Chapter 680

“Across this white Gobi, it is the inside and outside of Hollow World. There are a large number of large vacancies gathered there, and each large vacu is not weak. Basically, it is Yacachus even at the level, so necessary, as much as possible. Don’t enter that area.”

“The outer and inner surroundings are all areas of Hollow World that have been ascertained so far. Of course, this refers to the ground. In addition to the ground, Hollow World also has a very important area, that is, the underground forest. There will be a lot of ordinary emptiness and great emptiness.”

“The Hollow World’s big emptiness is half surrounded by the ground and half in the big hollow forest, and the big hollow forest is our destination. The big hollow in the big hollow forest basically fights separately and is more threatening. Low. These big emptiness are the main objects we clean up.”

“After a while, we will separate and act separately according to the plan we have set before. I hope you can remember the captain’s explanation and try to avoid exposing yourself.”

“The hunting operation is over, we will gather here, or open the door of the two worlds and return to this world by ourselves.”

After Zhibo had finished speaking, the other four captain-level powerhouses, including Mu Feng, did not speak, but nodded, indicating that he knew.

Seeing this, Shiba didn’t say much.

In terms of level, the five teams are all tied. Shiba has no right to restrain other teams. All he can do is be responsible for all the members of his team.

After the five people exchanged briefly, Shiba Yishin and the other four captains took the lead with their team and rushed towards their goal.

Only the team led by Mu Feng did not act and remained in place.

“Outer, inner, white Gobi, if I remember correctly, Aizen’s Xuye Palace should be in the center of the white Gobi, which is the inner wall that Shiba mentioned with his heart. Xuye Palace originally belonged to the Hollow World king In Legong’s base camp, where there are a large number of big hollow gatherings, it is said that it has passed. After all, in the original plot, Balegun had gathered a large number of men. But later, these men of his were given by Aizen. Dispose of ` 〃.”

“At this time, I don’t know if Aizen has occupied the Xuye Palace.”

Mu Feng muttered to himself, and at the same time displayed Observation Haki with all his strength, and his powerful perception instantly enveloped the radius of several miles.

As soon as the perception unfolded, Mu Feng couldn’t help but raised his brows, and a smile appeared on his face.

“Is this a meeting gift for me? Unexpectedly, when I first came to Hollow World, I was given a big gift. What an honor!”

Mu Feng himself can hear a low mutter, spit out from his mouth.


Not long after the low murmur sounded, there was a sound not far away. Under the sandy soil that originally seemed very calm, a worm-shaped phantom suddenly sprang out from the ground and rushed towards Mu Feng and the others.

Immediately behind this hollow monster, in the surrounding sand, more hollow monsters sprang out in twos and threes, and rushed towards Mu Feng together.

In just a moment, the number of hollow surging from the sand exceeded one hundred.(Read more @

Moreover, the number is still increasing.

In the sand, there seemed to be virtual lairs, and a large number of virtual monsters continued to gush out.

“Mu Feng is the leader of Kidō, do we need to take action?”

Shiba Haiyan stepped forward and asked for his fate.

This time, among the dozens of people who participated in the Hollow World crusade, in addition to Mu Feng and other five captain-level powerhouses, there were also ten deputy captain-level powerhouses, and 20 Shikai seat officers, totaling 35 people .

There are seven people in each team. They are one captain, two deputy captains, and four Shikai seats.

Needless to say, the team led by Mu Feng is at the captain level, it is naturally him.

As for the remaining two deputy captains, one is the thirteenth division deputy captain Shiba Haiyan, and the other is the second division deputy captain Ohmaeda Nozomi.

Shiba Kaiyan can be ranked in the top three among all the deputy captains, but Omaeda Nozomi can only be the bottom, plus Shiba Kaiyan is born in the Shiba family, one of the four nobles. Therefore, among the remaining six people, Shiba Haiyan has the highest status, almost equal to the deputy leader.

It is precisely because of this that what other people’s opinions generally make Zhiba Haiyan want to react to Mu Feng.

“No, I will do it myself.” Mu Feng said lightly.

Hearing this answer, Zhiba Haiyan and others looked at me, and when I looked at you, a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes.

Under normal circumstances, these trivial matters should be taken care of by them.

The Hollow World crusade, the reason why such a small team is formed, is to hope that the seat officer and deputy captain can help the captain share the weaker opponents, so that the captain-level strong can save Reiatsu as much as possible.

Here is Hollow World, anything can happen. In order to prevent accidents, the captain-level powerhouse as the main combat force must be kept in the best condition as much as possible.

Because of this, Shiba Haiyan just asked.

As a result, I didn’t expect that such a small character Mu Feng would have to shoot it himself.

However, remembering that Mu Feng had just entered the Jingling Pavilion, and only after killing the Void in the simulation training six months ago, everyone gradually began to understand Mu Feng.

In their opinion, Mu Feng probably hadn’t killed the Void very much. If he saw so many Voids appearing, he would be a little excited. Therefore, I decided to shoot myself.

What did Zhibo Haiyan and others think, Mu Feng didn’t know.

In fact, Mu Feng knew that these ordinary virtual and normal situations should be dealt with by Zhibo Haiyan and others.

However, Mu Feng came to Hollow World for the purpose of harvesting the origin.

So many emptiness means a lot of origin points, how could Mu Feng be willing to give up.

The origin point can only be obtained if he kills it with his own hands.

If it was killed by someone else, Mu Feng would not be able to get the origin point from it.

“. “Lightning Style·Thousand Thunder Flash!”

There was a low voice, and it started from Mu Feng’s mouth (Li Li’s).


A very powerful Reiatsu rose from Mu Feng’s body, and then turned into a huge thunder light, slashing towards the ordinary virtual people who rushed.

“Lightning Style, this is the Kidō created by Master Mu Feng. It is indeed the most talented Shinigami in the soul world for thousands of years. After becoming Shinigami for more than a year, he can create such a powerful Kidō.”

One of the four officials looked at Lei Mang who appeared out of thin air and couldn’t help but sigh.

The other three seats, Shiba Haiyan and Ohmaeda Nozomi, although they didn’t say anything, their attitudes were basically the same as those of the seats who just spoke, and their eyes were also lamented.

After the last graduation assessment, Mu Feng’s reputation spread throughout the corpse soul world, and there is almost no ignorance about Mu Feng’s feat in the early graduation assessment.

And most Shinigami in the corpse world also knows Yamamoto Motoyagisei Shigekuni’s evaluation of Mu Feng’s possibility. .

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