Chapter 670

This devil’s heart is not a good thing.

Qin Luo watched Begapunk take it out.

Just like the old wine in Kaifeng, the moment the evil spirit appeared in the heart, it swept the entire room.

It is understandable that Begapunk’s strength cannot sense this evil spirit. But Qin Luo didn’t think that Vegapunk would not hear the heartbeat every few seconds.

With more knowledge, Qin Luo’s hunch became more accurate. This heart gave him the same feeling as Kaido, even more threatening.

Of course, it is possible that Begapunk knew everything, but he was reluctant to give up this crazy experiment.

Fanatic scientists and lunatics are equated, and Qin Luo doesn’t think he can convince Begapunk with just a few words.

He said it all, and it was Vegapunk’s own business whether he listened or not.

The process of returning is very simple. Qin Luo can directly ignore the complicated waterway and teleport back to the toilet twice in succession.

The brother who was squatting instead of Qin Luo was relieved of control, and Qin Luo, who had recovered his disguise, appeared in front of the housekeeper again.

Looking at the false smile on the butler’s face. Perhaps the old butler of the Dina Sur family is still complacent for keeping the secrets of the family and disgusting Qin Luo.

The butler must not have guessed that the secret he tried to hide was officially told to him by their Patriarch Darwin himself, and he had just confirmed it.

Who is the fool and who is the actor?

At the same time, Qin Luo and the housekeeper showed the same kind smiles. The thoughts in the two of them are highly consistent. Look, the idiot on the other side can laugh so happily even after being deceived.

The Dina Sur family was so unkind, and when they sent Qin Luo back to Calgary, they took advantage of Qin Luo.

With the spread of the people, Qin Luo’s identity as a referee in the No. 3 area of ​​the uninhabited island stadium was heavily publicized. The newspapers that day published photos of Qin Luo biting a grilled fish and announcing the result of the game.

Whatever the best referee of the year, the least professional performance and other evaluations are negligible, Qin Luo doesn’t care. However, because of the particularity of the third area, many forces took the initiative to find Qin Luo, hoping that he would “take care” of the six contestants of the “Sea Curse Experimental Body” during the game.

To put it bluntly, these forces are unbelievable, and want to consume more of these people’s strength in the game, so as to catch them on the periphery of the game.

It is impossible to make Qin Luo a black whistle referee. Not to mention that he did not intend to increase the difficulty of Orochimaru’s “game”, and Qin Luo did not have the ability to be a black whistle.

In his previous life, he had not studied this professional ability in South Korea or Golden State of the United States. Therefore, a black whistle is impossible, and it is impossible to have a black whistle in this life. You can only rely on fishing and barbecue methods to barely survive the boring time of being a referee.(Read more @

So these forces came to the door.

Qin Luo is not in doubt, he is 100% sure that the Danasur family revealed his information.

After sending Qin Luo to the port, the Dina Sur family ship immediately turned around and drove away, fearing that it would be entangled in something.

As for what you are avoiding, just look at the reaction of the person next to you.

After the Dina Sur clan’s ship drove away, the people within a hundred meters of Qin Luo, regardless of their identity, stopped still, as if time was suspended.

These people looked at Qin Luo, and after a comparison, they slowly gathered around.

“You are the referee, very good, our boss wants to see you.”

The four sturdy men in the shape of workers at the beginning stretched out their hands to pull Qin Luo. They have always been good at this way of negotiation.

Qin Luo directly ignored these four people, and it took too much time to look at them. He twisted his feet and stepped away just to leave them behind.

The four strong men did not expect Qin Luo to bypass them so easily. Furious, he turned his fist to show Qin Luo a good look.

It seems that on the first day of the points match, Qin Luo arranged some news about the forces that were concealed. Otherwise, there would be no such short-sighted forces. I want to “invite” Qin Luo in this way.

Qin Luo opened his eyes behind his back, and four strong men’s big fists made a gesture, but they didn’t even touch Qin Luo’s clothes, Kakuzu. But when he punched again, these fists for some reason ended up on the heads of the people around them, and then all fainted to the ground.

In front of everyone, these four brawny men eloquently interpret what is called “protect my enemy and beat my teammate.”

This weird imagination scared some people away, but there were still guys who thought that the backstage was hard enough to surround themselves.

A group of more than twenty guys blocked Qin Luo’s roads.

“This gentleman, the lord of Germa hopes you can attend tonight’s party.”

Yes, another one came to “invite” him. Although the words are human, the tone is completely superior.

Seeing that Qin Luo’s eyes were unmoved, the person who invited Qin Luo said again: “This friend, a little ability is a good thing, but it is terrible to be unable to distinguish the situation. The friendship of the Djerma Kingdom can be It’s not so easy to refuse.”

With that said, the person seemed to think that Qin Luo could not decide, so he took out an invitation and handed it over.

The friendship of the Djerma Kingdom, what the hell is this again. Participating in the party seems to be a good pastime, but for the party, add a bad deed Madara Madara’s “self-acquaintance” friends. It’s like paying attention to an inexplicable official account for tasting. Qin Luo refused.


Qin Luo’s hand stretched out, and I knew it would look like this on the face of Djerma, and brushed past the invitation. Qin Luo grabbed the person speaking by the shoulder and dragged him aside to make a way out.

“Rang, I’m very busy. Don’t invite me any stinky fish or shrimps. If you need to, please make an appointment with my secretary.” Qin Luo said softly as he walked past the sluggish-looking Germa.

A group of Djerma was about to attack on the spot, but was stopped by the leader.

“No hurry.” As he said, the leader cast a wink at the other forces.

After learning that even the people of Djerma had closed their doors, the other forces put out their thoughts of inviting Qin Luo. Sure enough, it was the “right” choice to stun him and take him home.

Especially after getting the look of the Djerma people, they rushed towards Qin Luo without hesitation.

Seeing the guy rushing up like a wolf, what do you think of, Spartan warrior.

No, no, no, this is a group of younger brothers.

Qin Luo stood on the spot, took a deep breath, then grinned, a “king” aura suddenly burst out of him, sweeping the audience.

A gust of wind blew, and all those who rushed to Qin Luo fell to the ground. Even the people from Djerma were only the one who took the lead and still had some consciousness.

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