Josh stared at his opened hands. Azure fog was dancing there. After getting Soul-Soul power, Josh could manipulate his own soul, and he realised that he can create homies just like Linlin used her soul to create Lucifer — his light. 

'All is left is getting immortality, and then, my life will be endless, and then, I can create an infinity of these things.' 

Now, there are a few ways to reach immortality in One Piece. 

One is by getting Pure Gold, a chemical matter that freezes the ageing process. 

But it has nothing to do with the souls' concept. 

There was another way. He can get Law's devil fruit, and then, he can force someone to sacrifice his life to give Josh eternal life. 

It seems to have both of the Eternal Youth surgery and the pure gold — for his girls. 

Having an eternal life was the key for Josh to become the ultimate being who can destroy the world with a flick of his finger. Just imagine creating ten thousand lightning clouds, or turning his Wrath flame into living creatures. The best thing is Josh won't have to move a finger. 

Josh decided to plan for that later. He may send Robin or Kalifa to look for the pure gold, and he may search for Law later. 

But for now, he has more important things to deal with. 

Giving his back to Linlin's aches, Josh walked in the middle of the pile. He realised that every building had collapsed. Few bodies were on the ground, and they were dead. 

Josh felt bitterness in his heart. 'Your death isn't in vain. May you rest in peace.' 

These people had died in his clash with Linlin. 

But think of it. 

Linlin's crew, each time she makes a party, would slay people from different islands, only to get the best ingredients to make a cake. 

Those dead people should be considered heroes. 

Josh let a long sigh. "They didn't lie when they say, in order to justify yourself, you will believe your own lies. These people came to Big Mom with their own will. If they didn't, they would have stayed alive. It's their fault." Yeah, it's bad seeing the war victims. But the blame is on Linlin and these people. 

Josh smiled when he saw his girls. Linlin's commanders were defeated, and they were on the ground. Hancock's foot was on Katakuri's bleeding head. Well, he didn't have a chance against her speed and Haki. It seems she had kicked his ass too badly. Josh clicked his tongue and turned his head. Mikita had few bodies under her. 

He then stared behind Robin. A pile of neck broken bodies were behind her. She had it so easy, it seems. 

"Yo. Good work." Josh walked by Hancock and patted her on the arm. "So, how did it go." 

"Easy as fuck." Hancock replied. 

"Fucking you wasn't that easy at first," Josh said. He then pointed at her. "Don't you dare reverse my words against me?" 

Hancock chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "It's fun, though."

"Yeah." Josh sat down on Katakuri's back. "Good that you didn't kill this big guy." Josh patted Katakuri. 

Josh initially didn't want to kill Big Mom, because he wanted to try his newest Legend Rank item at her. 

[Spirit Consuming Glove (Legend)] 

(Can be used to devour the spiritual powers of a defeated foe, producing a candy) 

If he used this item on Linlin, he may have taken her Haki, and Conqueror Haki and turned it into candy. 

Katakuri has a strong Haki, and he has the Conqueror one, which had proved its use. 

(A/N: luckily, I have a cheat paper to keep track of these items. I hate rich MC already)

"So, what will we do for now?" Robin walked to Josh and asked. 

"There are more islands here, and we need to conqueror them," Josh said. "I don't like what I'm saying. But the sooner we deal with this, the better."

Then, from nowhere, a glove appeared on Josh's hand. He wore it. The glove was fingerless, and it was red. On the palm, there was a pattern of a trapped soul, chained to the skin and trying to get out.

"I can get rid of them. I can make my copies appear there." Robin said. She was a warm woman. But when tough times come, she can get cold. 

"We'll make them an offer later. Basically, everyone is defeated morally." Josh replied. He then patted Katakuri with the glove. Katakuri had an aura around him, and it was absorbed by the glove. Josh closed his hand and raised it. There was a piece of candy there.

The girls got near. They were curious what was that. It won't be usually, they knew. 

"The aura was pressed to a candy." Viola walked near and examined the candy with her eyes. She is the only one who could see behind the walls, and she knew what happened. 

"This thing contains all of Katakuri's spiritual powers, including the three types of Haki, and his training. Anyone who eats it will have enamours talent." Josh said. His own Haki is way stronger than usual people because of the three souls he owns. So he may not need it. 

He looked at the girls. All of them seemed to be eager to get it. 

Josh said with a long sigh. "You know I love you all. But I'll give it to the one with the best potentials." Josh then handed it to Robin, who put her hands on her mouth. "Giving it to you means that I give it to the whole army. Hancock, teach her how to use that Conqueror Haki. Also… take this." Josh handed her one Instant Mastery Pill. 

The best power he ever had was the money. 

Talking about money. As Robin took Josh's stuff, he turned to Viola. 

"Did you find it?" 

"The Road Poneglyph and the treasury of Big Mom. I knew you would want them. I asked Robin, and her copies are here with the money." Viola smiled. 

Josh smiled, happy with Viola. He walked to her and said. "Good job." And then, he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Viola nodded, her cheeks turning red slightly. 

"Okay." Josh clapped his hands. "It's time to visit the other islands. Girls. Don't kill the army of Linlin. I will take their spiritual powers." 

On the other side, once Josh takes their spiritual powers with his glove, they will never be able to use Haki.. So, it's a plus one.

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