"Excuse me, move away."

Topless and pushing the people around him away, Josh made his way to the existence of the palace where the king and Whitebeard were standing. Having seen the anxious expression on the royal guards faces, Josh turned to the nearest person, who happened to be Ace.

"What happened?" Josh asked.

Ace turned to him. "You don't know? Were you sleeping when this surprise happened?" Ace had a quite shaky smirk on his face.

"Look who asks. The irony." Josh furrowed his eyebrows as he made direct eye contact with Ace. "Just try to remember."

Ace was about to open his mouth, but Josh stopped him and raised his hand.

"I already know. I read your mind."

"Man." Ace smiled. "You just saved us from telling you a long story."


So it happened like this. While Josh was having a good night, relieving himself from the stress of doing big things as Josh and Jack sparrow, the atmosphere wasn't really quiet.

Somehow, after freeing Shirahoshi, Jones and some pirate called Van thing — According to Ace's brain — teamed up. Now, they are in front of the castle, and they are threatening to throw Noah — a very large ship that can destroy the palace and the country if it fell.

Van thing seems to have the ability to throw that thing at them using his Devil Fruit power, and somehow, he had managed to mark the palace and Fishman island. Now, he was sitting in front of the palace, on the top of the giant ship.

"Neptune! Give me your blessings, or I'll destroy everything." Said a crazy voice.

"Vander. You don't have to do this, we can talk this out." Neptune raised both of his hands.

Vander didn't seem to be satisfied. He looked at Shirahoshi and said. "You… I thought from all of the people, you would appreciate my attempts to have you, my commitment to be with you. But how did you reward my love? By taking away my mark!"

Shirahoshi joined her hands together and put them on her face. "Please… All I ever wanted is to see the world, have friends…"

Few tears started accumulating in front of her eyes. "My… My happiest days are when I sleep and don't dream about an axe taking my life…" Shirahoshi couldn't handle it anymore, and she put her hands on her face, crying. "Leave me alone!"

"But I love you!" Vander yelled.

"Love my ass," Josh muttered as he looked at the back of the pretty princess. For a mermaid, she is really curvy. But that's not the point.

Everyone turned their head as Josh made his way to the front. He glanced at Whitebeard. "Why aren't you doing anything to him?"

"If I do, I'll destroy the palace. Not to mention, I can't go out to kick this brat. We are just buying time for him." Whitebeard said. Outside the bubble, he can't move as he has a Devil Fruit ability.

"And who are you to say how true my love is!?" Vander looked at Josh, who glanced at him.

Jones appeared next to Vander, and he whispered something in his ears.

Vander stared at Josh. "Oh. You are the Gambler. Please, I forgot to mention my other condition. Hand me Shirahoshi, and push the Gambler outside of the bubble, and I won't destroy this place."

Vander patted the surface of Noah with his leg. His movement stopped the hearts of the guards and everyone in the palace. But luckily, the ship didn't move.

Josh turned to Shirahoshi and patted her big fishtail. "Don't cry, princess. Go to your bedroom."

"Josh-San… don't go to him. He is crazy man." Shirahoshi pushed her hands from her face and stared at Josh with big teary eyes.

"Hey. I wasn't going to." Josh shrugged his shoulders as he walked forward. "But since it seems that I was on their list, It's personal now."

Okay. It's not very personal. Josh, like any man, doesn't like to see an adult bully a child. Shirahoshi, even though she is old and very large, has yet to experience what's being an adult is.

Also. Since Josh is going to New World, he knows that there are people who think of messing with him.

That's a great annoyance. Josh decided to deal with it early.

"Stop You crazy brat, don't be reckless!" Whitebeard urged. "You are a Devil Fruit user? It means death to you if you go there."

It would mean death if Josh got out of the bubble. Those words of Whitebeard fell like a bomb as Josh smiled at them before he gave his back and walked to the edge of the bubble, touching it with his hand.

"Josh! Don't go!" Shirahoshi yelled as she seemed to understand. "I'll go and marry that guy. Stop!"

Josh was certain of his next words. "Oh Shirahoshi. You sweet summer child." (Game of Thrones reference)

"Leave him," Whitebeard said. Shirahoshi turned. "His eyes aren't of the man who is waiting for death." He then whispered. "Besides, where is Jinbe."

"Hehehehe…" Vander lifted his head and started laughing in happiness. "I'll have my love for last."

