Navy Headquarters, Marlene Furdo.

Marshal Sengoku, as usual, was dealing with military affairs in the marshal’s office.

Although, he had just been reprimanded by the Five Old Stars before, and ordered him to arrest Jiang Yang, the murderer, in the shortest possible time.

However, after Jiang Yang disappeared from Alabastan, no one knew where he would go next, and in the case of unknown whereabouts, the Warring States had no way to make a move.

Therefore, the Warring States had to temporarily press down and continue to deal with his unfinished affairs, and ordered all naval branches to pay close attention to Jiang Yang’s movements and report them as soon as they were discovered.

Likewise, he ordered Karp to stay in the naval branch and be ready to leave at any time until the end of the matter.

And now, his chance….

Here it comes!


“Marshal of the Warring States, the great sword Hao Jiang Yang has appeared!”

Suddenly, a naval signal soldier broke in from outside the office door, just saluted and immediately reported the situation.

Although this seems a little impolite, at this time, the Warring States had already explained it before, so the Warring States were not dissatisfied, but just got up with a surprised look and asked: “Jiang Yang appeared?” Where is he now? ”

Hearing this, the naval signal soldier immediately replied: “Report to the Marshal of the Warring States, not long ago, news came from the naval branch of the Chambord Islands. ”

“It is said that they are on the island of Chambord No. 13, and they found the great sword Hao Jiang Yang and are fighting an unidentified old man.”

“Unidentified old man?” Sengoku’s brows frowned slightly: “Could it be that old fellow?” ”

“Forget it.” Sengoku shook his head, then looked at the naval signal soldier and said, “You now, immediately go and inform Karp and let him rush to the Chambord Islands immediately.” ”

“In addition, you tell him, I will go first, let him come as fast as possible!”


The Navy signal officer saluted, then quickly ran out of the office.

And the Warring States, after the naval communication soldier left, directly opened the window of the office, jumped out of the window, and flew away from Marlenfdo with a moon step.

The Chambord Islands, very close to Mallenferdo, with his strength to use the moon steps to hurry, it only takes about ten minutes to arrive.

Now, it is a time of racing against time, and the Warring States naturally will not choose to take the slow way of taking a warship.

Shortly after the Warring States left, Karp, who stayed in the naval headquarters and had a problem with it, finally received a notice from the naval signal soldier.

After receiving the notice, Karp did not hesitate, so he stepped on the moon step and flew towards the Chambord Islands.


At the time of Karp and Sengoku, quickly rushing to the Chambord Islands.

In the first half of the Great Voyage, about a kilometer or so on the seabed, the Whitebeard Pirates floated to the surface of the sea along the rising current.

Although, the Whitebeard Pirates, after learning of Jiang Yang’s existence, set out from the New World as soon as possible.

But in fact, only half a day has passed now, plus the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates, which is also a giant ship that is not sailing fast.

Therefore, in this half-day time, being able to rush here from the hinterland of the New World is already very fast.

However, when they arrived here, the white-bearded man sitting on the deck drinking wine suddenly looked up at the sea and narrowed his eyes: “This breath …”

“Is that the old guy?”

“The old guy?” When Ace, who was sitting not far from Whitebeard, heard this, he looked at Whitebeard curiously and asked, “Dad, have you met any acquaintances?” ”

“Acquaintance? Goo la la la… Indeed, he is an acquaintance! Whitebeard replied with a smile, then looked at Marko and shouted, “Marko! ”

“Go up and go to Island 13 of the Chambord Islands!”

“Huh?” Marko, who was in charge of dispatching the crew, was stunned: “Dad? Aren’t you going to find the kid who killed the Draco? ”

Whitebeard laughed, “That’s why we’re going to Chambord Island 13!” ”

“To be able to force Rayleigh, that old immortal, into such a swordsman, apart from that little guy, only the red-haired little ghost can do it, right?”

‘Renly?’ Hades ‘Reilly? Marko was a little stunned, and then used his own knowledge to perceive the situation on the sea.

Although Marko’s appearance was not up to the level of Whitebeard, he also sensed that a battle did indeed break out in the Chambordi Islands on the sea?

Moreover, the level of combat seems to be high?

Immediately, Marco nodded and said, “I know Daddy.” ”

“Everyone, turn course and go to Chambord Island 13!”



The navy, and the Whitebeard Pirates, are approaching the location of Chao Jiang Yang.

The red-haired pirate group, which also starts from the New World, is in a different direction from the Whitebeard Pirate Group and is closer to the entrance of the New World than the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

Therefore, before the Whitebeard Pirates floated, they had already passed through Fishman Island, arrived at the first half of the Great Voyage, and were ready to go to the East China Sea through the windless belt.

But at this time, the cadre of the red-haired pirate group, basically holding a meat leg every time, Laki Lu, suddenly ran over: “Boss! Top dog! Latest information! ”

“Just now, people from the underground intelligence organization came with news that the little ghost Great Sword Hao Jiang Yang who killed the Draco is now fighting Uncle Reilly on the Chambord Islands?”

“And, they seem to have observed that Sengoku and Karp have left Malenfdo and are rushing to the Chambord Islands?”

“What to do? Top dog? ”

“Nani?!” The redhead’s eyes widened, and he pretended to be stupid and made a panicked look: “What can I do about this, little ones?!” ”

“That’s a big deal!!”


Ben Beckman, the deputy captain of the red-haired pirates, sighed, and then shouted: “Little ones, turn the bow of the ship and go to the Chambord Islands!” ”

With this command of Ben Beckman, an epic collision is coming.

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