Chapter 806

The life of the Shinigami world is bred from the origin of the Shinigami world. The origin of the world is inherently higher than all life. Thousand illusions are at the same level as the origin of the world, and of course it is higher than other Zanpakutō.

Qianhuan can transform any Zanpakutō, which has a lot to do with the origin of the Shinigami world.

Therefore, it is very reasonable for the surrounding Zanpakutō to worship Qianhuan.

The scene before him still belongs to the scene when Mu Feng hit Shikai, that is to say, the current Qianhuan is still in Shikai state.

However, after the surrounding Zanpakutō appeared almost, Qianhuan in the center of the space began to gradually change. The blade that radiated colorful light began to thicken continuously, and the Zanpakutō around it also began to disappear.

In a moment, all the surrounding Zanpakutō disappeared, and the thousand illusions in the center of the space suddenly became a colorful throne. Behind that colorful throne, a knife wheel full of sharp blades was continuously rotating.

The colorful throne just appeared.

Of course the entire space was for a while, and then Mu Feng discovered that the surrounding space began to change again.

Objects in the shape of spheres emerged around the throne.

The surfaces of these spheres are all covered with a layer of gray, making it difficult to see what is inside 303. However, Mu Feng can be 100% sure that there must be something in these spheres.

The sphere began to appear from the very edge of the space, and then gradually advanced towards the colorful throne. In the blink of an eye, the entire space was filled with spheres.


At this time, the Colorful Throne suddenly shook.

With the shaking of the colorful throne, three more special spheres slowly appeared behind the colorful throne. Of the three spheres, two of them directly surround the colorful throne, and the third is a little farther away from the colorful throne.

However, one thing about the three spheres is the same, that is, none of the three spheres are covered by gray things.

Without the shadow of gray gas, the newly emerged sphere is as crystal clear as a crystal ball. And in the crystal ball, there seem to be countless pictures hidden.

With Mu Feng’s current eyesight, it is easy to see the picture in the crystal ball.

Mu Feng locked a crystal ball and took a closer look. The next moment, a trace of surprise flashed in Mu Feng’s eyes.

From the crystal ball, Mu Feng suddenly saw the scene in Naruto World.

As if thinking of something, Mu Feng hurriedly turned his eyes to the other two crystal balls. Unsurprisingly, the one near the two crystal balls contained the view of Pirate World, and the far one contained the view of Pirate World. It is a scene of the Shinigami world.(Read more @

In other words, these three crystal balls represent the world of Naruto, the world of Pirates, and the world of Shinigami respectively.

In addition to these three crystal balls, there are countless crystal balls around the colorful throne. Now, no accident, these crystal balls already represent a certain time.

Thinking of this, Mu Feng was stunned.

Previously, countless Zanpakutō had condensed in the surrounding space, which was already spectacular enough.

But Mu Feng didn’t expect it to be even more spectacular.

This time, condensed in the surrounding space, suddenly is the heavens and the world. With the layout now, Mu Feng doesn’t have to guess, but can also know the meaning.

Needless to say, the countless spheres in the space represent the heavens and all realms. The sphere wrapped in gray gas represents the unknown world. Three of them, not covered by the gray gas, represent the world that Mu Feng has experienced.

The distance of the sphere also has certain rules.

The sphere is wrapped in gray gas, belonging to the unknown world, scattered around the colorful throne. The three spheres that are not covered by the gray gas are distributed around the colorful throne. The two closer to each other means that they have been conquered by Mu Feng, and the one farther away belongs to the one still under conquer.

The colorful throne resides in all worlds and is above all worlds, which means that the colorful throne is the conqueror, the master of the heavens and the world, and the supreme king of the heavens and the world. It should not be said that the colorful throne, it should be said that Mu Feng is right. After all, Mu Feng is sitting on the throne (bdad).

The ruler of the heavens and all realms, I have to say, this force is simply extremely high.

Shikai, only Shinigami is the king of the world, Bankai has been directly promoted to one level, and it has become the king of the heavens and the world.

After the colorful throne appeared, Mu Feng also knew what to do to comprehend Bankai.

When comprehending Shikai, Mu Feng pulled Qianhuan up, and then naturally comprehended Shikai. Mu Feng didn’t expect Bankai’s understanding to be similar to Shikai’s.

It’s just that you don’t need to play Qianhuan this time, you just need to sit on the colorful throne to complete it.

After understanding how to comprehend Bankai, Mu Feng did not hesitate too much, and walked directly to the colorful throne, and then sat down without hesitation.


The moment Mu Feng sat on the Colorful Throne, the entire space suddenly shook, and the surrounding spheres flew towards him one after another, melting into his body like lightning.

After the unknown spheres melted into Mu Feng’s body, nothing happened.

However, when the spheres of the Naruto World, One Pirate World, and Shinigami World melted into the body, Mu Feng felt something different.

When the sphere of Naruto World melted into his body, a large amount of information about Naruto World poured into his mind. At that moment, Mu Feng seemed to have a feeling of returning to Naruto World. He even had a Illusion, relying on his own mind, he can manipulate the world of Naruto through this sphere that is integrated into the body.

The most important thing is that the information that emerged contains some information about the rules of Naruto World.

At the origin level, if you want to go further, the most important thing is the origin of the world and the rules of the world.

The former can increase the level of strength, and the latter can increase the realm.

The rules of Naruto World are definitely a great benefit to Mu Feng.

One more thing, after integrating the Naruto World, Mu Feng has a feeling that as long as he sits on the colorful throne, he can mobilize part of the Naruto World to fight the enemy.

Naruto World is a complete world.

A complete world has an enormous power beyond imagination. Although Mu Feng can only mobilize a little, it can also be regarded as a good hole card for Mu Feng.

After fusing into the sphere of the Naruto World, so many benefits can be obtained. Of course, the benefits of fusing the pirate world sphere will not be too small.

From the sphere of the Pirate World, he also obtained a part of the rules of the Pirate World, and he can also mobilize a part of the power of the Pirate World.

The last one that melted into his body was the sphere that represented the Shinigami world.

Fusion of this sphere, he also obtained part of the rule information of the Shinigami world.

However, since the Shinigami world has not yet been conquered by him, he does not have the identity of a substitute for the Shinigami world. So he cannot mobilize the power of Shinigami’s world. .

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