The Empress looked doubtful when she heard this.

“Can you remove this mark?”

Lin En patted his chest confidently.

“Of course I can.”

He has found the equipment to help the Empress remove the mark.

It is the crucible.

The effect of the crucible is to restore an individual to a perfect state.

The definition of this perfect state is very abstract, but Lin En has figured it out.

It is to restore the individual to what he should have been like.

Tattoos and branding are scars in another sense.

So they will also be removed by the crucible.

He discovered it when Nami used the crucible before.

The logo of the Arlong Pirates that was originally printed on her body was removed by the crucible.

Anyway, the price of the crucible is not expensive.

The Empress frowned slightly,

“If you can really remove the mark on the backs of our three sisters, I will agree to your request.”

If Lin En really has the ability to remove this mark, what about leaving Luffy on the island for a while,

“Okay, it’s a deal.”

Lin En didn’t hesitate to take the hammer in his left hand and the anvil in his right hand, accompanied by a strange melody,

a golden bell appeared in his hand.

He pointed at the Empress,

“You and your two sisters stand together.”

The casting range of the crucible is much smaller than that of other equipment.

Hearing this, the Empress’s two sisters immediately stood beside her,

They planned to see if this man really had the ability to remove this mark.

“Do you need me to take off my clothes?”

The Empress was ready to untie her bathrobe with her hands,

“No, no, just like this.”

Lin En immediately interrupted the Empress’s behavior.

His hand gently shook the bell,

A white light circle rose from the bottom of the empress’s feet and instantly covered her entire body,

In an instant, the power of the crucible was activated.

“It’s done.”

The empress frowned and looked at Lin En,

“Is it really done?”

Lin En put away the bell,

“Of course it’s done.”

So fast?

The empress felt that she was deceived,

Lin En simply took out the bell and shook it,

Then he was done in the next moment.

Seeing the empress’s doubt, Lin En said: “If you don’t believe me, you can see for yourself.”

The empress immediately prepared to take off her clothes again, and Lin En turned around when she saw this scene.

“Sister… it seems to be gone!”

“That man didn’t lie to you!”

“The mark on your back has really disappeared!”

After hearing her sister’s words, the empress walked to a mirror in a daze.

She turned her back to look at her smooth and white back.

“It’s really gone.”

She murmured.

At this time, she also noticed other things.

Her body had also changed.

In the place of Nine Snake Island,

Although all the people here are women, everyone recognizes that strength is beauty.

In the past, before she became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, she often fought various enemies on the sea.

Sometimes she would be left with some hidden injuries during the battle.

When she felt her body this time, she found that all the hidden injuries on her body had disappeared.

The power of the golden bell is much greater than she imagined.

The empress’s tone returned to calmness.

“Turn around.”

At this time, she had put on her clothes again.

When Lin En broke into the bathhouse before, she thought Lin En was a rude person.

She hated him no matter how she looked at him.

But when Lin En helped her get rid of the demons that had been entangled in her heart for many years,

she felt that he was pleasing to the eye.

“I promised you. From today on, you are the most distinguished guest on Nine Snake Island.”

Lin En was relieved to hear the Queen’s permission.

The other party was more honest than he thought.

Soon, Lin En and the Queen came to Luffy’s location.

At this time, Luffy was locked in a cell.

Although he was still in a coma,

the mushrooms all over his body disappeared.

“Where are his pants?”

Lin En’s mouth twitched for a while,

The weirdest thing about Luffy now is that

he is naked,

and he doesn’t even have a pair of underwear.

The Queen also showed a cold look to the two Amazon warriors next to Luffy.

“Report to Lady Snake, the girls in the village have never seen a man.”

What happened next is easy to understand.

When the girls treated Luffy, they stripped him naked.

They found something on his body that they had never seen before.

Lin En took a look at Luffy who was still unconscious.

What should I say?

He is indeed a rubber man.

If it were an ordinary person, he would wake up in pain.

But Luffy is different.

He is a rubber man.

Lin En sighed.”Save some dignity for the child.”

Although Luffy didn’t care about this matter,

it was still a bit indecent to open his legs wide.

The Queen’s tone was full of anger,

“Is this how you treat the guests of Nine Snake Island?”

After hearing the Queen’s words, Lin En said that he didn’t care about this matter.

If anyone cared, it would be Luffy,

but Luffy would care even less.

“There’s no need to be angry, just find something to cover him.”

Looking at Luffy still unconscious,

it would take some time for him to wake up.

“Is he your captain?”

The Queen asked Lin En, she recognized Luffy’s identity,

after Lin En’s affirmation, she looked at Lin En’s uniform in confusion.

Those two big words of justice are obviously incompatible with pirates.

“Do whatever you want.”

But the Empress has become her teammate.

And she mentioned the war at the top before.

Then he can explain to the Empress why he joined the navy.

“I joined the navy for something.”

“Is it related to the war that is about to start?”

The Empress immediately thought of the reason.

She was supposed to appear in that war.

The war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Headquarters.

The Navy Headquarters sent a call to the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

As the top combat force under the command of the World Government, the Seven Warlords of the Sea can help the Navy fight against the Whitebeard Pirates.

“Should I still participate?”

The Empress asked.

She herself was a little hesitant.

She didn’t want to join any war.

“You are the king of Nine Snake Island, of course you have to go!!”

An old woman with a cane but very agile jumped out.

In a sense, this woman is the adopted mother of the empress.

“Grandma Guroliosa, where did you come from?”

Grandma Guroliosa leaned on a cane and

bowed slightly to Lin En.

“Thank you, sir, for helping Snake Princess solve her hidden danger.”

Then she turned her head to the empress again,

“If you don’t participate in this war, the navy will deprive you of the title of Shichibukai,”

“Then Nine Snake Island will be in danger.”

Lin En also said to the empress,

“Go, it’s nothing.”

“Anyway, when the war starts, you can fish and I can paddle, and the war will be over.”

With the strength of the empress, she will naturally not encounter danger in the war.

The empress calmed down,


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