Chapter 801

“The so-called medium is Reiatsu. The power engraved in the depths of the soul is the seed, and Reiatsu is the medium that urges the seed. Together, the two can urge the power of this power. Reiatsu urges the inscription in the soul. The process of this power is Shikai and Bankai.”

One by one, new ideas were constantly spit out from Mu Feng’s mouth.

Matsumoto Ranju has never heard of these concepts, but she subconsciously agrees with these concepts, and in Matsumoto’s view, these concepts seem to explain Shikai and Bankai better than those inherent in the soul world. origin.

These concepts are Mu Feng, a strong native.

The understanding of Zanpakutō, of course, can be regarded as referring directly to the source.

In just a few words, Matsumoto Ranju has a feeling that a brand new door is opening to himself. And behind this gate is the origin of Shikai and Bankai.

Hearing this, Matsumoto Ranju finally understood why Mu Feng told her not to spread what he said.

If these words of Mu Feng are heard, 17, the whole soul world will be shaken, and there may be changes up and down in the soul world. By then, Mu Feng will really have no peace.

Seeing the value of Mu Feng’s words clearly, Matsumoto Luanju resolutely and secretly decided that these things Mu Feng said to her today would never be spread without Mu Feng’s permission.

After Mu Feng’s analysis, Matsumoto Ranju had no doubts about the secret of impacting Bankai mentioned by Mu Feng at the beginning.

Even if Mu Feng doesn’t have a secret, just what she said just now will be of great use to her assaulting Bankai.

Mu Feng didn’t know what Matsumoto Luanju was thinking. He continued to explain to himself. The plain words and the analysis of the origin made Matsumoto Luanju involuntarily immersed in it again.

“Reiatsu is the medium of incitement, so the strength of Reiatsu determines the degree of Shinigami’s incitement to the power engraved deep in the soul. This is why it is possible to understand Shikai and then to realize it only by polishing Reiatsu to a certain degree Bankai. Because Reiatsu is the foundation of Shikai and Bankai.”

“Shinigami grows step by step from weak to strong, first of all, to find a carrier for the power engraved in the depths of the soul, and inject it into it. This is the Zanpakutō that has become Shinigami’s hand. It will be engraved in the depths of the soul. After a trace of power is injected into the carrier, it will begin to polish Reiatsu.”(Read more @

“At this stage, Shinigami did not come into contact with the innate power in the depths of the soul. The power injected in the shallow fight was only the power from the depths of the soul that was passively injected into the shallow fight through Reiatsu. ”

After a short pause, he glanced at Matsumoto Ranju who was immersed in his own words. Mu Feng took a sigh of relief and continued to say:

“As long as Reiatsu is polished to a certain level, Shinigami has the foundation to touch the power engraved in the soul. Trying to contact and inspire the power engraved in the soul is the process of comprehending Shikai.”

“The so-called comprehension of Shikai is the process of stimulating the power engraved in the depths of the soul, stimulating the power engraved in the depths of the soul, and then spurred by Reiatsu, it is the so-called Shikai. Inspiration is engraved in the depths of the soul Reiatsu’s strength is strong enough to perform Shikai. Both are indispensable.”

“Jiefangyu, you can look at the signal that inspires the power engraved in the soul. In fact, if you don’t have a deep understanding of the power engraved in the soul, you don’t need Jiefangyu, and you can do Shikai. .”

After explaining Shikai, Mu Feng’s tone changed abruptly, and his original tone gradually became magical.

Under the influence of this magical power, Matsumoto Luanju began to be unconsciously manipulated by Mu Feng’s words.

“Shikai is the process of Reiatsu inspiring the power engraved deep in the soul, and this kind of excitation can often only inspire a part of the power engraved in the depth of the soul, and cannot inspire the power engraved in the depths of the soul. All of the power at the place, this is also the reason why Shikai and Bankai are similar, but different.”

“Since understanding Shikai is to inspire the power engraved in the depths of the soul, then if you want to understand Shikai, you must continue to dispel the power engraved in the depths of the soul.”

“At this time, the difference in talent will be revealed. The so-called talent is actually the strength of the soul. The stronger the soul, the stronger the understanding, and the stronger the talent. Comprehend Shikai means that the soul is inscribed. People with strong souls are certainly more dominant in the power in the depths of the soul. They can easily access the power inscribed in the depths of the soul, thus comprehending Bankai with great ease.”

“The soul is powerful to a certain extent. Like Hisugaya Toshiro, he doesn’t even need to work hard, he can naturally come into contact with the power engraved in the depths of the soul. The reason why Hisugaya Toshiro can see himself in his sleep Zanpakutō, because the soul is too powerful, it can easily and directly touch the power engraved deep in the soul.”

“Of course, Hisugaya Toshiro at that time was not Shinigami. The Reiatsu in his body was not strong enough, so he could not directly perform Bankai.”

“Since Shikai is using Reiatsu to inspire the power engraved in the soul, then through 800 Shikai, Shinigami is very likely to come into contact with the power engraved in the soul again.”

Just after Mu Feng said this sentence, Mu Feng, who was influenced by his words, immediately repeated it subconsciously: “Through Shikai, it is very possible to come into contact with the power engraved in the depths of the soul again.”

While repeating this sentence, Matsumoto Ranju didn’t think about it, and started directly to Shikai:

“Moon, Haineko!”

Holding Zanpakutō in Matsumoto Ranju’s hand, as Jiefangyu began to decompose little by little, it turned into smoke and lingered around Matsumoto Ranju.

After Matsumoto Ranju Zanpakutō Shikai, Mu Feng’s thoughts moved slightly, and a huge pupil behind him began to appear looming.

As Mu Feng said, in Shikai’s state, Shinigami does have the opportunity to communicate with the power engraved deep in the soul.

This is also the reason why Shinigami is at the Shikai level, so he wants to polish Shikai.

Polishing Shikai can increase their chances of contact with the power engraved in the depths of their souls, and in a disguised form it increases Shinigami’s chances of understanding Bankai.

Although Shikai is often carried out, it is possible to directly communicate with the power engraved in the soul to improve the efficiency of impacting Bankai, but it takes a lot of time, and it takes a lot of time to try again and again, not in a short time. . .

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