelu inputs power into the metal plate, he can control the speed of the boat. The direction of the boat is even simpler. Both sides can adjust the direction of sailing by swinging the seat.

"Boss, do you know that woman?" Enelu asked while operating the boat.

"No." Leifa shook his head.

"Then you left her a Den Den Mushi?" Enelu pouted.

"Just bored, aren't you bored enough to play your "God" game with those two little girls?" Leifa put his hands behind his head and said with his head resting on the back of the chair.

"Tsk, ghosts will believe you." Enelu didn't buy this.

"Believe it or not." Leifa narrowed his eyes and enjoyed the sunshine.

Leifa did not tell Enelu the truth.

He came here to find Aaron to tell him something, but he didn't have to come here in person. He just needed to find any fishman to pass a message to Aaron. And the reason why he came here in person was largely because he wanted to save Bellmaire's life.

Lei Fa still had a fresh memory of this strong woman.

He remembered clearly that Bellemere died at the hands of Aaron to protect his two adopted daughters.

This woman showed the selfless maternal brilliance, and saving this woman was just a piece of cake for Lei Fa, so he came here.

There were not so many reasons, he just wanted to do it.

"By the way, what are we going to do next, boss? I heard from Hercules and the others that you will make a big move next?" Enelu asked again.

"Go save two people and flatten an island by the way." Lei Fa said lightly.

"Flatten an island? Hey, I like this." Enel was excited when he heard this, but then he said, "But aren't we the navy? If I understand correctly, the navy is probably similar to the "White Berets" in the Kingdom of God, right?"

"I guess so, but the island we want to flatten belongs to a pirate..."

"I see."

"But this pirate has the "legal plundering qualification" issued by the World Government. From the rules, I can't do anything to him." Lei Fa suddenly said.

"Huh? Boss, you are not talking about the "Seven Warlords of the Sea" that appeared recently in Qinghai, right? I just read about it in the newspaper two days ago. It seems that there are seven powerful pirates?" Enel guessed when he heard this.

Long before coming down from Sky Island, Enel had learned a lot about Qinghai from Sanya. After coming down, he bought all the recent newspapers and quickly learned about it.

Therefore, he also knew about the "Seven Warlords of the Sea".

"Yes, it's the 'Seven Warlords of the Sea'——" Lei Fa said with a faint smile without hiding anything.

"This is really interesting. I can experience such an exciting thing right away..." Enelu licked his lips with anticipation.

Compared to the original invincibility, he prefers this feeling now.

In a tavern in the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

"Hey, have you heard that the king seems to have become the 'Seven Warlords of the Sea'!"

"'Seven Warlords of the Sea'? What is that?"

"Well, I heard that it is the 'legal plundering qualification' issued by the World Government. As long as you become the 'King Shichibukai', even the navy will no longer be an enemy of it."

"There is such a beautiful thing? Doesn't it mean that all the pirates want to be this 'King Shichibukai'?"

"Of course, but not everyone is qualified. There are only seven people in the 'King Shichibukai'. It is said that each of them is a great pirate who enjoys a great reputation on the sea. Not everyone is qualified to be admitted. The chosen one, Your Majesty the King, is one of them!”

"As expected of a king, he is really powerful."

"Of course, Dressrosa will be safer from now on. Well, that toy man, come here and get me another glass of wine..." The two men were boasting, and one of them even ordered the people in the tavern to toy waiter refills wine.

The two of them were chatting and drinking wine.

But not long after, their expressions changed slightly, because a man wearing a black feather coat and a crimson turban walked in from the door, with black clothes on his face.

"That's...Lord Rosinandi?!" Everyone in the tavern changed their expressions.

The citizens of the Kingdom of Dressrosa are all familiar with this top cadre of the Don Quixote family's "Red Heart Army". This person's reputation is not very good... (To be continued.)

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