The sky in Marin Fandor is still blue, and the sun is still hanging high on the tip of the Gate of Justice.

The green pheasant stood on Xiaobai's huge head, and at this moment, Xiaobai could not land on the island again.

It is too big, so big that the road of the naval headquarters can not be contained, there is really no way, the pheasant can only let it stay in the sea first, so that it can also familiarize itself with the body, and eat some sea fish by the way.

Xiao Bai still attracted the attention of the soldiers of the Navy headquarters, because it was too big, and the aura it emitted was terrifying enough, and now staying in the bay of the Navy headquarters, how could it not attract the attention of the Navy headquarters.

Even the Warring States General came out to take a look, and when he found the green pheasant on the little white head, he understood what was going on.

Qing Pheasant followed the Warring States General towards the high-level conference room, and on the way, the Warring States General also asked about Xiaobai's situation.

"How did it get so huge? Eating the Devil Fruit? The

Warring States General asked curiously, because Xiaobai's changes were too great, and natural growth could basically be ruled out.

"The second development after fading, I didn't expect to grow so terrifying, and now it is also a very headache, it is too big, and it is not very convenient to travel in the future."

Qing Pheasant patiently explained that he was now more and more eager to find a devil fruit for Xiaobai, because of the size, Xiaobai was basically restricted by many places now.

"Is artificial devil fruit practiced? Recently, Dr. Vegapunk got an artificial devil fruit, but he said that the fruit was not perfect, and if you can accept it, I will ask him for it. The

Warring States General thought about it and told Qing Pheasant some of the things he knew, the artificial devil fruit is actually a replica of the devil fruit ability obtained from the corpse of the demon fruit ability, and there are some defects compared to the original fruit.

"What attributes? Can I change to adult form? "

The green pheasant doesn't care if the devil fruit is artificial, because Xiaobai doesn't need to rely on the devil fruit ability at all, and its own physical strength is much stronger than those who have the devil fruit ability of the animal line.

"Animal line * human fruit * human form, it can be regarded as an ordinary type of animal line devil fruit, in addition to being able to change into human form, there are not many self-strengthening forms."

The Warring States General and the green pheasant talked about the form of the artificial fruit, and the first thing that the green pheasant thought of was that Qioba ate, the name was very similar, and I don't know if it was the same thing.

"Can I get it? What about the rarity of this fruit? "

The green pheasant heard the name of this fruit and immediately wanted it, after all, it can become a human form, so that Xiaobai's body and combat power can be comprehensively improved.

"Very ordinary fruit, should only be suitable for animals to eat, in addition to being able to turn into a human form, other abilities are basically very poor, it is suitable for Xiaobai's situation, if you want, I will let people send it."

Warring States introduced the situation of this artificial fruit while walking, and successfully aroused the pheasant's heart.

The two walked into the high-rise conference room and found that all the high-level people except the pheasant had arrived.

Marshal Steel began to tell the arrangement of this incident, and in order to execute Roger, the navy made the most perfect deployment.

The green pheasant, yellow ape, red dog, and will all be responsible for responding to emergencies at the scene, and the Warring States General and Karp will also sit in Rogue Town.

After the meeting, the green pheasant, the yellow ape and the red dog were not separated, and as the three of them were high-level representatives of the three new generations of the Navy, it was still necessary to communicate.

"Kowa Ichinai——! Pheasant, that brother of yours is a little scary! What level of strength has it reached now?"

The yellow ape asked Xiaobai's situation with a surprised face, after all, Xiaobai is still very famous in the entire sea, it has a top-level armed color domineering, and its combat power is also very strong, this time the body swells a hundred times, it must cause the reverie of others.

"It faded too suddenly, I don't know its current level of strength for a while, if you are curious, you can try it, after all, it has not yet adapted to the new body, and by the way, help it temper."

Hearing the green pheasant's proposal, the yellow ape and the red dog did not object, the three came to the bay, and found that Xiaobai was happily eating sea kings, the sea was blood-red, and the scene was very terrifying.

A huge titan python, entangled with an equally huge sea king, tearing and eating on the sea surface, blood gushing up, dyeing a large area of the sea surface with blood red, many carnivorous fish, and even sea kings smelled blood and rushed in, and there was a terrifying war in the sea.

The green pheasant and the three of them were also stunned, Xiaobai was mighty in the sea, the sea surface was made by its tumbling body to roll in huge waves, the warships in the bay, urged up and down by the huge waves, the green pheasants were afraid that they would be overturned by the huge waves, and immediately used the fruit ability to quickly freeze the sea surface.

Xiao Bai saw the cold ice spreading in front of him, and slammed the iron tail, directly shattering all the cold ice around his body.

There are more and more sea king corpses on the surface of the sea, probably also frightened by Xiaobai's fierceness, and they swim towards the deep sea.

Xiaobai gulped down the food, saw the pheasant coming, and did not forget to get a sea king for the pheasant to eat.

The red dog and the yellow ape also came to Xiaobai's body, looking at Xiaobai's terrifying size, the two were a little speechless for a while.

Xiaobai didn't care about the two, it only had a pheasant in its eyes, and the pheasant communicated with it, wanting to test the power of its blow.

The yellow ape and the red dog flashed over, observing Xiaobai's attack, the green pheasant used a solid ice curtain, plus the five-fold Rashomon, and a large number of huge icebergs appeared on the sea for a while.

Xiao Bai accumulated armed color domineering and tail, the tail exuded thunder and lightning, pitch black as iron, and then slammed into the iceberg.


huge iceberg was instantly smashed by Xiaobai, the tail charge continued to pump on the five-fold Rashomon, the five-fold Rashomon was unstoppable, and finally pumped on the solid ice curtain used by the green pheasant, and the whole person of the green pheasant was pumped out, like a supersonic cannonball, flying into the distance.

At this moment, the green pheasant was really relieved and funny, and Xiaobai almost didn't send him away with a slap.

The power is too great, and it also contains armed color domineering, and this blow is even stronger than the previous fight with Kaido.

After flying for a long time, the body of the green pheasant appeared next to the red dog and the yellow ape again, and there was not much change on the body, but the red dog and the yellow ape had already felt the power of Xiaobai's blow.

"It's terrible! This is a direct hit, and it may be rioted on the spot, right? It's really powerful! The

yellow ape gave an evaluation, and the red dog also agreed with this view, Xiaobai's current strength should not be weaker than the three of them, but because it is a beast, it still does not have an advantage, and such a large body will really be used as a target.

The green pheasant also thought of this, so he couldn't wait to find the devil fruit for Xiaobai, in fact, from the point of view of fighting, the huge body size really does not occupy the advantage, and the huge size means that it is impossible to dodge the attack at all.

But now that there was news, the green pheasant was no longer worried, he stepped forward to calm Xiaobai, and walked towards the bar of the navy headquarters with the red dog and the yellow ape.

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