Chapter 750

The necklace hanging around Hawkeye’s neck is actually a small dagger, usually hidden in his arms.

This is no secret. As long as you collect information from Hawkeye, you can basically know it, not to mention Beckman, who has always been with Hawkeye.

But most of the time, this dagger is more of a single decoration. Because of this, Beckman relaxed his vigilance, and at the critical moment, Hawkeye took advantage of the loopholes. You must know that in the Pirate World, although the three-sword style or “mouth sword” is not used much, it is not Zoro’s unique patent.

The turning point for Beckman’s victory was that he secretly prepared the third gun, and because he ignored the threat of the third sword on Hawkeye, he lost that he could have won the game. It can be said that he lost unjustly.

The scene just now seemed to be replayed in Beckman’s mind. Beckman found a vital thing, the main factor that made it taste the failure.

Why did the broken sword fragments fall in that position at such a perfect time, blocking Beckman’s vision? Coincidence or intentional?

Has his partner already learned to fight with his brain? These are all planned?

Beckman gave Hawkeye a dubious look, and finally attributed the reason to the opponent’s strong fighting consciousness. Forget it, since you have lost the game, the answer is very important, so what can you know?

Because Hawkeye was clinging to the dagger and couldn’t speak normally, he was waiting for Beckman to voluntarily surrender. Seeing that Beckman hadn’t moved for a long time, Hawkeye was a little anxious.

No, the Beckman he knew wasn’t the kind of guy who wouldn’t admit defeat, so what was he doing. Quickly surrender to him, the bite of the dagger makes his mouth uncomfortable.

In the end, the cold and hard feeling from Armament Haki’s dagger on the neck pulled Beckman’s thoughts back to reality.

Raising both hands, the revolver in Beckman’s hand fell to the ground following the previous small rifle, leaving only the rifle with the barrel cut off in his hand.

After receiving the signal, Hawkeye withdrew the dagger, and without the dangerous items in his throat, Beckman also voluntarily chose to admit defeat.

“This time you won.”

“Of course, this is not unexpected.”

Hawkeye resembled a second skin, but the pain in his arms and physical fatigue made him sit on the ground.

Beckman snorted coldly, but with his character, he wouldn’t compete with Hawkeye at this time. He took a cigar from his arms and lighted it on, looking sadly at the old man who was completely damaged in his hand.

The rest of the arena is entirely in celebration mode.(Read more @

In the audience, the Gun Party and the Sword Party were still fighting each other, but because of Beckman’s reluctance to lose, the Sword Party guys are now more confident and fierce. After the master of ceremonies announced the results of the game, Balabala had a bunch of things, nothing more than a summary, a heated atmosphere and a preview of tomorrow’s game.

None of this affects the two people in the ring.

“I’m sorry to cut off the guy who used you for a few years.”

“It’s okay, I don’t want to break a sword for you, just treat each other not owing it.”

“How can it be the same, this is just a temporary stall, but yours is the main weapon.”

It’s okay if Hawkeye didn’t mention it. After speaking, Beckman couldn’t help but give him a blank look. Yo, it turns out that you still have AC numbers in your heart. But this is not an excuse. Hawkeye just rushed to destroy the rifle every time. Don’t think that Beckman didn’t know.

Knowing the law and breaking the law will add one more crime. Beckman had secretly put a eyedrop on Hawkeye in his heart. Next time you have a chance, you must be behind this guy and give him a shot in the ass.

“It happens to be Calgary, the largest arsenal in the North Sea. I will pay for the money, and I will definitely buy you a better one.” Maybe it was because of an unknown premonition that Hawkeye’s guilt made him want to compensate Beckman.

“Okay.” He replied without any muddle.

Hawkeye was a little dumbfounded. Under normal circumstances, Beckman shouldn’t shirk it first, how can this girl agree to be so refreshing. The feeling of guilt in Hawkeye’s heart instantly disappeared a bit.

The purpose of Beckman’s participation in the martial arts conference is to ask the tournament side to help him build the best gun. Although he did not get the top three rankings, his goal was achieved. Hawkeye wants to be Santa Claus, and Beckman can’t stop him.

So, did Beckman really lose this game? In terms of the final result, Beckman said he did not lose at all.

Beckman doesn’t lose, but Hawkeye makes money. Then who is the loser? this is a problem.

As for the result of the battle between Beckman and Hawkeye, other forces are very happy to see it.

In the next action, Red Hair Pirates, which has the three great powers of Shanks, Beckman and Hawkeye, is undoubtedly the biggest destabilizing factor. At present, two of the three friends of Red Hair Pirates have suffered serious injuries in order to beat the spot, and they have almost advanced the fight against Begapunk.

If it weren’t for the arena, these forces would all want to salute and celebrate with champagne.

The picture is broken. If these people know that Qin Luo has a way to make the wound heal quickly, none of them will be happy.

During the game, Qin Luo received a notice from Orochimaru, and Begapunk took the initiative to ask to meet Qin Luo. Orochimaru did not elaborate on the specific reason, but he gave Qin Luo a reminder.


The symbol of a demon.

How interesting is the devil. However, this is obviously a “masterpiece” of Bergapunk, and it seems that mad scientists also know that they have made incredible things.

Ask Tsunade to help heal Beckman and Hawkeye’s injuries, and Qin Luo sets off to go to Begapunk’s appointment.

In the undersea research institute of the Dina Sur family, Qin Luo’s complicated water channels still caused a lot of trouble. Although he knew the way, it took a while for Qin Luo to arrive at Bergapunk’s room.

As soon as he entered, Qin Luo saw Vegapunk staring at the demon’s heart in the corner.

“Sorry, it’s late. You know, the road above is not easy.”

More than it’s not easy to leave, Begapunk was very satisfied with the degree of secrecy of this research institute, but after anticipating a certain danger, this satisfaction became uneasy.

“Do you need my research or my people?” Begapunk looked at Qin Luo with piercing eyes.

Qin Luo, who had just sat down and picked up the tea, choked on the spot and sprayed all the tea. Begapunk’s straightforwardness made Qin Luo goose bumps.

Guigui, do you want to be so direct. There are people who I don’t want you, let alone your heart. I just need to study the results. What am I doing with your person and heart, unlock more “knowledge (posture)”. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t engage in foundation, never.

Soon, Qin Luo reacted when he coughed. The “his man” that Bergaponke said was not the same as Qin Luo thought.

Hi, this is embarrassing.

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