As soon as Lin En finished speaking, he looked at Nami and winked at him.

“Hey, the real master is here, I won’t waste your time.”

Weiwei smiled awkwardly at Nami and pulled Lin En up.

Nami waved at the two of them playfully.

Weiwei wanted to take him to Aruba. Women go shopping when they are happy.

They also go shopping when they are sad.

They still go shopping when they are calm.

Weiwei is no exception.

He could only wave to his companions behind him and left in Sanji’s jealous eyes.

In the evening, the sky that had been away from the sweet dew for a long time became wet and cool under the heavy rain.

Water stains that have not dried up can still be seen on the streets.

People come and go on the streets. Even in the evening, the excited people are still full of energy.

Children jump and play in the puddles filled with rainwater, and adults drink and chat to celebrate.

Occasionally, one or two royal soldiers can be seen celebrating with people dressed as rebels on the stalls. From now on, they are all Alabasta people and will fight for Alabasta.

Vivi couldn’t help but feel moved when she saw all this, and she walked forward gracefully with brisk steps.

At this moment, she was not a princess with a heavy responsibility, but a happy girl from Alabasta.

“How about it, do you like these?”

Lin En looked at the girl who walked like dancing in front of him, and felt a burst of joy in his heart.

“I like everything here very much.”

Vivi smiled softly, took Lin En’s hand and jumped forward, bringing him up with her steps.

Lin En was infected by the girl’s emotions and also stepped rhythmically.

The two walked and jumped on the busy streets, as if they were performing a strange dance.

The happy people around saw this man and woman, and they would also give words of praise.

On this day, everyone had a smile on their face.

Lin En didn’t have any advanced dancing skills, he only remembered some fur dances from his previous life.

But with Vivi’s encouragement, he could barely keep up with the rhythm of the dance.

Finally, at the end of the street, in front of the city gate, the two finished dancing.

At this time, a little boy walked towards the two with a wooden sculpture.

“Brother, buy a wooden sculpture for sister.”

“My father said that this is the guardian god of Alabasta.”

“It can help Alabasta overcome difficulties, and it will definitely protect the safety of brother and sister.”

Vivi couldn’t help laughing and picked up the wooden sculpture to look at it carefully.

The wooden sculpture was carved with the appearance of the God of the Forge, with huge horns, furry beards, and small eyes.

“It’s so cute.”

“Just looking at it makes me feel safe.”

Vivi sighed. She was shocked when she first met Lin En.

Now she just feels relieved when she sees this.

“Yes, the guardian god is very cute.”

“My father also said that the residents of the city will erect a sculpture for the guardian god.”

“It’s right in the middle of the square.”

Weiwei blinked playfully at Lin En, and that sight made him blush a little.

Although he likes to show off, it is still too embarrassing to erect a statue.

Fortunately, it is only the form of the God of the Forge.

If he really wants to erect a statue of him, he will probably want to flee the country immediately.

Every time he sees his bounty, he feels a huge sense of shame.

Why can he take such a second-year photo?

“I’ll buy it, I’ll buy it, okay.”

Handing it to the child Bailey, Lin En bought the lifelike little wooden sculpture.

“Thank you, Mr. Goat. With the protection of this little goat, Alabasta will surely prosper and develop.”

The two of them came to the door of the gate with laughter. On one side of the door is the lifeless and desolate desert, and on the other side are the people who live and work in peace and contentment. Alabasta is such a wonderful country.

After leaving the gate, Vivi took off the headscarf wrapped around her head. She didn’t need to hide herself outside the city wall.

“We may leave tomorrow morning.”

“Crocodile was defeated.”

“The navy will definitely strengthen surveillance here.”

Vivi fell into silence. Although Lin En didn’t ask, she knew what Lin En meant.

“I really want to go on an adventure with you, very much.”

She turned and looked at the joyful lights behind her with a smile on her face.

“But my dream is my country and my people.”

“So I’m very sorry, I can’t go on an adventure with you.”

Vivi turned and bowed to Lin En, but she didn’t bend down, so Lin En held her shoulders.

“It’s okay, Vivi, I know what you think.”

“I’m just asking for Luffy so that I can report back when the time comes.”

“Nothing is better than…Let people have a better life is a dream worth fulfilling. ”

“I respect your decision.”

Vivi’s eyes were a little red, but she didn’t cry in the end. She smiled very brightly.

“Nami is right. You are indeed different from everyone in the world.”

Lin En was shocked.


Did Nami and Vivi find out that he was a time traveler?

Well, it doesn’t matter. After all, for people in this world, time travel is still a bit too mysterious.

“Okay, okay, I’ll leave tomorrow.”

“For the last time, do you want to play the goat train?”

“Of course, why not?”

The form of the God of the Forge.

If Ornn knew that he used the blood of the God of the Forge to pick up girls, would Ornn be angry?

It shouldn’t be angry if you say thank you to it.

A red light shuttled through the desert.

The people on the wall of Arubana saw the giant beast again. They cheered and danced.

“It’s the guardian of Alabasta! ! ”

“Why is there a person sitting on the guardian?”

“That person seems to be Princess Vivi!!!”

“Is it Princess Vivi!!!”

“Great, the guardian likes Princess Vivi!!!”

“The future of Alabasta is bright!!!”

At this time, on the back of the God of the Forge, Vivi felt the wind blowing across her cheek and asked a question that made her a little uneasy.

“Will you go back to Alabasta to take a look?”

The rough voice came into her ears from the wind.

“Of course, you will have a lot of things to do in the future. I will come when you are free.”

After all, Lin En can fly on the MeeMee, and the speed of the enhanced MeeMee is comparable to that of an airplane.

After hearing the answer that made her extremely happy, Vivi no longer had any worries in her heart.

“Mr. Goat, rush forward!!!”

The joy and heat added a bit of vitality to the desert.

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