“What happened?” Everyone looked at Lin En.

“First it was this, then it was that.”

Lin En gave everyone a rough idea of ​​what happened before and after Robin’s disappearance and his own speculation.

“I have sent Meow Meow to patrol the sky above the Seven Water City.”

“Wait and see if there is any new news tomorrow.”

When the next day came, there was indeed new news in the newspaper.

“Mr. Iceberg was shot at home and is being rescued.”

“Do you know this Mr. Iceberg?”

Luffy and Nami nodded,

Luffy thought of the lazy man he met yesterday: “He is a very respected uncle.”

Nami explained to Lin En,

“Mr. Iceberg is the mayor of this city and the president of the ship repair company. He also took care of us at the shipyard yesterday.”

Really? It’s not surprising that someone wrote a book praising him.

“I’ll go and see.”

Luffy was also a little curious about this incident. He stretched out his arms and grabbed the buildings on both sides and flew to the city.

Lin En turned to Nami and said, “Let’s go take a look too.”

As soon as Robin disappeared, the city received news that Mr. Iceberg was attacked. These two things are definitely not unrelated.

“Mee, you follow Sanji and Chopper to find Robin today.”

“Mee~~~٩( ´・ш・)و”

Zoro chose to wait and see the situation first,

“I’ll go to the boat to pack up everyone’s things.”

But it’s okay this way. With such a complex terrain in the Seven Water City, he might get lost after walking for a while.

“Why was Mr. Iceberg attacked?”

Nami asked puzzledly, and it was the day after they met.

“There is too little information now, but if it is not accidental, this incident may be related to us.”

Lin En has not seen this part of the plot, and even has no impression of the boss of the Water City. As a cloud viewer, he only knows some more famous people.

Now he can only rely on the known information to piece together the truth of the whole incident.

But given the nature of this world, if something special happens, it must be related to the protagonists.

“To be on the safe side, Nami, you wear a mask now.”

“Eh? Why?”

“I suspect Robin’s disappearance is related to Mr. Iceberg’s attack.”

The celebration ended early because of the attack on Iceberg, but there were still vendors selling masks on the street.

Lin En bought a cat-shaped mask for Nami to wear.

“Tell me more about what happened to you yesterday, focusing on the shipyard employees you met yesterday, the people around Mr. Iceberg.”

Nami straightened the crooked mask and asked, “Do you suspect that there are undercover agents of the World Government around Mr. Iceberg?”

“It’s impossible without an undercover.”

“The Seven Water Capital is a city very close to the Navy Headquarters. The World Government will definitely interfere. Isn’t it normal to plant some spies?”

Agreeing with Lin En’s point of view, Nami began to tell what happened yesterday.

“Yesterday, Usopp, Luffy and I went to Dock No. 1 of the shipyard and met Mr. Iceberg and some local shipbuilding masters.”

“One of the people we met was Barry, who is very sensitive to women.”

“What do you mean by very sensitive to women?”

Speaking of this, Nami got a little angry.

“I just wore a short skirt, and he said I was shameless.”

“Emmm, okay, I’ve written down this feature. He reacts very strongly to women wearing revealing clothes. How is his skill?”

“Very good, he can use ropes to attack opponents.”

“Can he climb walls and run on ropes?”

“I don’t know about that.”

Okay, Barry, the shipwright, occupies a suspected position.

“Then there is Rob Lucci, he can ventriloquism, his pet is a pigeon, and he is very agile.”

“It doesn’t sound strange, let’s go to the next one.”

Rob Lucci occupies a small suspected position, with no special features.

“Then there’s Kaku. His nose is very similar to Usopp’s, but it’s square.”

“Did someone talk about this person yesterday?”

“Oh, yes, Sanji said yesterday that he saw Kaku flying over his head. This person can run between buildings.”

Kaku is the most suspected.

If the World Government wants to monitor the city of Water Seven in all aspects,

the spies he sent must have someone who can move quickly in the city to get information at the first time.

“Then there’s Kalifa, Mr. Iceberg’s secretary.”

“How is her skill?”

“Very good, her kicking skills are very powerful.”

“What kind of person is Mr. Iceberg?”

“Very enthusiastic, but in the mayor’sShe is a bit lazy, and she still accompanies us even though she has so many things to do. ”

“Then this Kalifa is most likely a spy of the World Government, 80% probability.”

“Why? Kalifa’s business ability is very good.” Nami asked puzzled.

Lin En explained to her,

“The citizens of the city of Seven Waters admire the mayor very much. Mr. Iceberg has not encountered any violent incidents since he took office.”

“If there is no interference in this city, his situation should be very safe.”

“Why would someone like Mr. Iceberg, who has no sense of crisis at all, hire a very capable female secretary?”

“And the position of secretary can control Mr. Iceberg’s entire itinerary for the day, who to meet, what meetings to hold, and what to discuss.”

There is definitely something wrong with this female secretary, and now there is a most critical question.

“Is she good-looking?”

Nami looked contemptuous under the mask: “Why are you asking this?”

“This question is very critical. ”

Nami muttered: “It’s okay.”

“That’s fine, this woman must be an undercover.”

The iron rule of most anime and film and television dramas,

Important characters must be good-looking,

especially undercover.

At this time, the loudspeakers on the street suddenly sounded the alarm.

[This is the Seven Waters Meteorological Bureau!!]

[Inform all citizens!!]

[Aqua Lagna is coming!!!]

“What is Aqua Lagna?” Lin En asked Nami.

“It is a huge tsunami that occurs once a year. The sea water will flood the Seven Waters for a period of time.” Nami explained.

Citizens around have already gone to take shelter one after another.

Lin En couldn’t help but complain in his heart,

Is this the protagonist group effect? ​​All the rare things in the local area will break out when the protagonist group appears.

At the same time, he also noticed that some citizens were not in a hurry to take shelter, but were sticking something on the wall.

“Hey, what is that? ”

After getting closer to check, Nami’s face turned panicked.

It was the bounty order of the Straw Hat Pirates.

“Mr. Iceberg identified Robin as the murderer who attacked him! !”

“The Straw Hat Pirates are the murderers who attacked Mr. Iceberg!”

Nami said to Lin after a moment of silence.

“The worst is coming, and your guess is correct.”

“Robin is indeed related to the attack on Mr. Iceberg.”

Lin touched the mask. If these things can be connected, then things will become simpler now.

All you need to do is find the most critical information and everything will be solved.


Seeing Lin start to talk to himself, Nami asked: “Why?”

“Purpose, the World Government has a purpose for everything they do.”

“I can understand their purpose of taking Robin away.”

“After all, Robin is a thorn in the side of the World Government because she can interpret the historical text.”

“But why did they attack Iceberg?” ”

“But why would they do this?”

Nami was also confused, and Lin En told her:

“You should go back first, the streets are not safe now.”

“Everyone should be very excited to hear this news, but remind them not to act rashly.”

“I’m going to Mr. Iceberg’s house tonight.”

“Okay, then remember to be safe.” After saying this, Nami left.

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