Chapter 721

Some people are innately hypocritical, if they offer a normal price, Qin Luo will also give it.

But he insisted on taking Qin Luo as a fool. Hey, doesn’t this force Qin Luo to use tough methods.

But in this way, the benefits are also very obvious. After Qin Luo used illusion to control the owner of the street stall, all the information was taken out of his mind, and there was no need to worry about the truth or not. In addition, Qin Luo’s actions will not be exposed, and people controlled by illusions will not have this memory.

Qin Luo did the same, using illusion techniques to control all the guys in the nearby stalls to ask aside, and collected a lot of information he needed.

Judging from the collected information, the pirate who was involved in the accident should have been the Ratman Beta. The person who arrested him is said to be a patrol in the underground city black market, and was taken away on charges of endangering the order of the underground city black market.

This is really funny, this is the black market of the underground city, and there is no safe owner who can enter here. Talking to these guys about order and harm is simply nonsense. The other party didn’t even have to find a suitable crime and took the person away directly.

People who set up stalls on this street are all discerning people, so it’s hard to tell that the patrol is deliberately looking for faults. But precisely because of this, these guys will not take the trouble to themselves, they just watched a wave of force.

Ratman Beta had some fights with his catcher, but was quickly knocked down and taken away. This is what happened. At least on the surface.

There are several unusual places in the whole thing, hiding the facts in the fog.

First of all, how the Ratman Beta was exposed, and how could he be caught so simply.

Qin Luo knows the special abilities of Devil Fruit, the rat man Beta, whether he has a strong desire to survive, or he is timid as a mouse. Ratman Beta has a vigilance that can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and automatically detects existences that are malicious to him, so as to escape in advance. Qin Luo also took a lot of effort to catch him last time.

The second point is that the catcher of Ratman Beta must not be a mere patrol team.

Judging from the information disclosed by several stall merchants, after the Ratman Beta was captured, several different groups of people came to investigate the situation, one of which was a patrol team.

Investigate yourself, such an operation is obviously impossible. It can basically be determined that it was a fake patrol that kidnapped Ratman Beta. This is not good news.(Read more @

In addition to the patrol, people from the Djerma Kingdom have also come to inquire about the situation. They should know that the Ratman has lost contact. In addition, people from the Donquixote Family came to hear the news. They didn’t know the situation well, and seemed to just want to know what the people of Djerma Kingdom were looking for.

Perhaps it is because there are more people who ask, the owner of the street stall feels that this information is a rare commodity, and wants to slaughter Qin Luo.

These questions have not yet figured out, Qin Luo found the beacon of Ratman Beta in the underground city black market. By the side of a stinking ditch, Ratman Beta’s clothing, the beacon and some of the gang’s clothing were all thrown here.

The gang who kidnapped Beta Ratman were very cautious. In order to prevent being tracked, they changed their clothes and those of Beta Ratman and abandoned them here.

Now a more serious problem has arisen. Without the beacon, even Qin Luo will not find the Ratman Beta for a while.

In the end, Qin Luo only took back the beacon. Orochimaru was quite troublesome to make, so I couldn’t just leave it alone.

Qin Luo wondered, since the guys in the Djerma Kingdom knew that the Ratman Beta had been kidnapped, they wouldn’t have done nothing at all, and the other party had acted an hour earlier than Qin Luo. With the killer organization in their hands, some clues have been collected.

In the spirit of sharing the news with everyone, Qin Luo sneaked into the dungeon’s killer club. The result really surprised Qin Luo.

In the entire killing manual, there were no homicides that should be homicides, business-related homicides, but none of them were looking for Ratman Beta. What’s the matter? Tiezi, you don’t follow the routine at all.

Isn’t the old Vinsmok in a hurry? The plan of their father and son is inseparable from the lead party of Ratman Beta.

Or that they already know the whereabouts of Ratman Beta, then they should prepare for a rescue operation. To be honest, Qin Luo can’t understand a bit.

Riding on the excitement, Qin Luo returned with nothing. Qin Luo had to re-dig things from the intelligence he had collected.

Qin Luo can probably guess how Ratman Beta exposed this problem.

Nowadays, only Orochimaru knows the specific course of action of Ratman Beta, and Ratman Beta was also tied up in the process of buying materials for him…

Orochimaru first ruled out, the Kingdom of Djerma is unlikely, and the people of the Donquixote Family do not have this ability. Then in the process, there is only one type of person who can still come into contact with Ratman Beta, and that is the black market bosses with whom he trades.

The underground city black market is an important place where Ratman Beta started reselling, and there are many long-term customers here. Without the person in charge of the auction house, there must be others. This time Qin Luo locked onto the guy who was trading when Ratman Beta was caught.

According to the information, this person found a reason and went back after the rat-man Beta was captured. It’s not that we can’t close the stall, but suddenly closing the stall at this time is too suspicious. Qin Luo easily got the address of the person. Guys who set up stalls on the black market all year round usually rent a small room in the black market.

Standing at the door of the target, Qin Luo could smell the smell of blood wafting through the door. I have to say that this group is indeed cautious, and Qin Luo is still a step late.

Qin Luo teleported into the room. This is a standard hotel room, a small bathroom, a table and chairs and a bed, nothing else. The room was full of various commodities, and the body of the person Qin Luo was looking for was lying on the crowded ground.

The door was locked and there was a chair, and the window was open. You should have sneaked in through the window to kill someone. After killing cleanly and leaving, the 0.5 heart of the corpse was pierced from the back, hands, feet and chin were removed, unable to make any struggle.

The murderer didn’t even pull out the murder weapon, so there would not be too much bloody smell. If it were not for Qin Luo’s arrival, this person’s death could be postponed for a long time.

But I don’t know if the assassin is too confident, or arrogant, he still missed one thing.

Probably guessed his own destiny, or reserved a hand for himself. When death was about to come, the black businessman exhausted all means to leave a so-called death message for those who came later.

The corpse was lying on the ground, but the corpse’s eyes were not facing downwards, staring at a corner of the room from a strange angle.

Perceiving something wrong, Qin Luo followed this direction and found something interesting.

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