The people on this island were very alert. Before the Merry entered, they pointed their guns at the people on the Merry.

“I’m sorry, please help us call a doctor to save our companions.”

As Vivi and Luffy kowtowed, the residents of the island let the boat in.

Lin En was not surprised by the island residents’ vigilance. After all, Luffy and his men were still pirates on the surface.

No one knew what impact letting a group of pirates in would have on their lives.

An unknown country, an island with snow forever, and a mountain that looked like a huge chimney.

A tall and strong man named Dalton led the pirates into the village. He was also the head of the village’s guard.

The original name of this country was [Drum Kingdom], and the king was Valpo, the Swallow Swallow Fruit user who was just beaten by Luffy.

But due to the invasion of powerful pirates, Valpo abandoned this country and ran away with all the doctors.

Later, people supported each other and established a new country without a king, and Dalton has been guarding this place.

“That means there is no doctor on this island!!!” Everyone was surprised to hear Dalton’s story.

What should people do if they get sick in a country without doctors?

Dalton pointed to the highest iron barrel-shaped mountain.

“The only doctor on the island now lives in Dalton’s castle, and he is also the witch on the island.”

“Although that person has a weird personality, he is also a doctor with excellent medical skills.”

Although Nami is in good physical condition at this time because of redemption, illness is something that cannot be delayed.

But it is really impossible for her to climb the snow mountain. According to her physical strength, she can’t do it even if she is not sick.

“Can you fly up, meow?”

“Meow~~~Ꮚ˘ꈊ˘Ꮚ” The lamb nodded.

“Don’t be ridiculous. How can a sheep fly?”

However, MeeMee flew up, stepping on the floating magma, and circled around Usopp who had just suspected it.

Everyone was stunned. Before, they just thought that the sheep was just a little red, but they didn’t expect it to be able to fly.

Weiwei was not very surprised. After all, it was not surprising for a sheep that jumped out of a volcano to have some characteristics.

“MeeMee told me that it can only carry up to three people now. Who else is going to go besides me and Nami?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Even if it can fly, how can such a small sheep sit? Can it grow bigger?”

“Mee! ᏊºัꈊºัᏊ”

The little sheep screamed fiercely, and then its body quickly grew larger, becoming a medium-sized one over 1 meter tall, and snorted at Usopp.

“It can really grow bigger! How can there be such a strange animal in the world.” Usopp has begun to doubt everything in front of him, but Luffy is excited at this time.

“I want to fly, I want to fly!!!”

After all, flying is definitely a novel experience for most people in this world.

On the way to the castle on the top of the mountain.

“So this is what it means to be able to carry three people.”

Nami did not forget to complain even though her voice was weak.

At this time, she and Lin were sitting on the back of the sheep, and Mee Mee was shaking its four hooves and running in the sky on the magma.

And Luffy was being held by Mee Mee by the collar behind his back.

There was no room for three people on the back of the sheep.

“It’s okay, you see Luffy is already enjoying it.”

Luffy was so excited at this time that he shouted in the sky.

“So cool!! I can fly too!!!”

“Look, the hiking bear on the ground is greeting us!!”

“What kind of giant rabbit is that!! The rabbits here are so big!”

“I saw a hippo!!!”

Since he went up to the sky, he has never stopped talking.

It’s also a good thing that it’s Luffy, if it was someone else, they would probably be scared to death.

“The animals in this country are so strange, but MeeMee is the best.” Nami sat in front and stroked the sheep’s head.


MeeMee will be very proud when she hears Nami and Vivi’s praise. Although other people can’t feel it, Lin En can understand what it is thinking now.

Slowly, the altitude of the ascent is getting higher and higher, and the huge silver-white castle also comes into view of the three people.

Chopper’s day was originally very stable, but today when he was walking, he saw a bunch of red things flying towards here in the sky.

It wiped its eyes with its furry hooves, and it turned out to be a sheep!!!

It was so scared that it ran into the castle with its short hooves, and ran to an old lady dressed in fashionable clothes.

“Doctor Doriel!!! There is a strange animal coming towards us!”! ! ”

“That’s a flying red sheep! ! ! ”

The old woman took off her sunglasses, she was the last doctor on the island, Dr. Kuleha.

“Is there any animal weirder than you, Chopper?”

“It’s really weird! Sheep can’t fly, but it can fly! ! ”

Finally, the old woman took Chopper with a bottle of wine in her hand and opened the gate of the castle, just in time to see Lin En and others riding on Mee Mee to the door.

“Isn’t it weird, Dr. Doriel! ! ” Chopper hid behind the doctor and showed two eyes to stare at the people in front of him.

“Wow, a talking elk! ! ! ”

Luffy was also put down from Mee Mee’s mouth.

Lin En carried Nami, who had just fallen asleep, from the sheep’s back and walked to the old woman.

“Doctor, there is a patient here. ”


Nami woke up, she felt extremely refreshed at this time, although her body was still a little weak, but the headache was completely gone.

“Hey, the little girl recovered well, your condition is really surprising.”

“I am Doctor Kuleha.”

Nami sat up and touched her forehead. Sure enough, the temperature had gone down.

“You look puzzled, do you want to ask me the secret of my youth?”

“I didn’t ask…”

At this time, the door was suddenly knocked open, and two figures, one big and one small, rushed in. They were Luffy and Chopper.

At this time, Luffy chased Chopper and shouted.

“You also know medical skills! ! Come to our ship to be a doctor! ! !”

“I said I won’t go! ! ! ! ! ”

The two chased each other and ran out of the door again. Lin En avoided the running figures of the two people and entered the room.

“How is it, doctor, has my companion recovered from his illness?” Looking at Nami’s current condition, she should be in good condition.

“It’s really strange. Theoretically, this kind of bacteria from 100 years ago, after infecting a person, she is now at least in a state of severe danger.”

“But for some reason, this little girl’s vitality is particularly strong.”

This should be the effect of redemption, which raised Nami’s vitality out of thin air.

Hearing that the doctor ensured that Nami was out of danger, Lin En was relieved. The crucible is no longer a necessity for him now.

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