One Piece Food System

Chapter 196 Heading to the [Seventh Continent]!

Three months later, Master Zhenzhen slowly returned from the [Food World] side of the 'Three Ways' Road'. As he walked, he muttered to himself, "I don't know what happened to that kid Refa, Yu Weimon." It’s rare for this guy to come across such a sandbag proactively delivered to his door..."

Speaking of this, Master Zhenzhen couldn't help but smile.

Looking at the checkpoint of the 'Three Ways' in the distance, dust is rising all over the sky.

"Is this a fight?" Master Zhen Zhenzhen gradually approached and easily sensed the situation in the dust, although he could not see anything with his eyes.

"Hahaha, boy, the town has returned, why don't you stop?" Yu Weimen's laughing voice came from the dust.

"Do you want to admit defeat?" Refa's voice also came out.

"Forget it, no more fun." Yu Weimen suddenly said.


As soon as he finished speaking, Leifa's figure was knocked out of the dust.

"Ahem..." Leifa coughed and put away the sonic blade in his hand.

Yu Weimen also walked out of the dust, looked at Master Zhen Zhenzhen who had just arrived, and said with a smile, "Why did Zhen Zhen come back so quickly? Why don't you visit the [Food World] more?"

"I just happened to encounter the 'Snake King' looking for food, and I lost 30% of my 'food' before I could escape without being swallowed as food." Master Zhen Zhenzhen said helplessly.

"Is it the season for female snakes to look for food again? Hahaha, you are really unlucky." Yu Weimen said happily.

"Don't talk about me anymore, how are you training?" Master Zhenzhen asked.

"Not bad, not bad. This kid's fighting talent is very good. After three months of my painstaking guidance, he can now compete with me at 10% state, and he won't even be able to touch me." Yu Weimen Said happily.

Hearing Yuemon's words, Leifa was speechless, but he did not refute.

Because he knew that what Yu Weimen said was true.

When Yuemon fought against him just now, he indeed used only 10% of his strength. Both his reaction speed and strength were only one-tenth of his level.

But with this strength, Lei Fa three months ago couldn't even touch him, let alone beat him.

"Ah, have I been able to meet you in your 10% state? That's a great improvement indeed." Master Zhenzhenzhen nodded appreciatively after hearing Yu Weimen's words.

Obviously, Master Zhenzhenzhen has a general idea of ​​Leifa's strength, and he also knows how terrifying Yu Weimen's fighting level is!

Even he himself would probably not be a match for Yuemon if he didn't use 'Shimi'.

Even Yu Weimen in his 10% state is quite terrifying.

"Okay, you can take this kid away. I have been active enough in the past three months and can take a good rest." Yu Weimen smiled and stretched.

"Okay, let's go then and see you when we return."

"Thank you so much for your guidance in the past three months, Lord Yu Weimen." Leifa suddenly said seriously at this time.

"Why, are you addicted to being beaten by me?" Yu Weimen said.

Refa answered him with a middle finger, causing him to laugh.

However, Leifa is really grateful to Yu Weimen from the bottom of his heart, because in the past three months, his progress has been amazing, especially in terms of combat intuition, which has improved by more than one level!

Now, with his combat intuition alone, he is much faster than the induction of "Seeing, Hearing, Color and Dominance". Intuition is a magical power in the dark. It is not anything tangible, but it is stronger than anything tangible. Everything needs to come faster.

Even the true speed of light cannot be faster than intuition.

This is also the reason why Raifa's 'Ultimate Slash' is obviously fast enough, but it can't even touch the corners of Yuemon's clothes, because every move he makes has been presented to Yuemon's intuition in advance. among. Unless his intuitive reaction speed can keep up with Yu Weimon's reaction speed, it is possible to touch Yu Weimon, otherwise it will be like punching the air.

"Let's go, Lei Fa." Master Zhen Zhenzhen turned around and walked in the direction of [Food World].

"Yes, Master." Lei Fa followed and waved to Yu Weimen at the same time.

Yuemon chuckled, "Welcome to come again next time, kid."

"Master, where are we going now?" Leifa asked Master Zhenzhen while sitting on the giant beast captured by Master Zhenzhen.

"We are now on the way to the [Seventh Continent]." Master Zhenzhen replied.

"[The Seventh Continent]? Isn't that the territory of the 'Ape King' Bambina? It seems to be known as the 'Ape Restaurant'. Are we going to practice there?"

"Yes, it is the 'Ape Restaurant'." Master Zhenzhen nodded, "Originally, I planned to take you to the [Fourth Continent] to practice this time. When you were practicing with Yuweimen before, I even went there specially I went there to investigate the situation there in advance... and I happened to encounter the 'Snake King' female snake waking up from her slumber and looking for food in the [Fourth Continent]."

"In the next six months, all creatures in the [Fourth Continent] may become his prey. Running over at this time is completely asking for death." Master Zhenzhen shook his head and said, "If he is really attacked by the Snake King, "If it's being targeted, even if I try my best, I can only protect myself. As for you, I'm afraid I can only become its food, so I won't take the risk."

Lei Fa broke into a cold sweat after hearing this!

After three months of fighting with Yu Weimen, oh no, it should be said that after three months of being unilaterally tortured by Yu Weimen, he had gained confidence in the level of strength of Yu Weimen and Master Zhenzhen. A clearer understanding - that is, it is completely impossible to compete at this stage.

This is like an ordinary school officer in the world of One Piece encountering a navy admiral. There is no possibility of confrontation at all, only being killed instantly.

When Master Kezhen Zhenzhen faced the 'Snake King' female snake, even if his 'Food' was fully activated and his strength was ten times that of the normal state in an instant, it was still possible to escape with his life. The 'Snake King' How outrageous should the strength be? In other words, how incredible is the strength of the ‘Eight Kings’?

Sometimes, knowing is one thing, but experiencing it personally is another.

"But fortunately, since it's the season for the 'Snake King' to look for food, it means that it's also the time when the 'Ape King' is sleeping. It's just the right time to go to the [Fourth Continent], and you shouldn't run into it easily. 'Ape King' Bambina is that problem child," Master Zhenzhen said.

"Master, have you seen the 'Ape King' Bambina?" Leifa heard something unusual in Master Zhenzhen's tone.

"For those of us who often walk in the [food world], it is impossible not to see the 'Eight Kings' at all." Master Zhenzhen said calmly, "Like me, except for the 'Dragon King' Diroys, Except for 'Wolf King' Jines and 'Whale King' Mu En, I have encountered the other five, but 'Ape King' is relatively familiar to me..."

Master Zhen Zhenzhen obviously means something to his words. (To be continued.).


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