Chapter 748

The disappearance of half of the right eyebrows and the half-finger-sized burns caused by bullets passing by are the benefits of Beckman’s shot.

“It’s a pity,” countless musketeers shouted silently in their hearts.

They marveled at Beckman’s magical shot, it turns out that the gun can still be used like this. On the other side, for Hawkeye, they also scolded the monster heartily, how keenly they need to react to avoid such tricky bullets.

If Beckman and Hawkeye knew the audience’s thoughts, they would probably reply that it is rare and strange. The shot just now was a medium meaning at best, and it was very common in the previous discussions between the two.

So Beckman didn’t seem surprised or disappointed at all. Hawkeye can’t solve it easily. To force Hawkeye to change his tricks midway, Beckman’s goal was achieved.

The thrilling offensive and defensive exchanges were actually completed in an instant. Feeling the heat of the bullet going away, Hawkeye stopped his body immediately, broke it slightly, and changed his back to leaning back. The cross sword in his hand continued to advance towards Beckman after an interval of less than half a second.

The same attack, but the situation is slightly different from before, now facing a prepared Beckman.

Beckman moved his body to the left as much as possible within half a second he won. The yellow waistband tied to Beckman’s waist was melted by the sword energy of the cross sword.

The sword energy rolled up by this straight thorn was stronger than imagined, and it seemed to continue to erode. But when he encountered Beckman’s shirt, he was stubbornly resisted. Beckman mobilized all Armament Haki and arranged them on the surface of the coat and skin to form two defensive circles.

The sword gas passed through the gap like a white horse, and it didn’t stop for a moment. With the harsh sound of metal cutting, sparks appeared at the place where Jianfeng and Beckman’s body were in contact.

The Armament Haki on the first floor shattered with a light cracking sound, and the exposed jacket was directly opened with a slit. Now there is only the last layer of Armament Haki between Beckman and Jianfeng. If it doesn’t, Beckman can only use his flesh and blood to test the sharpness of the Hawkeye’s sword.

The damn broken sound still appeared, at the last moment of the attack’s end. A cut was made in Beckman’s right waist, and blood was flowing out of the wound.

Sword energy overflowed from the cross sword and passed behind Beckman. The sword energy that was out of control began to reveal its hideous side. A crack on the ground started from half a meter behind Beckman and extended to the outside of the ring.

The subsequent incident happened so quickly that no one else could react, and the sword energy had already extended to them.

A spectator sitting in the first row looked at the crack just in front of his feet, his heart beat twice and almost crashed on the spot. One step away, he almost created another guy who completed the task of practicing Sunflower Collection.

Beckman and Hawkeye faced each other, the butt of the rifle stubbornly resisted the cross sword that wanted to get an inch, and the two in the wrestling gritted their teeth and insisted. In the end, Beckman was slightly better and pushed away the cross sword. Hawkeye just spent too much effort on the spur, a bit of embarrassment of exhaustion of front and back.

Until then, Beckman had no time to check his wounds. The problem is not big. After using a broken waist as a bandage to solve the bleeding buff, Beckman said that he could fight for another hundred years.

Calmly replaying the memory just now, Beckman found that he somewhat underestimated the damage of the eagle eye, which was the main cause of the waist wound.(Read more @

“Is it improved recently?”

“Of course, there is pressure to make progress.” Facing Beckman’s question, Hawkeye answered very calmly.

“No wonder, you can, I am optimistic about you.”

“According to you.”

Without warning, the two people on the field started the chat mode. You can’t imagine that these two people were still fighting for victory just now.

Two people, isn’t your way of opening the martial arts conference wrong? Just be serious. I beg you. The emcee was a little tired, he didn’t know what to say. I just hope that these two people don’t treat the game as a tea party.

Perhaps the voice of the emcee fell into the ears of the two. Beckman and Hawkeye quickly started the second round after a short “intermission”.

As long as the information of Hawkeye’s progress is grasped, the adjusted Beckman can dance under the blade of Hawkeye with ease.

Beckman’s fighting style highlights a clever, agile and powerful. It was completely different from the trap sniper that Hawkeye had encountered before.

Beckman always controls the rhythm of the battle. He seems to be able to predict the next attack of the Hawkeye and always choose the best way to respond in the first time.

Under this circumstance, the two men struggled for more than an hour in the second round without a win.

Different from the first game, in this more than an hour, the audience did not have the slightest impatience. Thrilling and murderous battles made the supporters of the two sides fall on a stormy sea, with one heart changing at any time and the battle situation was ups and downs.

Next, physical strength and state will become the decisive factor for victory.

Both Beckman and Hawkeye were not in good condition, not to mention a lot of physical loss, and the two added a lot of wounds in the battle.

Beckman’s chest, left arm, and right thigh each had a wound similar to the waist, and the other minor injuries were countless. Hawkeye was okay, but his right shoulder was pierced by a bullet, which seriously affected his swordsmanship.

“It’s over, the audience will be impatient anymore.”

“Yes, it’s time for maintenance of my gun.”

The audience expressed that they did not want to carry the pot, as long as they were willing to fight, there would be no problem watching it for three days and three nights.

The panting eagle eye raised the cross sword, a series of afterimages, and a blade storm, covering the surrounding area of ​​Beckman for more than ten meters.

“Are you wasting your energy? Such a trick is useless to me.”

The ghost knows how Beckman avoids the sword aura in the blade storm where he can’t see the gap, or he looks like walking in the garden.

Hawkeye ignored it, but when the storm reached a certain level, he moved.

“Storm” obscured part of Beckman’s vision, and Observation Haki was not very useful, because he was haunted by Hawkeye’s sword aura and killing intent.

In a daze, two figures, one from the left and the other, circled the garden and cut towards Beckman.

“It turned out to be this plan.” Thinking in his mind, Beckman seemed to have guessed Hawkeye’s intention.

“Bang and Bang” two shots, the two bullets each penetrated the “storm” and smashed the two ghosts on the left and right.

Although he didn’t see it clearly, Beckman knew that this was just two human-shaped sword auras. Don’t doubt Hawkeye’s swordsmanship. Any shape would be fine as long as he wanted to.

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