"Your idea is good, but this move is too cumbersome now, and it requires six slashes in an instant.

If your opponent is a top sword master, they will not give you so many opportunities, and at most give you the opportunity to swing two slashes.

You can try to cultivate a knife pose, and you can create a move unique to you while delivering a slash in an instant.

Just like the golden lion of the sea thief, it slashes out a powerful force and turns into a huge lion, and the lion can also bring attacks.

Mihawk commented, the pheasant's latest move, pointing out the shortcomings and ways to improve, the pheasant listened carefully.

After the comment, Mihawk went to be beaten, while the pheasant continued to perfect his swordsmanship.

At this time, Xiao Bai was already hungry and thirsty, twisting his body madly on the island, dancing a dance that he could only appreciate.

Like a living rope, creeping forward, there was a roar on the island.

Xiao Bai didn't care so much and continued to dance cheerfully.

It allows the tail to attach to the top armed color domineering, fixed to the ground, the body is raised, and it begins to spin in a circle.

Then its powerful armed color domineering drive the airflow, and a strong convection began to form around the body, and the convection spread outward, slowly turning into a tornado.

As Xiaobai rotated faster and faster, the power of the tornado became more and more powerful.

The gravel and dust on the desert island began to be rolled up by it, and Xiao Bai seemed to have found fun, and did not stop, frantically rotating his body in the center of the tornado, and the tornado became bigger and bigger, so large that it almost enveloped the entire island.

The green pheasant didn't care at first, but then he didn't calm down.

Because the tornado created by Xiaobai is still expanding its power, the sky is rendered by the sand and gravel swept up by the tornado.

From bright to dark, the clouds were swept away, slowly rubbing and electrifying, and the thunder and lightning seemed to be enraged.

Crazy downward chopping, the trees and gravel of the island are getting less and less, and even the boulders are inspired by the tornado.

Xiao Bai roared in the wind, like an ancient god, to punish all this injustice.

The range grew larger and wider, spreading to the surface of the sea, and the huge amount of water was swept up by the tornado, and the sea suddenly rose, from calm to furious waves.

Mihawk who watched was stunned, and at this moment he was protected by the pheasant with an ice wall.

The power is getting bigger and bigger, the waves on the sea are getting bigger and bigger, and even tsunamis have appeared.

The pheasant looked at the passionate picture, looking at the place where the wind and the sky connected.

Suddenly, the body formed a sharp momentum that rushed into the sky, suddenly drew the knife, and slashed a huge slash against the sky, and the slash was accompanied by the roar of the huge wave.

It gives the dim sky an extra scar, and it looks like a boundary drawn at the end of madness.

After that, the sea made a loud noise and became more agitated.

The pheasant reacted and snapped out the Ice Age.

All the flying waves, including Xiaobai's tornado, were directly covered by powerful cold ice.

The sea immediately changed from roaring to silence, and the mighty shores of huge waves and tornadoes were preserved by the ice.

Xiaobai also seemed to have had enough, slowly coiled his body, buried his head in his body, felt the power he brought just now, and felt his happy mood.

Mihawk also learned a lot from the changes just now, and under the power of heaven and earth, he experienced the true meaning of swordsmanship.

He no longer went to Xiao Bai to practice, but sat silently in place, quietly thinking about the past and thinking about his sword skills.

The green pheasant also realized his own move in the change just now, and he went to the sea to practice, to appreciate the huge waves frozen by him, and to feel the power that existed in it.

Xiaobai got up again, and the vigorous exercise just now made it fattened, and its belly became empty again.

Swinging his head frantically, he motioned for the pheasant to go and roast it, and the pheasant was thinking intently about the sword art and did not see it.

Xiaobai thought that the pheasant's lazy disease had been committed again, and quietly came to him and pumped his face, allowing the pheasant to experience the feeling of tumbling.

The green pheasant walked out of the ice chips with a puzzled look, looked at Xiaobai, and asked what was wrong?

Xiao Bai patted his stomach with his tail and told the pheasant that it was hungry.

The pheasant immediately went to the igloo and baked food for Xiaobai.

Originally, the pheasant had prepared grilled food in advance, but Xiaobai disliked the taste, it was accustomed to eating soft rice, and lost interest in the frozen and hard roasted meat of the pheasant.

The pheasant has to cook again every day, but fortunately has the ability to help, and does not waste a lot of time.

With all the food ready, he wanted to call Mihawk to eat, but seeing Mihawk there in a daze, he didn't bother.

He knew that Mihawk was also thinking, thinking about his "Tao".

The pheasant and Xiaobai ate happily in the igloo, eating and drinking indulgently.

After eating, the green pheasant continued to practice swordsmanship, while Xiaobai slept lazily in the igloo.

It's like losing all my dreams and completely rotting them.

The green pheasant is also made up of it, after all, as a cute thing, it is enough to sell cute.

Although this cute creature is a little big and a little violent, it still can't change its image.

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