In the evening, the whole island was celebrating the demise of Arlong’s pirate group.

Sanji was helping the villagers prepare food.

Luffy was eating the food prepared by Sanji.

Then he was kicked out of the kitchen by the angry Sanji.

“Wait for me!”

Zoro was exercising with his upper body naked in the square, causing the girls on the island to exclaim.

And Usopp was bragging about his battle with the children in the village.

Lynn was leaning on the railing, looking at the celebrating crowd, and turned on his system.

Host: Lin En

Bloodline: God of Forging

Level: 4


Living Forge

Bellows Breath (Primary)

Scorching Charge (Primary)

Volcano Ravine (Primary)

Melting God Form

Personal Equipment: Doran’s Shield, Randuin’s Omen, Heart of Steel

Balance: 620 Gold Coins

The battle with the Arlong Pirates allowed him to reach level 4, and he also earned some gold coins. What made him most curious was the skill of the God of Forging, which, according to the system introduction, could allow him to transform into the God of Forging for a period of time.

I really want to try it!

Should I try it now?

While Lin En was still thinking, someone patted his shoulder, and when he turned around, it was Nami.

“Why didn’t my vice-captain go to the banquet?”

“Because Ms. Thief Cat just abandoned her vice-captain for her own money, and now her vice-captain is a little sad.”

Although she could hear that Lin En was teasing her, Nami was still a little embarrassed.

Just now, she was indeed overwhelmed by the 100 million Baileys and ran up without caring about anything. When her brain was reconnected, she was already next to the big box of money.

Nami walked lightly to Lin En and leaned on the railing.

“Isn’t it good?”

“What’s good?”

“You did a good job.”

Looking at the crowd in the hustle and bustle, Nami’s eyes were a little blurry.

“No one in the village was injured, and Aaron was defeated. The island will be full of vitality tomorrow.”

“You can always do well, but I forgot.”

Nami was the third to get on the boat. As the most normal person in the team except for the money worship, she and Lin En also have more intersections than others.

“So this incident should tell you that as a social animal, there are many things in the world that cannot be accomplished by yourself.”

“Instead of carrying everything on your own, it is better to find a way to seek help.”

Lin En enjoyed the space at this time, quiet and comfortable, with a beautiful woman by his side.

“Thank you.”

“Now, I can finally think about tomorrow.”

“Maybe I will live a quiet life in the orange orchard tomorrow, or maybe I will continue to be your navigator on the ship.”

Lin En didn’t say anything. He looked at Nami. At this moment, she was extremely relaxed and had the right to choose the future she wanted.

“By the way, what is your request?”

“You helped us defeat Arlong and save the island.

Now I may agree to any request you make, even if I will regret it in the future.”

Lin En turned his eyes to the village. The children were playing and the adults were busy, but without exception, everyone had a smile on their faces.

“You have already paid it.”

“You have already paid it?”

Nami was curious about Lin En’s words, recalling the conversation just now.

“Are you asking me to be your companion?”

“No, no, no, that’s Luffy’s mission, not mine. How to trick you onto the ship is his ability.”

“Then what did I pay just now?”

Nami was getting more and more confused.

“Didn’t you just say thank you? That’s what I want.”

“Every time my master Orn helps others build something, no one says thank you to him. I have gained more than him in this regard.”

Thinking of the lines of the goat in the League, Lin En wanted to laugh again.

He watched the villagers for a while, but Nami beside him was silent, only a whimper came.

Turning his head to look at Nami, her tears were flowing uncontrollably at this moment.

It’s over, this is the only reaction in Lin En’s mind.

Then he was hugged fiercely.

“Hurry up and wipe it with paper, don’t rub your snot on my clothes.”

But the words now are simply unheard of by the emotional girl.

Oh, forget it.

Enjoy it,

It’s worthy of the figure in the world of One Piece.

Lin En could only sigh like a pure boy in his previous life.

After a while, most of Lin En’s clothes on his chest were wet, and Nami was wiping her face with a tissue.

“I say, now that your business is over, what about the Doran’s Shield?I will.”

The Doran’s Shield is a very cost-effective equipment in the early stage of the game, and the effect is good.

“I won’t.”

Nami wiped her tears, raised her head, and the familiar smile returned to her face again.

She turned and ran away from Lin En, her steps became lighter and lighter, and her short orange hair fluttered in the air, like a bird out of a cage flying into the sky.

Suddenly, when her figure was about to completely disappear from Lin En’s sight.

“How can I take back the things I gave to the girl? ”

The girl’s teasing voice was accompanied by Lin En’s helplessness.

Forget it, just give it to her,

I have two sets of equipment now anyway.

Doran’s Shield can only restore a fixed amount of health. Thinking about it this way, it is quite suitable for Nami.

She doesn’t exercise her body and has no means to increase her life value. Fixed recovery will be much more useful.

According to Lin En’s inference, in this world, exercising the body will make the blood stronger, and what should be increased is vitality.

It’s over, this is a trap set by a woman, and I am not a Sigma man anymore.

Just as Lin En sighed, a voice came from behind.

“Brother, can you go to a place with me? ”

The owner of the voice was Jian, who had been looking for Lin for a while.

Lin followed Jian’s footsteps and the two chatted about things in the village.

Halfway through the chat, Lin found that he was getting more and more familiar with this road, and finally he came to Melbel’s tomb, which was where he followed Nami and the others that day.

Jian was silent at this moment, staring blankly at the small wooden cross in front of him.

“What a great mother.”

Hearing Lin’s voice, Jian broke away from the inexplicable emotions.


“She taught an excellent daughter.”

Ajian had a smile on his face, feeling proud and happy.


He had to admit that the language of this young man named Lin sometimes carried a kind of magic.

“Nami will eventually board your ship.”

“Maybe, but our captain may find ways to get her on board. ”

As if they remembered Luffy’s crazy way of stuffing food into his stomach, both of them laughed.

“Hahahaha, that’s great, Melbelle, someone praised you for raising a good daughter.”

Ajian poured the wine he had prepared on the cross. For him, every day in the future would be full of hope.

“Brother, I’ll ask you for a favor.”


“Please take good care of Nami.”

Lynn shook her head.

“She has her own choices and dreams.”

“But if you say to protect her safety before she realizes her dream, then I agree.”

Ajian laughed again. He hadn’t laughed as much as he did today in the past ten years.

“Hahahaha, you are such a sweet guy.”

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