One Piece Food System

Chapter 183 Knock on the door!

'Don Quixote Family' castle, in the study.

Doflamingo lay on the leather chair and leisurely read the latest issue of the newspaper, which contained information about the latest appearance of the 'King Shichibukai', which made him very satisfied.

Suddenly, there was a push at the door.

Trebol, dragging his huge body, slowly moved in from outside the door. Seeing that Doflamingo was still so leisurely, he couldn't help but remind him, "Dover, why are you still here? 'Drought' Jack is about to come He's here, he's here on behalf of the 'Hundred Beasts Pirates', so you can't afford to neglect him!"

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. It's not Kaido of the Hundred Beasts who is here in person. Why are you so nervous..." Doflamingo continued to read the newspaper indifferently.

"Don't be willful anymore, Dove. Even if you have the status of the 'Ocean Shichibukai', if you anger Kaido, he will come and kill you without any scruples... Jack is Kaido's subordinate." One of the three captains, if you don't give him face, it means you don't give Kaido face. This is no joke!" Trebol looked a little anxious.

"I know." Doflamingo frowned and put the newspaper aside.

In fact, he didn't really want to see that 'drought' Jack.

As one of the top warriors under Kaido of "Hundred Beasts", with a bounty of over 500 million Baileys, and one of the three major disasters, "Drought" Jack's strength is considered to be above average even among the great pirates. Doflamingo himself didn't have the slightest confidence that he would be able to defeat him.

But this is not the reason why Doflamingo hates this person.

The reason why he didn't want to see this person was because he was one of those mindless fools. Although he was extremely powerful, he was very impulsive and vulgar. He didn't know what politeness was. To deal with such a person, Not a pleasant experience.

But he also knew that what Trebol said was not unreasonable. Even if he didn't want to give face to Jack, he had to give face to the 'Beasts Pirates' behind Jack.

Even if Doflamingo now has the status of 'King Shichibukai', and he was once the world's nobleman as a 'Celestial Dragon', it is not enough to make Kaido's lunatic worry much. What if he really gets killed because of this? If Kaido is angered by his psychopath who seeks death all day long, then he doesn't need to develop any power, he can just run for his life.

Ten minutes later, in the meeting hall of the family castle.

"Hahahaha, long time no see, Doflamingo!" Jack, who was much taller than Doflamingo, walked in with a smile.

"It's been a long time, Jack." Doflamingo stepped forward and gave Jack a hug.

After the two of them sat down respectively, Jack "Drought" asked carelessly without any greetings, "How is it going? Are the weapons and ammunition for this transaction ready? Recently we are dealing with the Whitebeard Pirates. "Robbing the territory is very expensive, so I came here to pick up the goods in person to avoid being intercepted by the 'Whitebeard Pirates'."

"Don't worry, everything is ready. Just trade directly later." Doflamingo said with a faint smile.

"That's good, don't worry about your work!" 'Drought' Jack patted his chest and said with a laugh, "By the way, I heard that you became some kind of bullshit 'King Shichibukai', do you have to listen to me in the future? Did those idiots from the World Government order it?”

"It's just a cooperation. If you want to be the one, I can give it to you."

"I don't care about the 'Shichibukai under the King'. I still have to deal with those idiots in the World Government. You should just keep it to yourself." Jack said with disdain, "It's still fun to fight. Recently, I have to deal with Whitebeard. The battle between the pirates was so exciting!”

"I heard that Lord Kaidou is out again. In this case, wouldn't you suffer a loss if you start a war with the Whitebeard Pirates? Whitebeard is not an easy man to deal with..." Doflamingo asked.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a territorial grab, and it's not really a full-scale war. 'Whitebeard' is too embarrassed to take action himself. The leader is the captain of the first team, Marco. Although that guy is also very powerful, I am not afraid of him in a real fight! "'Drought,' Jack said carelessly.

"That's natural." Doflamingo smiled.

"Young Master, something is wrong. A group of people knocked out the family guards and are coming here!"

While Doflamingo was having a pleasant conversation with 'Drought' Jack, a guard from the 'Don Quixote Family' hurried in and reported in a panic.


The smile on Doflamingo's face gradually disappeared, and veins popped up on his brow.

"Who dares to cause trouble at this time? Don't you want to live?!" Doflamingo's anger suddenly emerged.

"Hahahaha, Doflamingo, it seems that your reputation is not very good, and someone knocked on your door..." 'Drought' Jack laughed, completely ignoring Doflamingo. He was almost unable to contain his anger, which was why Doflamingo didn't like him.

Even if the two parties are partners, they won't add fuel to the fire like this, right?

If he wasn't afraid of the Beasts Pirates, Doflamingo would really want to slap him!

But this is obviously unrealistic, so he can only find a way to divert his anger!

"Call all the cadres immediately. I want to see who is so bold and dares to attack the headquarters of my 'Don Quixote Family'. I will make it impossible for him to live or die!"

Veins popped out on Doflamingo's forehead!

"No need to convene, I'm already here -" As soon as Doflamingo finished speaking, the door of the conference hall was suddenly kicked open, and a faint voice sounded.

"Who is it?" Doflamingo saw the person coming, but did not recognize him immediately.

"We haven't seen each other for a few years, don't you remember me, Doflamingo? I accidentally ran away from you in [Rogg Town], but I have been thinking about you..." Ray Fason said.

"It's you! 'Baolang' Leifa!!"

When Doflamingo heard this, he didn't know who was coming!

After returning from [Rogg Town], he immediately spent a lot of money to find out Leifa's identity from the dark world's intelligence channels, and he has always been paying attention to it.

The reason why I didn't recognize him at the first time was because Leifa was still growing up. If I hadn't seen him for a few years, except for those who were particularly close, I wouldn't be able to recognize him.

But when Refa mentioned the matter of [Rogg Town], Doflamingo couldn't remember it.

"It seems you still remember me." Refa smiled.

"How could I not remember? I remember it clearly!!" Doflamingo suddenly clenched his fists and his voice almost came out from between his teeth. (To be continued.)

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