Chapter 673

For other people, Yamamoto Moto Ryusai Shigekuni would never ask so many questions.

To become a qualified captain, you must first be responsible for your actions.

If you can’t be responsible for your actions, you won’t be a qualified captain.

But Mu Feng’s situation is really special. He has never been Shinigami until now, but only a little more than a year.

For all the captains, Mu Feng is a junior, a junior who should be cared for.

“Of course I am going to hunt Daxu. Although I have been the leader of Kidō, I have not hunted even one Daxu. It is a bit inappropriate. Captain, don’t worry, I’m more powerful than the seniors. There are some gaps, but my life-saving ability is not necessarily weak there.”


While speaking, Mu Feng’s figure suddenly flashed, and in the next second, Mu Feng appeared at the door of the captain’s room.

“This is Shunpo?”

In the eyes of most of the captains, there was a glimmer of astonishment.

All the time, what Mu Feng has shown before others is his talent in Kidō. However, most captains did not expect that Mu Feng’s talent on Shunpo is also not weak.

The Shunpo attainments shown by Mu Feng just now are no worse than some of the captains.




These words flashed through the hearts of almost everyone.

Less than a year after becoming Shinigami, he not only comprehended Bankai, but also mastered Kidō over 90. Now even Shunpo’s attainments are no worse than the average captain.

Except for these words, there are no other words to describe Mu Feng.

Fortunately, many people got used to Mu Feng’s abnormality. After a short surprise, they naturally accepted the fact that Mu Feng’s Shunpo attainments are no less than the captain-level facts.

With such Shunpo’s knowledge and Mu Feng’s knowledge on Kidō, it is more than enough to protect himself in Hollow World.

At this time, all the captains couldn’t think of any reason to oppose it.

When things came to this point, Yamamoto Moto Ryusai Shigekuni didn’t say anything.

Anyway, this is only a primary list, and those people will be selected in the end. It depends on the opinions of the 46th Chamber of the Central Committee.

According to Yamamoto Moto Ryusai Shigekuni, the probability that Mu Feng will be selected is not very high.

“Since you insist, then add you. Do you have any comments? If you don’t have any, the old man will submit the list to the 46th room of the Central Committee and let them choose the final candidate. 〃.

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni slowly glanced at the people, and after making sure that no one was speaking, he directly recruited the Hell Butterfly, and passed the candidates he recommended to the central 46 room through the Hell Butterfly.

Next, wait for the final result.

According to past practice, there will be results in at most half an hour.(Read more @

Of course, only the leader of the team is selected.

The remaining deputy captains and seat officials need to be agreed by the captains separately.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

The hell butterfly sent by Yamamoto Genryuzai Shigekuni also flew back slowly.

After receiving the message from the Hell Butterfly, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni’s expression suddenly changed, and for the first time a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The change in expression of Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni immediately aroused the interest of a group of captains. Everyone turned their eyes to Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, wondering what he was surprised at.

After dispelling the hell butterfly, Yamamoto Genryuzhai Shigekuni put away the surprise in his eyes, and restored his previous expression of anger and prestige, and his figure was slightly like the four-like enchantment:

“Everyone, there has been a decision in the center 46 room. This time, there are five captains who went to Hollow World to participate in the Hollow World crusade. They are the sixth division captain Byakuya Kuchiki, and the seventh division captain Kumura Zuo The ninth division captain Tosenya, the tenth division captain Kurosaki Isshin, and—”

Yamamoto Motoyagisai Shigekuni paused a bit before announcing:

“Kidō all the big Kidō long Mu Feng wind!”


Almost all the captains looked at Mu Feng with surprises. They were a little confused about how the Central 46th Chamber would select Mu Feng.

Kendaki Kenpachi roared at Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni without any scruples:

“Mu Feng, I’ve been selected, why didn’t you choose me, old man, it’s not you who are doing the trick!”

“This kind of thing, the old man still disdains the ghost, if he really wants to do the ghost, why not get rid of Mu Feng together. After all, the old man also disagrees, he participates in the Hollow World crusade.”

Yamamoto Motoyagisai Shigekuni said loudly.

The bright and majestic voice of the Four Elephants enchantment suddenly suppressed Gengmu Jianba’s roar.


Gengmu Jianba snorted and said to Mu Feng:

“Mu Feng, come to my eleventh squad when you have time. I look forward to discussing it with you.”

After speaking, he left the captain’s room regardless.

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni looked at Gengmu Jianba with a headache, and did not call him back.

The other captains all watched their minds and thoughts about their own thoughts.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the reason why Gengmu Kenpachi was not selected is not because Yamamoto Genryuzai Shigekuni was directly involved in the ghosts, but it must also be related to Yamamoto Genryuzai Shigekuni.

However, no one had any opinion on this matter, and they did not want even Kenpachi to participate in the Hollow World crusade.

The Hollow World crusade with more wooden swordsman participation will definitely be a mess.

Immediately after Gengmu Jianba, everyone’s eyes focused on Mu Feng again.

They still don’t understand why Mu Feng was selected by the 46th Chamber of the Central Committee.

With Mu Feng’s talent, the 46th Chamber of the Central Committee should list him as an important object of protection.

They don’t understand, it doesn’t mean that Mu Feng doesn’t understand.

After hearing that he was selected, Mu Feng’s gaze swept over Aizen immediately. Aizen also made a similar move.

Yes, the unexpected selection of Mu Feng has a lot to do with Aizen.

To be precise, it should have been caused by Aizen (the king’s money).

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with Mu Feng himself.

In this matter, seriously speaking, it was Mu Feng who was using Aizen.

Yesterday, after listening to Matsumoto Luanju introducing himself to the Hollow World crusade, Mu Feng has realized that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

How could Mu Feng let such an opportunity pass.

However, as Matsumoto Ranju said, his probability of being selected is extremely low.

If there is no accident, even if he offered to participate in the Hollow World crusade, he would not be selected.

To be selected successfully, Mu Feng must overcome two major hurdles.

The first one, needless to say, is of course Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

Although Yamamoto Motoyasu Sai Shigekuni cannot make the final decision, he has the right to recommend.

Without the recommendation of Shigekuni Yamamoto Motoyanagi, Mu Feng would definitely not be selected.

It is not difficult to pass this level. .

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