In the second match, Sanji, Zoro and Chopper also won the match without any danger.

“Do we still want to compete?”

Zoro, who had just finished treatment, stood up.

“We have won two games. Even if we lose the next one, you still owe us a crew member.”

“Of course we have to compete!!”

Fox immediately started to provoke him again.

“The third round is a duel. You can’t beat me!!”

“What do you mean, do you think I will lose to you!!”

“Let’s continue the third round!!!” Luffy was really provoked.

At this time, Lin En in the audience finally recovered his spirit.

“What happened just now? I seem to have lost a part of my memory.”

Chopper: “Is this because I was hit too hard and chose to forget this part of my memory!!!”

“When does the first game start?”

Usopp: “How could he forget so much!!!”

Although he didn’t know what happened, Lin En regained his confidence.

The next match was a duel between Luffy and Fox.

“No, Fox’s ability is too weird, it’s not fair.”

“I have to find a way to make the match fair!”

Fox’s ability is to slow down the rays, and he has already thought of a way.

He secretly called Luffy and Usopp aside.

“This is so, this is so.”

Usopp’s eyes became brighter and brighter.

“Okay, okay.”

The third match began, and Luffy, with an afro wig, came on the field.

Both of them put on boxing gloves.

[Okay, this is the host, and I will be the one to comment on this match this time. ]

[We already know that the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Lynn, has narrowly defeated Captain Fox once. ]

[Will Captain Luffy and Captain Fox win this time? ]

“Ah, have I played in the game?”

Lynn looked at his companions puzzledly.

“So you really forgot it!!”

“You’re not pretending!!!”

[Ahem, Vice Captain Lin seems to have made a small mistake here, let’s turn our attention back to the field. ]

Luffy was already shaking his afro, ready to move,

“Are you ready to react!”

“Rubber, rubber, rubber!!! Pistol!!”

He stretched out his arms and attacked in the direction of Fox.

“Hahaha, you still don’t remember, slow ray!!!”

A ring of light waves shot from Fox’s hand to Luffy, and Luffy’s speed immediately became extremely slow.

“Hahaha, my slow fruit is the invincible fruit.”



A light circle enveloped Fox again, and his speed also became extremely slow.

“What happened?”

“Why are people on both sides so slow!!”

“Is it a problem with the equipment?”

[Ahem, after debugging our on-site equipment, we found that 】

【It’s not a problem with the equipment, but the movements of the contestants on both sides have slowed down. 】

So in the eyes of everyone, this duel has become a slow-motion movie.

Fox’s eyes slowly widened, watching the rubber fist in front of him slowly approaching him, but he just couldn’t dodge it.

What happened?

Why did my speed also slow down?

The fist hit him, and he flew out slowly again.

He even had time to talk while flying.

“Straw… Hat… Boy… What… Conspiracy… Trick… Did… You… Use…”

Luffy’s fist was fully retracted.

“This… Is… Fun… Isn’t… It… Fun… !!!”

“Stop… Talking… Nonsense.”

“Take… My… Rubber… Pistol!!”

Some of the audience in the audience had fallen asleep.

“Wow, it’s like watching a tasteless slow-motion movie.”

Lynn complained, and his popcorn was eaten up by MeeMee.

At this time, Usopp came back and returned the Random’s Omen that Linn had just lent him.

“How about Luffy winning?”

“Need I say that? Do you know the theory of relativity?”

“What is the theory of relativity?”

Chopper and Usopp stared with big curious eyes.

Lynn started to make up stories, anyway, no one in this world knew about this stuff.

“Your speed slowed down, which means my speed increased.”

“So Fox’s slow light slowed Luffy down, but we used Random’s Omen to make FoxSlowed down.”

“This means that neither side has slowed down. In this case, Luffy can easily beat Fox.”

Usopp patted his smart head and pondered for a moment.

“It seems to be the truth.”

Chopper, the king of support: “Lin, you know a lot.”

“No, no, I just know a little.”

[Since the game is a bit boring, let’s analyze the classic moments of the first two games of this competition.]

[The first game is the thousand-layer game between Straw Hat Vice Captain Lin and our Captain Fox.]

“Wow, Lin fainted again!!!”

“Doctor!!! Doctor!!!”

“Chopper, aren’t you a doctor!!!”

“Oh, that’s right.”

Luffy on the arena successfully knocked Fox unconscious after using the extremely slow rubber machine gun and won the game.

Lin also woke up with the help of Chopper.

“Well, where’s Robin? Should we tell them about the golden pillar on Sky Island? ”

“It’s over! Lin’s memory has returned to the time when he just got off Sky Island! ”

“What golden pillar! ! ! ” Nami began to shake Lin’s collar. She seemed to have heard something incredible just now.

“The vice-captain is talking in his sleep again. I’d better tell him about the first game to cheer him up.” Robin said with a smile.

“It’s over! ! Robin, don’t say it! ! Lin fainted again! ! ”

In the end, the Straw Hat Pirates defeated the Fox Pirates with a score of 3 to 0.

And Luffy chose the pirate flag of the Fox Pirates as the reward for the game.

“Why don’t you have more Fox’s big sisters! ! ! ”

Sanji was dragged away by Chopper and Zoro.

Before leaving, Fox looked at the pirate group and asked, looking at the one less person.

“Where is your vice-captain Lin?”

“He… . . I’m still preparing myself mentally.”

Fox sighed.

“What a pity, he barely beat me this time.”

“Tell him not to bring the navigator with him next time, let’s play again.”

“I will definitely win!!!”

“Life is so lonely like snow!!!”

The crew members of the Fox Pirates also had tears in their eyes.

“Boss, Mr. Lin must be very happy to know that an opponent like you is thinking about him.”

Chopper sighed when he heard this. Fortunately, Lin was still in a coma.

Otherwise, he would lose his memory again.

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