Chapter 803

“The so-called defeat of Zanpakutō is not a defeat in the true sense. Zanpakutō is something on the conscious level, and it is also part of Shinigami’s soul. If you want to defeat a part of your soul at the conscious level, it is not reliable.

“The defeat here actually refers to a certain level of comprehension of the power engraved in the depths of the soul. Only by comprehending the power engraved in the depths of the soul to a certain level can you rely on Reiatsu to be engraved in the depths of the soul. The power of the place is embodied in the real world.”

“To attack Bankai, there are only two steps in total. The first step is to establish in-depth communication with Zanpakutō, and the second is to realize the origin of Zanpakutō, and then use Reiatsu as the basis to visualize it into the world. Bankai level, inscribed. The power in the depths of the soul has been initially unearthed.”

‘” Shikai only inspires a part of the power, while Bankai fully manifests the power engraved in the depths of the soul into the real world. The two are naturally different from each other. Therefore, Bankai has a great deal of Shinigami. The increase has made Shinigami’s combat power almost a reborn change. It’s not simple to understand the origin of Zanpakutō, and you have to experience it with your heart.”

This time, Mu Feng didn’t pause in the middle, and explained all his understanding of Bankai in one breath.

“Understand the origin of Zanpakutō, and comprehend it with your heart.” Matsumoto chaotic chrysanthemum muttered to himself, his consciousness seemed a little sluggish. Obviously, Matsumoto Ranju’s consciousness was once again influenced and manipulated by Mu Feng.

Under Mu Feng’s manipulation, Matsumoto Ranju’s consciousness flashed, and he slammed into Haineko like lightning, directly fusing with Haineko.

In an instant, countless information about himself Zanpakutō came to Matsumoto Ranju’s heart.

If you want to comprehend the origin of Zanpakutō, what else can be directly integrated with Zanpakutō, and realize that Zanpakutō’s body and memory are more efficient and thorough.

Let Matsumoto Ranju’s consciousness directly blend with Zanpakutō. This is what Mu Feng just mentioned, let Matsumoto Ranju’s quick comprehension of Bankai’s tips.

This technique can only be used by Mu Feng.

After scanning Matsumoto Ranju’s consciousness and confirming that Matsumoto Ranju was completely immersed in Haineko’s consciousness, Mu Feng stopped making a sound, but slowly walked towards Mu Feng.

As soon as he perceives, Mu Feng’s consciousness penetrates directly into Matsumoto Ranju’s body. ,

In an instant, Mu Feng knew everything about Matsumoto Ranju’s situation.

Infiltrating Matsumoto Ranju’s consciousness into Haineko’s is just one of Mu Feng’s guidance to Matsumoto Ranju. Through this method, Matsumoto Ranju’s comprehension of Bankai can be accelerated extremely quickly.

However, because of his talent, even if Mu Feng has given instructions, it is very difficult for Matsumoto Ranju to understand Bankai in a short time.(Read more @

What Mu Feng wants is that Matsumoto Ranju can comprehend Bankai in the shortest time and break through to the captain level. As for how short this so-called shortest time is, Mu Feng doesn’t know, but it is certain that the shorter the better.

All the points that should be pointed out have already been given. If you want Matsumoto Ranju to understand Bankai in more time, there is only one way to enhance Matsumoto Ranju’s perceptual talent.

For other people, if you want to enhance their understanding, you may need to pay a lot of price for Mu Feng, but Matsumoto Ranju’s situation is special, and you don’t need to pay too much for Mu Feng to greatly improve your talent understanding.

In fact, Matsumoto Ranju’s talent is not bad. Compared with Ichimarugin, there may be some gaps, but the gap is not counted. In other words, Matsumoto Ranju is actually a genius.

Even a genius, the threshold of the district captain level, it is impossible to stop Matsumoto Ranju.

Compared with Ichimaru Gin, the growth rate of Matsumoto Ranju is almost quite slow.

Matsumoto Ranjuu Uichi Marugin had no difference in time to enter the Central Spiritual Academy. However, after so many years, Ichimarugin had broken through the captain level and had mastered his Zanpakutō extremely well. However, Matsumoto Ranju was just enough to break through to the deputy captain, and there is still a long way to go before Bankai can be understood.

The talents are similar, but the achievements are quite different. The reason is that Matsumoto Ranju’s soul has been severely injured. The trauma of the soul caused Matsumoto’s talent to drop sharply, from a genius to a little mediocre.

Matsumoto Ranju’s soul trauma, needless to say, of course came from Aizen. When she was a child, Matsumoto Ranju was attacked by Aizen, and Aizen also did experiments on her.

It was that attack that caused Matsumoto Ranju’s soul to be traumatized, and he has not healed until now.

It is precisely because of what Aizen did to Matsumoto Ranju that Ichimaru Gin chose to become a Shinigami, and lurked in front of Aizen, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate against Aizen.

The soul is the foundation of Shinigami. The stronger the soul, the higher the talent. The soul has been hit hard, and the talent naturally declines.

In other words, Matsumoto Ranju’s current talent is not her original talent.

It is more difficult to improve one’s talent, which involves many things, but it is much simpler to restore the talent, just need to restore the trauma of Matsumoto Ranju’s soul.

Trauma in the soul, for others, may be a troublesome thing.

But 573 is not a trouble for Mu Feng.

The reason why Mu Feng just used his perception to probe Matsumoto Ranju is to judge the injury of Matsumoto Ranju and decide the treatment plan.

Judging from the results of the investigation just now, Matsumoto Ranju was indeed as he had imagined. His soul was severely injured, and his injuries were more serious than he thought.

His soul has been hit hard, which is why Matsumoto Ranju did not understand Bankai in the future and become a leader at the captain level.

Glancing again, Mu Feng waved his hand, and a burst of energy rushed into Matsumoto Ranju’s body with a colorful light.

As soon as this energy entered the body, he began to instinctively search for it. Matsumoto Ranju’s body looked like a place in need of treatment.

The energy that poured into Matsumoto Ranju’s body soon discovered the wounds on Matsumoto Ranju’s soul, and then these energy instinctively began to repair the wounds on Matsumoto Ranju’s soul.

In addition to the colorful energy just now, Mu Feng waved his right hand one after another. Two extremely pure energies spouted from Mu Feng’s right hand and poured into Matsumoto Ranju’s body.

The colorful energy in the front is used to help Matsumoto Ranju heal the trauma on the soul, and now these two pure energies are used to help Matsumoto Ranju improve Reiatsu. .

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