Chapter 701

“Si Guoyi, Yu Lao Zang players play more boldly than before.” There is no melodrama to watch. The emcee’s commentary is the only fun outside the fight, so the emcee of this game is also very hard to explain.

“Now I’m very worried about Corazon player, how about you?”

The destructive power of Yu Lao Zang need not be elaborated. No matter how wonderful it is, there will be no visual impact. I believe that anyone who is not blind can see it. The master of ceremonies is quite disinterested in Corasson, he is probably facing a Sea Kings coming to land.

The master of ceremonies has said it more euphemistically, after all, he still has to take care of the feelings of Corazon and his colleagues. Especially who is responsible for the maintenance of the stadium.

Every crack in the arena represents burning funds, and Qin Luo’s one hits his heart.

There is also a bit more terrible, the extent of the damage to the stadium yesterday, and the rush to work overnight to barely complete the repair. How do you say this two-thirds of the stadium is scrapped, can it be solved by staying up late?

Qin Luo didn’t know the grievances of a certain staff member. If he knew about it, he would definitely scrap the other one-third of the stadium. The most important thing for a family is to be neat and tidy. It would be inappropriate to leave a third of the stadium without renovation.

The front end of the stick was sunken into the ground, so that when Qin Luo pulled it out, he brought out a whole piece of rock. Qin Luo had to break the positive stone.

At this point in time, Corazon had recovered his balance and distanced himself from Qin Luo.

“The strength of Yu Lao Zang is very terrible, but his speed is an obvious disadvantage. It seems that Corason is very clear about this, and he takes the initiative to keep a distance with his opponent to gain more room for maneuver.”

There is great power in the physical body, but the price is greatly reduced flexibility and speed. The legs with webbed feet are not suitable for moving on land even if they are thick. Of course, Qin Luo and Orochimaru’s poor coordination with this body is also one of the important reasons.

Compared with Qin Luo’s teleportation in previous battles, this speed is almost as fast as “shooing” to “shooing”.

Like a provocation, the two small pistols in Kolasson’s hand fired in a row, one by one hitting Yu Lao Zang’s skin, and then they were shot off.

If the average gunman is desperate at this time, and he can’t even shoot through the opponent’s skin, what is the point of such a battle, you chasing me?

Sorry, not all gunners can part-time marathon runners. In this case, it must not be the monster that was exhausted first.

Corason showed a superb reloading technique, and the barrage fired by the two pistols never stopped. But the more you do this, the more pitiful you feel, right? Even the people in Donquixote Family feel that Corazon is struggling for Doflamingo’s phrase “playing more beautifully”, let alone the audience.(Read more @

“I suddenly felt that this dumb man was a bit pitiful, or let’s cheer up.”

“Then you put the money on Yu Lao Zang.”

“It has nothing to do with this, Yu Lao Zang will definitely win, but this overwhelming difference in strength is too unfortunate for the dumb. The big deal is that I will send him some bullets after winning.”

“Oh roar, great idea, how much did my brother suppress?”

“Hey, not much, only 300,000. The Iron Welfare Bureau can’t overturn the car.”

“The player Korazon’s strategy is right. But unfortunately, as we have seen, his defense of the player who used the fish to hide the player seems to be a bit wrong.”

Basically, they expressed their regrets to Coralzon, let’s say the master of ceremonies, did you also suppress Yu Lao Zang.

Qin Luo manipulated Yu Laozang’s body, ignored the bullets, and ran towards Coralzon against the barrage. Every time you take a step, the cracked floor will tremble.

Corason looked at the approaching Yu Lao Zang, and did not show panic or began to evacuate. He has his plan, moving shooting will reduce accuracy, so he stays where he is. After confirming that Yu Lao Zang relaxed his vigilance, Corason replaced a row of red bullets into the magazine.

These little moves Corasson was well hidden, his expression remained unchanged, and his movements were the same. Everyone was fooled by his head iron.

I knew that the opponent was Yu Lao Zang for a long time, so how could Corazon not be prepared at all. He was not prepared to win before, but now even if the hope is small, he has to fight for it. So from the beginning of the game, Corason’s eyes became very firm.

“The most important quality of a good gunner is calmness. Although the Corason player did not show as strong as Benn Beckman, he is undoubtedly an excellent gunner in the face of strong enemies, calm and eager to win. , This is something that many normal people can’t do…”

Under the mouth of the master of ceremonies, Colasson was described as a tragic figure with a disability.

“Perhaps many people think that Corazon players should now use mobile shooting to fight their opponents instead of waiting to die in place. But…”

The emcee paused and continued: “The really deadly bullets often only require one shot.”

At the moment when the emcee’s voice fell, the bullet that hit Yu Laozang erupted out of something different. The bullet did not fly, but exploded into pink powder. Three bullets exploded in succession, and the poisonous mist raised Yu Laozang.

Many fish and toad creatures have smooth and elastic skin or scales, which can insulate and rebound most physical damage. However, this ability is not unsolvable, a sharp slash can break through this defense.

In addition, if the surface of these skins or scales loses moisture, this strong physical immunity will also fail. These poisonous powders were prepared by Korazon for this purpose, and even the poisonous powder’s toxicity will cause secondary damage to the old fish.

Corrazon must have spent much time not just to break the defense, otherwise, he might as well get the poison bomb at the beginning. There are a total of four special bullets in the magazine. The first three poisonous powder bullets are all modified with ordinary bullets, but the last one uses a special armor-piercing bullet.

The energy enveloping the fruit of silence, the armor-piercing bullet quietly broke through the poisonous mist. Corason aimed his eyes, and if it went well, the bullet would go into his head and explode. Even Sea Kings can’t survive this dose of toxin.

The slow motion of the armor-piercing projectile diving into the poisonous fog was replayed on the big screen of the stadium. Combined with the explanation of the emcee, the audience was able to figure out what had just happened.

“Have you hit it?” The audience asked about the result.

Corason reloaded the bullets and stared at the poisonous mist that covered the old fish.

A roar that didn’t look like a human broke the calm of the arena, and the poisonous fog was dispersed while the Zen stick danced.

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