The minions in Franky’s House stared at what was happening in front of them with their eyes wide open

“Is this the Straw Hat Pirates’ navigator!!!”


“Why is the navigator of this pirate group so powerful!!!”


“No wonder this woman can knock Luffy unconscious with one punch!! You know, Luffy ate the rubber fruit!! Ordinary fists are useless!!!”


Nami put her hands on her waist and walked side by side with Lin En, nodding as she listened to the compliments, feeling so proud.

“Okay, you’re almost looking down on people, stop being so conceited.”

“What do you think? I am conceited, isn’t it? Am I not beautiful?”

She even had time to pose sexy to Lin En,

“Okay, it’s only an hour anyway.”

“Fight me next time!”

Women, don’t be obsessed with power, it’s addictive!!

Everyone rushed into the Inquisition in one go. The gatekeeper was the tall Inquisitor Paskabil with three heads.

The strange thing is that the three heads have different words, deeds and thoughts.

“You pass!!”

“You don’t pass!!”

“You should be punished!!”

Three heads and six arms, each holding a different huge weapon.

In addition to the Inquisitor, there are also newly refreshed guards in the Inquisition.

A flash of swords swept through the crowd, and countless guards were knocked into the sky.

Zoro brought out three swords and cleared the miscellaneous soldiers on one side with just one sword.

“Leave these to me.”

Sanji was not willing to admit defeat. His black legs kicked into a whirlwind and cleared the miscellaneous soldiers on the other side.

“Damn it! It should be me who clears the way for Miss Nami!!”

Then the two of them cleaned the guards in the field like they were in a competition.

Every time I watch them fight, it’s like a musou game.

The knife and the leg flew past, and then the soldiers flew into the sky.

But Lin En didn’t have time to sigh about these things.

The rest of the people rushed to the front of the Inquisitor with him.

“Do you really have three heads?”

Lin En was a little skeptical. Is there really a special race in this world with three heads and six hands?

“Of course!”

“Can’t you see it?”

“We are the three-headed dog of hell!!”

But there are three little red dots in Lin En’s eyes.

One boss, three heart steels.

Three wishes, one satisfaction.

Seeing that Nami was about to use the thunder and lightning again, Lin En immediately interrupted her.

“I’ll do it!!”

His body was surrounded by red light, and he rushed towards the Inquisitor, waving the hammer in his hand to hit the three heads one by one.

The judge saw this and tried to dodge to the right, but immediately a stone pillar was erected on his right, blocking his dodging position. The three heads panicked for a moment, and finally they made up their minds to aim their weapons at Lin En. However, Lin En was least afraid of exchanging injuries for injuries. “It doesn’t hurt!” The three weapons hit Lin En at the same time, but Lin En’s forward speed did not slow down. Ding~ding~ding~. The three heads were knocked unconscious. “Are you okay?” Nami looked at the huge weapon hitting Lin En and hurried over to see Lin En’s injuries. “Of course I’m fine.” Lin En realized that the reason why the heart steel had three reactions was because the three judges were three people wearing the same clothes. There are too many weirdos in the world of pirates. “By the way, Nami.” Lin En suddenly remembered that his body was already so hard, so could Nami’s iron fist still be useful to him? Nami’s iron fist carries the Armament Haki against her companions,

but she is not even afraid of Armament Haki now.

“Come and hit me now.”

“Ah? Are you crazy?”

Nami looked at Lin En in confusion,

“Hit me.”

“Okay, you said it yourself.”

Nami gently touched Lin En’s head with her fist.

“Why is it like flirting, use more force!”

“I’m not angry with you, why should I use force?”

Indeed, it seems that every time Nami is angry, she can hit Luffy with her fist and make him have a bruise on his head.

The question is how to make Nami angry?

Lin En touched his chin and finally said tentatively,

“You are not as gentle as Weiwei.”


Sure enough, Nami’s anger has begun to accumulate, and her fist has become comic-like,


The fist hit Lin En’s head hard,


The long-lost pain,

To be honest, since Lin En got the armor provided by Landon, the Grand Line hasIt was already difficult to break his defense.

But Nami’s attack still made him feel dizzy,

and soon a big bump grew on the place where he was hit on the head.

I’m so awesome! !

What kind of rule-level ability is this?

I have such high armor and such an iron head,

but I can be hit with a bump! ! !

Is this real damage! ! !

This time Franky’s brothers were not shocked,

but the brothers in the Straw Hat Pirates were shocked.

Zoro’s sword swinging speed was stuck for a moment, and Sanji’s cigarette fell out of his mouth.

“Ah? Even Lin En’s level of defense can’t resist this woman?”

“I also like the super super violent Miss Nami~”

Lin En took a deep breath,

the pain in his head told him that all this was not an illusion,

the world became magical again.

Nami looked at Lin En groping for the place where she was hit, thinking about something. She couldn’t help but yell, “Don’t expect me to apologize! You provoked me!!” “I was wrong, sister. I apologize. Let’s go.”

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