“Why are we leaving so early when it’s not even daybreak?!”

“The ladies here are so cute, can’t I stay a few more days?!”

Usopp and Sanji, who were dragged aboard, woke up and started to quarrel.

Then, with two “bangs,” they fell silent.

Lin En ignored the two who were playing tricks. Now he just wanted to know his ability to reach level 5.

Host: Lin En

Bloodline: God of the Forge

Level: 5


Living Forge

Bellows Breath (Primary)

Fiery Charge (Primary)

Volcano Ravine (Primary)

Temporary Equipment Forging

Forge God Form

Personal Equipment: Doran’s Shield, Randuin’s Omen, Heart Steel, Anti-Magic Cloak

Balance: 500 Gold Coins

The one who defeated Baroque Studio also gave him some gold coins, which were less than what Aaron gave.

However, it is normal that the bottom-level combat power of Baroque Studio is not as good as Aaron.

What surprised Lin En the most was that the speed of experience value increase was much faster than he imagined.

It seems that the experience value given by Hawkeye directly upgraded him from level 2 to level 4, so that he was promoted to level 5 after two small-scale battles.

What made him more curious was the function of forging temporary equipment.

“System, what is the use of temporary equipment forging?”

“Temporary equipment forging allows the host to forge a temporary equipment for teammates that lasts for one hour. The forged equipment will be randomly selected from the equipment list suitable for them.”

Wow, this is really powerful.

In fact, Luffy and his strength is not weak. Basically, every boss they encounter can be overcome with difficulty. However, with equipment, their combat effectiveness can be further improved.

Bored to swipe the system mall, although he does not have enough money, he can swipe it to see.

Suddenly, a piece of equipment came into Lin En’s sight.

Horn of the God of the Forge: 0 gold coins

It was the first time he saw equipment with 0 gold coins.

“System, why is there equipment with 0 gold coins?”

“Equipment with 0 gold coins is automatically given to the host when it reaches a certain level. Although the host can buy the Horn of the God of the Forge now, it cannot be fully used.”

What’s the matter? Just buy it. It doesn’t cost money anyway.

A medium-sized dark red horn appeared in Lin En’s hand. It seemed to be the same type of equipment as his hammer and anvil.

Lin En’s hammer and anvil are extremely special equipment. Not only can they be stored in the system space and taken out at any time, but the size of these two equipment will also increase when Lin En turns into the form of the God of the Forge.

This should be the horn for the sixth-level summoning ultimate move. I wonder if it can be blown now.

Just when Lin En was studying this mysterious horn, Nico Robin quietly boarded the ship.

“I really escaped a disaster.” A charming and hoarse female voice sounded on the deck.

“Yes, it was really thrilling.” Nami was still replying, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

There were no other women on the ship except Vivi and me, and Vivi’s voice was not like that.

I turned around and looked at the source of the voice, and was instantly shocked.

The woman wearing a purple tall hat sat on the railing above the Merry, looking at Luffy and others below with a playful look.

“Sexy big sister!!!” Sanji, who saw Robin’s beautiful face, immediately fell into a state of charm and turned around on the deck.

But Nami and others felt a chill in their hearts. When did she come up?

Princess Vivi’s face turned pale.

“Ms. All Sunday!!”

Is she here to hunt me down?

Having just seen the explosion of Igram, Vivi gritted her teeth.

“Wow!! Where did the hand come from!!”

Using the Flower-Flower Fruit to capture Usopp who was aiming at him, everyone realized that the woman in front of them was a powerful devil fruit ability user.

Just when the Straw Hats and Robin were on the verge of a fight, an untimely voice came.

“Toot toot toot toot~Toot toot toot~”

Lin En was blowing the horn vigorously.

He was too focused on the system mall just now and didn’t notice Robin’s arrival.

After blowing the horn for a long time, it didn’t work. He turned around and saw everyone on the deck looking at him in surprise.

Huh? Why is everyone silent?

Lin En, who noticed something different, raised his eyes and met Nico Robin’s curious eyes.

It turned out that Robin was here.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Lin En thought about what he should do.

After hesitating for a moment, he waved to Robin.


The hoarse female voice with a smile sounded again.

“Your vice-captain is really an interesting person.”

Nami and the others couldn’t hold it anymore.

“That’s”Enemy, Lin En!!!”

“Why do you say hello to the enemy!!!”

“How come you have become so insensitive!!!”

After everyone made a fuss, it was Lin En who finally went to negotiate.

“So what are you here for?”

“You are not here to capture Princess Vivi or to attack us.”

Robin took out an eternal pointer from her pocket and handed it to Lin En with her little hand.

“You are going to the small garden.”

“You will be wiped out even if we don’t do anything there.”

“This pointer can take you to the safe island closest to Alabasta.”

Then Robin looked at Lin En’s choice curiously.

Do you believe her words, or do you think it’s just a trap?

But Lin En is not a person who likes to make choices, he handed the pointer to Luffy.

Luffy crushed it with one hand.

“You don’t need to decide the direction of this ship’s progress!!!” ”

Nami started wailing again.

“Luffy you are an idiot! ! Why don’t you go to a safe island!”

“And you too, Lin En, don’t you know Luffy is an idiot! ! ”

Lin En shrugged after hearing this.

“He is the captain.”

A chuckle from a unique voice came, and Robin seemed to have watched some interesting sitcom.

“It’s really an interesting pirate group.”

“It’s a pity that I have to leave. ”

Jumped onto the giant turtle waiting beside the ship.

Robin turned to Lin and said.

“I’ll remember you, Vice Captain Lin. You look a little different from your bounty photo. Goodbye~”

Waved to Lin, just as Lin waved to him just now.

Tsk, it seems that this bounty photo is really not taken well. Maybe I can take another one next time? But who should I ask to take it? I can’t go to the Navy Headquarters to take it, right?

On the deck, Nami was yelling at Luffy in a rage, but Luffy still didn’t change his mind.

Just like that, the Merry did not change its course and continued to move towards the small garden.

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