“Go to [Along Paradise]!”

“No, Along is a more powerful pirate than Crick!!!”

“For Miss Nami, I can kick Along away with one kick.”

“Shut up, perverted chef, stop being a nympho.”

“Green algae head, do you want to fight?”

Lin En thought about it and did not join the conversation of these people.

Since Sanji came, the useless trio has been upgraded to a useless four-person group. Looking at their quarrel, Johnny and Joseph could not get a word in.

Pervert, coward, directionally challenged, stupid, wait for Nami to come and make up for the money worship.

I really have to save Nami, otherwise how can I make up for the bond?

He thought about the new combination with a sense of wickedness. Now he still had to go some distance to Arlong Paradise, and he had to get new equipment. Arlong Pirates were one level stronger than Creek Pirates. If he didn’t prepare seriously, he might fail. But there was nothing to be afraid of now. After all, he had just shocked Hawkeye and had the start-up capital.

Host: Lin En

Bloodline: God of Forging

Level: 3


Living Forge

Bellows Breath (Primary)

Fiery Charge (Primary)

Volcano Ravine (Primary)

Personal Equipment: Doran’s Shield

Balance: 3120 Gold Coins

The 2600 gold coins given by Hawkeye and the 500 gold coins from defeating Creek Pirates can be used to get another piece of equipment.

Sure enough, gold coins are the source of his happiness. Landon’s equipment is already so strong, so wouldn’t it be easy to take off with another powerful equipment?

When Lin En was on the ship, he tested it. Equipment like Randuin’s Omen can provide Lin En with a lot of armor and health, which makes him tougher and also provides him with an active skill. These are already very powerful.

But what can really take on Hawkeye’s knife is the performance of Randuin as an item.

Its defensive performance as a shield is absolutely artifact-level. It is estimated that it is difficult for physical attacks in the world to break through its defense.

However, the shortcomings of the equipment of Randuin’s Omen are also obvious. It is just a shield. It can defend against attacks from the front, but it cannot defend against attacks from 360 degrees.

So to really walk sideways in this world, you still have to create more equipment to stack your own attributes. As long as I stack the armor high enough, sooner or later I will have the same hardness as Randuin.

Hawkeye is really a good helper in the novice period. As long as you choose equipment in a targeted way, you can get so many resources without risk.

Moreover, he felt that he should reach level 4 soon. The experience that Hawkeye gave him was definitely overflowing. As expected, he still had to start from the big guys. However, the next big guy should be Crocodile, which was still a long way off. Let’s first kill the elite monsters on the road to level up.

I’m about to reach level 4. I don’t know if I can strengthen my small skills.

In the game, you can strengthen small skills by adding points to them. The effects may include increasing damage, reducing cooldown, reducing mana consumption, etc.

I just don’t know what the small skills will become after strengthening in this world.

“Skill strengthening can only be unlocked after level 7, but at level 4 you can further strengthen your bloodline ability.”

What is bloodline ability?

Speaking of which, the system does mark that I have the bloodline of the God of Forging.

Does that mean that I am the first demigod descendant in this world?

What’s the use of strengthening bloodline ability? Make me look more like a goat? No matter what, let’s make equipment first.

The big guys still give a lot of money. For example, the Creek Pirates, which are rotten fish and shrimp, only give 500 after defeating them. Hawkeye gave 2600 in one breath. The strongest Shichibukai is really extraordinary.

Now I have to think about how to make up for my shortcomings with the next piece of equipment.

From the last battle, I know one thing. Although I am very tanky, my attack power is still a little lacking.

If Creek’s armor was not restrained by my bellows, I might not be able to hurt him as he said.

So my second piece of equipment must have the following requirements.

1. This equipment must have a certain output ability

Make up for my output as a tank hero.

2. The equipment must be a little tanky, not pure fragile equipment

After all, I am a tank hero, so any tank equipment can be produced.

3. The equipment must have a certain growth ability

The current plot is still at the earliest stage. While the enemies encountered in the early stage are not strong, quickly stack some basic attributes.

So, what is this equipment?

What is it?

