“Someone’s leg is broken here!!”

“Doctor, come to the doctor!!”

“Oh no, I’m a doctor.”

Chopper is treating the injuries of the Shandia warriors who were injured after the war.

“Ah, don’t move, you’re still injured!”

“You are a Sky Citizen, don’t touch me.”

“Lie quietly, there is no nationality difference for the wounded!!”

This is Conis, who is helping Chopper take care of the wounded.

“Miss Conis, you are so tired, have a bite of barbecue.”

“No, Sanji, I can’t spare my hands now, you guys eat first.”

“It’s okay, Miss Conis, I can feed you.”

“Hehe, I’d better not do it first.”

This is Sanji who is trying to show his courtesy.

“Wow! Usopp, your pants are on fire!!”

This is Luffy who is gloating.

“It’s hot, hot, help me put it out!!”

This is Usopp whose pants are on fire during the barbecue.

“I’m an archaeologist, this is a roasted stock!”

This is Lin En pretending to be serious.

“Oh? Mr. Lin En is also an archaeologist?”

“Sorry, I’m just talking nonsense, don’t ask me for professional advice.”

This is Robin who has rejoined the party.

“Chief, tell me quietly, if I find gold, can I take it away? You can’t use it anyway.”

This is Nami who is still thinking about gold.

“Is there something wrong with this knife? Why does it shake occasionally?”

“Don’t look at the knife, Zoro, come and have a drink!!”

“Forget it, it should be other reasons.”

This is Zoro who doesn’t pay attention to details.


Cheese mountain goat.

“Meh~~~<( ̄︶ ̄)>”

Shut up mountain goat!

“Chief, we found the direction where the golden bell fell!!”

The golden bell that was hit by Lin En flew to other directions on the island.

A Shandian came over with the news,

“But that thing is too heavy, and more manpower is needed.”

“Let me try!”

After the upgrade, Lin En felt that his strength was unusually strong.

Following the guidance of the people, Lin En and Robin came to the vicinity of the big bell. At this time, Lin En found Aisha was also here.

He grabbed the bell body and stood up the big bell lying on the ground, with great ease.

“So amazing.” Aisha exclaimed, and the Shandians around him also looked at Lin En’s performance in shock.

Sure enough, the improvement of this upgrade was particularly obvious.

The golden seed was covered with moss, and the pillar supporting the bell was broken, but the inscription under the bell platform had withstood 400 years of erosion.

“Is this the historical text?”

“Yes, this is what our Shandia tribe has guarded for generations.”

“This is about the location of the ancient weapon named after God, the ‘Poseidon’.”

The old chief looked at Robin, who had begun to interpret it, in surprise.

“Can you understand this text?”

Robin nodded,

“And the words Roger left on the inscription,”

“This historical text has completed its mission.”

The old chief’s tears flowed on his dry and wrinkled face,

“Has the wish of our ancestors been fulfilled? Can we stop fighting?”


Robin looked at Lin En and found that he was also thinking,

“What’s wrong, Mr. Lin En, do you know the ancient weapon Poseidon?”

Ah? I don’t know the ancient weapon Poseidon, I only know the original…

Of course, Lin En didn’t say anything nonsense in such a serious occasion,

His only memory of Poseidon was that it seemed that the Mermaid Island that Luffy was going to in the future was related to Poseidon.

“Isn’t the gold in Qinghai very valuable? You can move the gold away.”

“Let me do it!” Lin En wanted to test his strength again. This golden pillar is much heavier than a gold seed.

“You don’t need to help me anymore, benefactor. We can move it. Let’s work together.”

Lin En squatted down and looked at Aisha,

“How does it feel to step on the land?”

“It’s great!”

Aisha’s expression was first joyful and then a little lonely

“Are you leaving?”

“Of course.”

“Will I be as strong as you in the future?”

Aisha’s eyes were full of longing again. Hearing this, Lin En touched her short hair,

“Stupid, the reason I work hard is that I hope people who are weaker than me can also enjoy life happily.”

“The war is over. Remember to be a strong and gentle lady.”

“Let’s go, 886.”

“What does 886 mean?”

“It means goodbye.”

The people who followed Shandia huffed and puffed and carried the golden pillar back, but they saw Hai Yan, who was wrapped up all over.Everyone in the thieves’ group.

“Hey!! Lynn, Robin!!! Come on!! We are going to run away with the gold!!!”

The people of Shandia who were carrying the golden pillars beside the two of them were surprised.

“Are they ready to leave here?”

“Wait a minute!!”

Luffy shouted again:

“We will wait if you ask us to. Do you think we are idiots!!”

Usopp has packed a lot of bags:

“We have come all the way here. It is impossible for us to return empty-handed!!!”

“Hurry up, Sister Robin, Lynn!! It’s time to run away!!”

The people of Shandia were anxious. The benefactor ran away before the gift was delivered!

“We just want to thank you!”

“Don’t you want this golden pillar?”

Lin touched his chin,

“They are idiots, so…”

Robin continued: “They don’t seem to want it anymore.”

“Then let’s speed up?”


Lin and Robin ran onto the Merry at a fast pace.

There were shouts from Shandia and the people of the sky behind them,

“How could this happen!!”

“Wait a minute!!”

On the Merry, Luffy and Usopp were excitedly discussing the treasures on the ship.

“Uh, should we tell them that we just missed a priceless gold?”

Looking at the joyful people, Lin hesitated and asked Robin.

“Aren’t they very happy? Of course, there is no need.”

Robin looked at everyone with a smile.

“Wait a minute, even if you want to divide the spoils, you have to leave here first.”

“You can buy whatever you want when the time comes.”

Nami interrupted the discussion, and the Merry had already sailed to the end of the sea of ​​clouds.

“Are we leaving here soon? I’m really reluctant to leave.”

Luffy, who had experienced the wonderful adventure island of Sky Island, felt a little depressed.

“Yes, this vast white sea may only exist here.”

Sanji was smoking a cigarette, and for him, the special ingredients in the white sea were also rare.

“Don’t worry, you will be the Pirate King in the future, and you can come to this place as many times as you want.”

As soon as Lin En’s comforting words fell, Luffy immediately became excited again.

“Yes! I am the man who will become the Pirate King.”

“There is another exciting adventure waiting for me!!”

At this time, a shout came from the side,

Aisa was running on the shore, her little wings fluttering but she just couldn’t fly,

“Everyone remember to come and play next time!!”

“886! Lin En!!”

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