“Merry, enter alert mode.”

Lynn immediately ordered Mary,

Merry, as the current ship spirit of the Sunny, can not only drive the ship, but also control every move on the Sunny.

Once the alert mode is turned on, the interior of the Sunny is like a sensor radar,

so there is no need to worry about someone taking the opportunity to sneak up.

‘Received instructions. ‘

A layer of light light appeared on the surface of the entire Sunny.

“You all saw what happened to Brook just now.”

“He has no shadow. It must be Moria who did it. His ability is to harvest other people’s shadows and manipulate them.”

“The purpose of the shadow can be put into various corpses to become his soldiers.”

“Who will go to Ghost Island with me for adventure?”

Usopp was a little scared: “Everyone listen to me, I have the ‘disease that can’t go to the island'”

Chopper also shouted: “This disease is contagious. I was also infected by Usopp just now.”

Robin was eager to try, “I want to go to the island for adventure.”

In the end, Nami, Chopper and Robin followed Lin En to sit on the Mini Merry.

“Why do we have to come too!!” Nami and Chopper were a little resistant.

“I want to ride on the Mini Merry too!!” Luffy was always excited.

“Don’t come here yet!”

“The Shadow-Shadow Fruit can control other people’s shadows to fight for themselves. Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy have good fighting power. If their shadows are cut off, they will be in trouble.”

“Chopper and Robin both have strange devil fruit abilities…”

At the end, Lin En looked at Nami,

“As for you, I don’t think your teammate’s limited domineering will be copied by the shadow.”

Robin looked at Lin En’s fearless look and asked,

“Aren’t you afraid of being copied?

“I’m a numerical monster. What’s the point of him copying my operation?”

“I don’t have any powerful fighting skills. ”

Lin’s four abilities all require the bloodline of the God of Forging to activate,

and he has always used the characteristics of his equipment and his own defense to resist the opponent’s attack and then counterattack.

If Moria wants, he should need his body.

The Mini Merry bumped on the sea and finally reached the destination.

The air on the island was filled with a rotten smell,

which should be produced when Moria made the corpse.

In the center of the island is a huge mansion,

which should be their destination.

At this time, a pale skull hit Chopper’s head,

“Ah … ”

Nami hugged Lin’s arm and complained: “Of course we can’t communicate. This is not a real island.”

Chopper looked around and said: “Yes, isn’t this a huge sailing ship?”

He almost forgot about it. After all, this ship was ridiculously large, and there was a forest here.

At this time, a burst of scattered footsteps came from one side,

Everyone moved their eyes to the source of the sound.


Nami asked doubtfully: “Is it a dog?”

Robin’s expression became excited: “It’s not a dog.”

When the sound approached,

Everyone saw the face of the visitor clearly,

a four-legged creature with three heads.

“It’s the three-headed dog of hell!!!”

Chopper’s little hoof began to tremble.

“Let’s run, Lin!!!”

Nami was about to drag Lin back.

“Why run?”

“We didn’t know how to go just now, but now we know. ”

“We go where it came from.”

Lin En pointed at the weird-looking three-headed hellhound and said.

“Don’t do that! That thing looks so scary!”

“How can you go in that direction!”

Lin En shook his head and pointed a finger and said,

“The first rule of the game is, if you don’t know where to go or get lost.”

“Just remember to go in the direction where the monsters spawn.”

“That’s basically right.”

Chopper and Nami collapsed:

“What are you talking about! ! ! ”

“How can you go to the monsters! ! ! ”

Robin thought what Lin En said made sense,

nodded and said: “Indeed, this way you can find the source of the monsters.”

“Robin, why do you agree with that! ! ! ”

At this time, the three-headed hellhound on the other sideThe head dog also began to attack, and the three heads howled




“Wait a minute.”

Lin En interrupted the howling of the three-headed dog.

The three-headed dog was stunned, and the three heads showed puzzled expressions.

“You are not a three-headed dog.”




As if to prove itself, the three heads of the three-headed dog howled again.

Since it had three heads, others looked at it with fear.

It had never been treated this way before.

Of course, the majestic name of the three-headed dog of hell belongs to it.

This is its self-esteem!

“Isn’t yours a fox head?”

Lin En pointed at one of the heads.

The head pointed at also made a cry.


Nami and Chopper were explaining:

“Its head is down!!”

“It’s been hit!!”

Soon the three heads rushed towards Lin with high morale,

But just when it was about to bite Lin,

Looking at the half-smile on the other’s face, its body suddenly trembled.

Its biological instinct reminded him that the other was definitely not easy to mess with.

Seeing the three-headed dog stopped, and the three heads showed humanized flattering expressions,

“It’s actually scared!!”

“Is Lin a dangerous monster in its eyes!!”

The two pendants hanging on Lin were still explaining,

Lin raised his eyebrows,

“Oh, very self-aware.”

Soon the three-headed dog lay on the ground with its belly exposed,

In the world of dogs, this is a sign of surrender.

Seeing the three-headed dog’s flattering look, Robin also had the opportunity to carefully observe the strange creature in front of him.

“Looking closely, its head seems to be sewn on with thread.”

“This should be the ability to put shadows into corpses.”

Not only the head, but also the limbs have traces of sutures.

After observing these sutured parts, Chopper also gave his own judgment,

“The suture method is very clever, the other party should be a very good surgeon.”

Led by the three-headed dog, everyone moved towards the Ocean Mansion.

There was a burst of screams on the road,

“Wow! This is a lion with a human face!!”

“Wow! This tree has the same nose as Usopp!”

Lin En couldn’t stand it,

“I said you guys are fine.”

“Can you let me go?”

“One left and one right, my ears can’t be idle.”

“Look at Robin, she’s very quiet.”

Robin’s face is still full of weird happiness,

She has always been very interested in these weird and scary things,

“These are very exciting.”

The current scene reminds Lin En of the time when he visited a haunted house before,

The brave people brought the timid people,

plus a person who was very interested in horror,

but the monsters here are not props.

Originally, Lin En was a little uncomfortable with this dark and gloomy environment,

but with the contrast of these two people, it was nothing.

“We are scared!”


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