That’s right, it’s the steel of the heart.

In fact, all the previous thoughts were false. Lin En had wanted to build this equipment for a long time.The first piece of equipment needs to be able to withstand Hawkeye’s attack.

Heart Steel’s initial attributes do not have armor, so it is difficult to defend against Hawkeye’s physical damage.

But the large amount of health points provided by Heart Steel can increase Lin’s vitality.

In the future, if we encounter a protracted battle, just consuming Lin can kill the opponent. The most important thing is that this health point can be infinitely increased. The later the game is, the stronger Lin’s vitality will be.

Although it cannot be the first one, it is not too late to do it now.

Bought the forging formula of Heart Steel.

The required synthesis materials are all red crystals.

After buying all the materials again, Lin spent a total of 3,000 gold coins, and now his balance is only 120.

Heart Steel is more expensive than Landon, but he doesn’t feel sorry at all, after all, this equipment is too worthwhile.


The four people who were having a heated discussion also stopped arguing.

The sound of Lin En forging iron is indeed magical. Anyone who is flustered and excited can calm down and feel an infinite sense of security after listening to it.


As the last note was struck, a heart-shaped breastplate with orange and red bands appeared on the anvil.

“Wow, Brother Lin En is a musician!”

“This is the best music I have ever heard in my life.”

Johnny and Joseph immediately started to applaud when it ended.

They had not been in the sea restaurant before, and this was the first time they saw someone forging iron so beautifully.

Everyone gathered around, because they knew how powerful the equipment made by Lin En was.

“Wow, what a cool armor!!”

Luffy was the first to touch it, and then he was ready to try it on, but it didn’t work at all. Lin En was much taller than him, and finally he returned the armor to Lin En in frustration.

“Relax, you will have it in the future.”

It is more important to improve your own combat effectiveness in the early stage. If you encounter a powerful pirate group later, you can also make a few pieces of equipment for your teammates.

Sanji and Zoro just looked at it curiously and then retreated.

“If I wear this armor, can I block Hawkeye’s slash?” Usopp was still looking at the armor.

He was very envious of the Random Omen before.

“According to the properties of this equipment, no, Hawkeye can still cut you.”

“Then what’s the use of this equipment?”

“Hawkeye can only cut you, but it shouldn’t kill you after a few cuts. In the end, you will live half dead.”

“Then I don’t want it.” Usopp was very disappointed after listening to Lin’s description.

But fortunately, he didn’t need to fight the enemy head-on.

As a genius in the sniper world, King Usopp wanted to defeat the opponent from a hundred meters away. Only fools would fight with the opponent face to face.

Having lost the novelty of the equipment, the four-member team went back to discuss fiercely.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin could also take a look at the specific properties of this equipment.

Heart of Steel:

800 HP

200% basic HP regeneration

20 skill haste

Giant Devour: You can use a charging attack on enemies within your range at regular intervals.

The damage of this charging attack depends on your maximum HP. After the charging attack, your maximum HP increases, and the increase depends on your maximum HP.

This is a magical weapon! ! !

The higher my HP, the more painful it is when I hit people. The more painful it is when I hit people, the higher my HP is. As long as I stack them all the way, I can cripple the enemy with the first hit.

Lin En couldn’t wait to put on the Heart of Steel, and he also felt something different.

He felt the unprecedented rise of his blood and qi, as if he couldn’t die no matter what.

This should be the effect of the huge increase in HP.

At the same time, he also felt that he was more proficient in releasing skills, and could release more skills in a shorter time. The skill haste in the game was manifested in this world.

“System, this piece of equipment is the same as Landon’s. Will the attribute bonus remain unchanged after I put it into the system space?”

“Yes, if the host does not intend to use the item performance of the equipment, it can be placed in the system space, and the special abilities and attributes of the equipment will still be provided to the host.”

That’s good now, otherwise there will be more equipment of the same type in the future, and I can’t wear three pieces of armor.

Turning his head to look at the people who were discussing, Lin En still didn’t see what he wanted to see after waiting for a while.

The effect of Heart Steel can only be launched on the enemy… Tsk

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