"You don't love her." Josh crossed his arms. "You are more like obsessed with her. You know about her power, and you want that for yourself."

Shirahoshi's bloodline contains an ancient weapon or power. It allows her to control the Sea King and direct them. With sea kings under the control, not even the World Government would be able to stop Vander from destroying the whole world. There are Sea Kings that are big enough to eat islands, and the average one can destroy one. Imagine what may happen with an army of them.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to hand himself." Hody Jones appeared in front of Josh, floating on the water. The only thing between him and Josh was the layer of the bubble.

He extended his hand slowly and said. "Don't be shy. I'll take you for a swim. As a Devil Fruit user, I bet you long for that feeling."

"I don't, actually." Putting his hands in his pocket, Josh made a slight jump, entering the water.

At this point, it doesn't matter if someone knew that Josh can swim.

They maybe think of him as a real Demon, just like Akainu had.

Misunderstanding for the best.

"Hahahaha!" Hody Jones laughed as he circled around Josh, who was holding his breath. Grabbing a spear from his back, he said. "Time for your death."

At that exact moment, Jinbe appeared behind Jones and gave him a strong punch in the back, breaking him in half.

Jinbe quickly swam toward Josh. "You are a good distraction."

The next action shocked Jinbe. Josh shook his finger and kicked on the water behind him, floating.

"Wait!" Jinbe was shocked. Josh could move in the water. He clearly is using Moonwalk.

Now, seawater doesn't take the power of the Devil Fruit user. They can move, but they always sink. (Luffy could still use his power under the water.)

Could it be possible that Josh is using a moonwalk in his weakened state to stay above the water?

Josh just rolled his eyes when he knew what Jinbe is thinking of, and he pointed his finger forward. Turning, Jinbe saw a few fishmen pirates trying to attack him.

"You ungrateful brats," Jinbe said as he took a karate position and swam toward them. It would be fun to watch a battle between fishmen, but Josh had to move.

Also, Josh wanted to test his new Devil Fruit abilities.

<<More More: x100 speed>>

"You bastard! You tricked us!" Vander yelled angrily and hugged the ship under him. In no time, it moved toward the palace.

Josh vanished from the sigh, and he appeared in front of Vander, shaking him from the neck. The bubble around the fishman exploded. Josh couldn't talk under the water, so he pointed with his finger to the ship, telling Vander to stop it. Vander understood and he chuckled, "hehehehehe! No way, I either go home with Shirahoshi or there will be no home."

Vander was crazy. He gave Josh that impression. Josh just smirked and moved his lips.

Vander could read them and he repeated them after him. "I was just looking for a chance to show everyone not to bother me, and you just provided it on a plate of silver?"

What's a better show of power than cutting a large ship that is as big as a country in half.

Of course, the fishmen can fix it later.

"What the hell it's supposed to mean?"

When Vander stated his question, Josh took his hand back, holding the Katana with the other. He took the blade out of the sheath and waved it in a quick move, before sheathing it.

Josh moved his lips again. "Had to do this quickly as I don't want the water to fill this sheath."

"What in the hell!" Vander muttered these words. As he looked at Noah, his heart almost stopped.

A large slit appeared on the top of the ship and cut it in half. No. It was way larger. Not only the ship, but a big crack, bigger than the island appeared down.

"Impossible!" Vander stated. The next second, he was stabbed in the heart. Josh moved his lips again. "Usually I would have cut you in pieces. But a kid girl is watching. So die peacefully."

"What kid? She is already in consent age, and she is like a thousand times bigger than you."

"She is in the heart. You should be ashamed" Josh twisted his blade and took it back.

"If she is made from the matter, then she is as old as time." Vander fell dead to the ground.

"Can't argue with that." Josh sheathed his sword again and turned to bubble, before swimming. 'Damn, I forgot to ask him how they do giants here...'

Jinbe appeared next to him. Jinbe was done from the pirates, but he was looking at Josh with shock drawn on his face.

Behind the bubble, almost everyone was looking at him in shock.

It's a natural reaction. Josh barely seemed to be showing effort as he cut Noah in half. The cut mark beneath Noah was way larger than the ship itself.

If that attack was directed toward an island, it may cut it in half.

Josh entered the bubble and landed in the air. He took a deep breath and looked at his pants. "Luckily, I came shirtless."


A/N: Advanced chapters ahead at patréon


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