Chapter 647

All the members of Kidō are proficient in Kidō, and Kidō’s talent is not weak. Once they break through to the captain level, they will soon be able to master Kidō over 90 and take over as the leader of Kidō. Of course, there is no difficulty.

Moreover, it is only natural for the members of the Kidō people to take over as the leader of the Kidō.

Generally speaking, the internal practice of the Kidō people is that after the leader Kidō abdicates, the deputy leader Kidō will take over.

To be the deputy kidō leader of the Kidō crowd, you must at least master Kidō over 80.

Being able to master Kidō above No. 80 means that the distance ~ Captain level is not far away.

Therefore, it is almost no difficulty for the deputy head Kidō to take over as the head Kidō. It is a matter of course.

It is a pity that when the last Chief Kidō betrayed, the Deputy Chief Kidō also defected.

The chief Kidō and the deputy chief Kidō rebelled together, and among the Kidō crowd at that time, there were not too many talents who were particularly outstanding.

This led to a problem with the inheritance of the Kidō people.

When Shijiro Fujiwara became the acting deputy head of Kidō, he had just mastered No. 70 Kidō.

At this level, in the 13th Gotei Division, there is a considerable distance from the captain level.

Not to mention, among the Kidō crowd.

All the members of Kidō are proficient in Kidō, and all of them put their minds on Kidō, which causes them to excavate Zanpakutō, not as good as those of the squad members. Therefore, if the members of the Kidō people want to become the captain level, almost all of them have to master Kidō above 80, before they can defeat their own Zanpakutō and realize Bankai.

From this we can see how far Fujiwara Jiro is from the captain class.

If it weren’t because it was too far from the captain level, Fujiwara Jiro would not have broken through to the captain level until now.

Even, according to the original plot, Fujiwara Jiro has not broken through to the captain class even decades later.

Because of his lack of strength, when Fujiwara Shiburo was first appointed as the acting deputy head of Kidō, he was trembling almost all the time.

However, as time goes by, Fujiwara Juro has a little swelled.

This is also not entirely to blame Fujiwara Yukuro, who just became the acting deputy head of Kidō, he thought he would not be long before someone would replace him.

Moreover, he also hopes that someone can replace him.

It is not a leader-level powerhouse, but he has to manage the entire Kidō crowd, and he often talks with those leader-level powerhouses. The pressure of Fujiwara Yukuro can be imagined.

However, whoever thinks about it, he has been in charge of it for decades.

Nowadays, Fujiwara Jiro has almost regarded Kidō as his own.

Especially as Fujiwara Shiburo mastered Kidō over 80, this feeling became stronger.(Read more @

Mastering the eighty-odd Kidō shows that he is not far from the captain level.

As the acting deputy kidō leader, once he breaks through to the captain level, he is almost 100% sure that he can take over as the big kidō leader.

Therefore, Fujiwara Jiro is right to think so.

Not only did he think so, but the other Kidō members had actually already regarded Fujiwara Shiburo as the future leader of the Kidō.

If nothing goes wrong, just wait for Shijiro Fujiwara to understand Bankai before he can take over as the head of Kidō.

It’s a pity that an accident happened. Mu Feng came out and defeated Ichimaru Gin in one fell swoop, and he chose the Kidō crowd and became the new leader of the Kidō.

Mu Feng became the head of the big Kidō, which means that all of Fujiwara’s expectations have come to nothing.

Not only was the position of the leader of Kidō taken away by Mu Feng, but even the position of deputy leader of Kidō is very likely to be lost.

Regardless of whether it is the Gotei 13th Division or the Kidō people, once the captain or the senior Kidō takes office, they will basically change the deputy captain or the deputy Kidō captain.

The responsibilities of the deputy captain and the deputy kidō are to assist the captain and the big kidō in managing various affairs, which are equivalent to the confidants of the team leader and the big kidō. Almost all the team leaders and the big kidō hope to personally choose their deputy positions.

Choose by yourself and cooperate more harmoniously.

The big Kidō who was seen as what he had in his pocket was so easily taken away. The resentment in Fujiwara Shiburo’s heart can be imagined.

More importantly, this kid who took away the position of the big Kidō was still a kid who had entered the Mao Spiritual Academy for less than a year.

After working hard for so long, but not being able to compare with others for a year, how can Fujiwara Yukuro’s mentality not be out of balance.

It is in this unbalanced state of mind that Shijiro Fujiwara is so guilty that he wants to plan Mu Feng and get back what he sees as his own.

Of course, the most important reason why Fujiwara Jiro dared to calculate Mu Feng, he also said before, that Mu Feng is just a civilian, and it has only been a year since he entered the Mao Spiritual Academy.

It has been less than a year since I entered the Mao Spiritual Academy. I am afraid that I don’t feel clear about the various rules of the Mao Spiritual Academy, not to mention the more rules of the Jingling Palace.

· ····Find flowers·······

Fujiwara Jiro dared to calculate Mu Feng. One of the most important points was to believe that Mu Feng did not know Jing Lingting’s various rules.

Although Mu Feng is a strong leader at the captain level, the strong dragon does not crush the snake.

Jing Lingting’s rules, even at the captain level, cannot be violated.

If the rules are violated, the captain class must also be punished.

Among the many rules of the Jingling Court, the most important one is the leader-level powerhouse. In the Jingling Court, the leader-level power is not allowed to be used without permission.

It is not allowed to use the power of the captain level, which refers to the inability to use Bankai and Kidō above 90.

This level of power is too much damage to the Jingling Court, and it is reasonable to be forbidden.

Fujiwara Jiro himself has mastered Kidō above 80, and in his opinion, all Kidō members will stand on his side. In this way, facing a Kidō who can’t use size 90 or above, he just came from Mao. The little ghost who graduated from the Spiritual Academy is naturally confident.


It is a pity that Fujiwara Jiro is not clear, and Mu Feng is not an ordinary kid.

Slowly putting away his thoughts, Fujiwara Shiburo squeezed the stick in his hand, tidied up his clothes, and started walking towards the hall.

He is going to complete the last link of his plan.

The hall was not far from the room where Fujiwara Juiro was just now, and it didn’t take long for Fujiwara Juiro to arrive in the lobby.

When Fujiwara Jiro came to the hall, under the guidance of several of his confidants, the atmosphere in the entire hall was at its peak.

“Fujiwara Vice President Kidō is here!”

Seeing that Fujiwara Jiro was coming, the henchmen of a Fujiwara Jiro who was hidden in the crowd, hurriedly said loudly.

Hearing these words, all Kidō members suddenly fell silent.

However, after a while, the noise rang again, and it was even more noisy than before. Almost all the members of the Kidō group petitioned Fujiwara Yukuro at the same time.

“Fujiwara Deputy Captain Kidō, please be sure to write to Captain, and request that Mu Feng take over as Captain Kidō for the time being!”

“Yes, we must postpone Mu Feng to take over as the head of Kidō.”

“Yes, even if Mu Feng takes over as the chief Kidō, you will have to continue to manage the Kidō people. When we recognize Mu Feng and are qualified to take over as the chief Kidō, he can formally exercise the rights of the Kidō chief. Kidō people are. Our Kidō people.”

“Yes, yes, yes, the Kidō people are our Kidō people, and we support Fujiwara Vice President Kidō.”.

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