Chapter 131 with Jep’s words

After so many years, Zhepu was originally reluctant to mention those things in the past, but seeing Jiang Yang so young in a few days and reaching the realm of the fund’s mortal flowers made him feel some admiration.

Therefore, Zhepu put away his violent temper for the first time, and patiently talked to Jiang Yang about some of the things he had experienced.

“So you came to me looking through my logbook to find something?” Zhepu asked Jiang Yang.

“After I reached the Ultimate Sublimation Realm again, I accidentally learned that there are some hidden forces in the Great Channel, and there seem to be many characters who are also in the Extreme Sublimation Realm, and I happened to hear some of your previous deeds when you were a pirate, so I came to you to see if there was any gain.”

Zhepu struggled to remember the past and answered Jiang Yang’s words: “Hidden forces? I didn’t touch much of those things during the Great Passage. Perhaps in my time, the characters of the extremely sublimated realm have not yet withdrawn from the stage. ”

“What! In your time when you were a pirate, were there many people who were extremely sublimated? Jiang Yang asked in shock.

“No, there are not many, it’s just that the characters in the extremely sublimated realm are all on the bright side, and there is no hidden force, or perhaps, I am lonely and unheard.”

Jiang Yang thought for a while and continued to ask, “Then what about later, why did those people who had reached the realm of extreme sublimation disappear?” ”

“I don’t know the specific reason, but if you think about it, the world ZF feels that this power is too destructive to the world, so find a way to limit this power.”

“The world ZF will not still be spread by such a powerful force on the sea, especially in this extremely chaotic pirate era driven by Roger.”

Jepp thought for a moment and continued: “Part of the reason why I withdrew from the Great Passage was because I learned the power of extreme sublimation. I personally met a strong man who was extremely sublimated in the realm, and his attack seemed to be a world coercing me, and I felt for the first time how small I was. ”

“However, the extremely sublimated aura I feel from that person is not as complete as yours.”

Jiang Yang was a little confused when he heard this, and asked, “Not completely?” What is the meaning? ”

Jepp fell into memories, and after a short time, he continued: “I feel that the breath on his body is not the breath that the five forces are completely constant. That is, he has a kind of power that has not reached the extreme. ”

“Didn’t reach the extreme? How can it be? If it is not for swordsmanship or physical skills, overlord color, seeing and smelling color, armed color, and physique have reached the extreme, how can it reach the ultimate sublimation? Jiang Yang didn’t believe what Jepp said.

Zhepu looked at Jiang Yang with a look of disbelief and continued: “I didn’t believe it at first, but I could clearly feel that something was missing in his extreme sublimation. Especially after I felt your breath just now, I was even more convinced of how I felt.”

“That is, there are other method realms?” Jiang Yang said in surprise.

“That’s right, you made such a big movement in the Great Passage, and someone with extreme sublimation strength has used extreme sublimation moves.” Jepp looked at Jiang Yang.

Jiang Yang couldn’t help but think of the empty move, “Extreme Sublimation Martial God Fist”, at that time, if he hadn’t temporarily strengthened his strength, his strength would have died under that move.

That was also the first time Jiang Yang came into contact with the ultimate sublimation move.

“Do you know how to force yourself to use the Ultimate Sublimation Move?” Jiang Yang asked with some surprise.

Jepp shook his head: “No, I don’t know, this method has been hidden by the world f, some high-ranking naval officials may know this method, I only know that forcibly using the most powerful sublimation moves, to a large extent, will be eaten back.” It is a trick that hurts the enemy by a thousand and self-inflicted damage of eight hundred. ”

“However, this just shows that even people who are not extremely sublimated can use such a move. It also proves that extreme sublimation does not appear in a single form like you. ”

“After all, the overlord color is the capital of the king, and the people who have the domineering color of the overlord color are the life that millions of people will have, and without this important prerequisite, almost most people will lose the conditions for reaching the ultimate sublimation realm.”

“But this is the Age of Exploration, no matter what happens, it is not surprising, there will always be strong people, who will constantly pursue the way upward, perhaps, there are already people who have found the way.”

“It’s not a single form like me…” Jiang Yang thought about Zhepu’s words, and wanted to continue to ask, but saw Zhepu get up.

“Well, after talking to you so much, I think Ray, that’s all I can tell you. I’m just a loser on a great waterway, and what you want, it’s better to explore on your own. ”

After saying that, Zhepu stopped waiting for Jiang Yang to speak and left alone.

In this way, Jiang Yang not only did not answer the doubts in his heart, but also had a new puzzle.

Is there really another way to reach the ultimate sublimation?

Jiang Yang couldn’t figure it out, so he had to return to the first floor of the sea restaurant first.

When Jiang Yang came to the sea restaurant, he saw that Luffy and Solon were still there and had not left, Jiang Yang suddenly said to Luffy: “Hey, Luffy, I heard that you are going to become One Piece, right?” ”

Jiang Yang suddenly asked, causing Luffy to be stunned, and then, grinning, said confidently: “Of course!” ”

“Oh? Don’t you take a look at Jep’s logbook? It’s a great help to you. Maybe it will make you less detours. Jiang Yang quipped.

“That kind of thing,” Luffy thought for a moment and said with a smile, “I still don’t look at it.” ”

“Really? That’s a really good thing. Jiang Yang continued.

“Yes, I don’t want to watch it, only my own adventure is interesting, if I look at the path that others have walked to become One Piece, I would rather not take a shortcut to get One Piece.” Luffy said with a serious look.

“Hahaha, the red-haired guy really didn’t recognize the wrong person.” Jiang Yang looked at Luffy in front of him, exactly the same as he remembered, and couldn’t help laughing.

“You know Shanks!” Luffy was taken aback when he heard Jiang Yang’s words.

Jiang Yang was just about to answer, but he heard the phone bug on his ship ringing.

Jiang Yang had to return to the boat, and just picked up the phone worm, he heard Kerra’s excited voice: “Hey, Mr. Jiang Yang, Shanks and Whitebeard, they’re awake!” ”

“Really!” Jiang Yang said, then turned around and said to Luffy: “Hey, Luffy, it’s Shanks’ call, do you want to say a few words to him?” ”

Luffy was silent for a moment and said, “No need, now is not the time, I want to go to the Great Passage, and after becoming stronger, I will meet him in person and return what he entrusted to me.” “_

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