Chapter 825

The Voidwalker just shields Mu Feng’s information from other worlds, and makes the world consciousness treat Mu Feng as a native-born person in the world, instead of shielding Mu Feng as a whole, so that the world consciousness cannot discover Mu Feng.

When Mu Feng really does something that irritates the world consciousness, regardless of whether Mu Feng is a native of the world or not, the world consciousness will kill Mu Feng without hesitation.

Destroying all the voids in Hollow World will surely anger the consciousness of the world. After all, Mu Feng is not like You Habach, who is like a son of the world~.

Therefore, this method of obtaining the origin point is not advisable, at least not for now -.

Unable to obtain the source point through Daxu, Mu Feng only has three ways to obtain the source point.

The first way is to collapse the jade.

Bengyu can make Aizen ascend to the sky in one step, and be promoted to the power of the source level, which must contain a lot of energy.

These energy can be exchanged for a large number of origin points.

However, the origin is a task item. Moreover, it must be obtained decades later. The most important point is that compared to the source of the exchange cost, keeping the collapsed jade is more important to Mu Feng’s help.

The third way is related to the source-level powerhouses known in the Shinigami world.

There are currently only two known source-level powerhouses in the Shinigami world, one is the Spirit King, and the other is Uhabakh.

The Spirit King was already half dead, and Uhabach was still in a sealed state.

Because of this, if used, both can bring a huge amount of origin to Mu Feng. First of all, although the spirit king is half dead, the body of the spirit king is still left in the Shinigami world. The Spirit King is an extremely powerful source-level powerhouse, and Mu Feng asks himself that he is far from being an opponent of the Spirit King.

After all, the spirit king created the corpse soul world and maintained the balance of the corpse soul world, the Hollow World, and the world with his own power. Whether it is the creation of the corpse soul world or the maintenance of the balance of the three worlds, it is not comparable to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng didn’t feel much about this, and it made sense that the Spirit King was powerful. From a certain perspective, the Spirit King can look at the incarnation of world consciousness. As the incarnation of world consciousness, how can the Spirit King not be strong.

Whether it is Uhabach or Kurosaki Ichigo, they are somewhat inferior to the Spirit King.

Yukhabach and Kurosaki Ichigo can at best be regarded as the patrons of the will of the world, while the spirit king is the embodiment of the will of the world. The difference between the patrons of the world consciousness and the embodiment of the will of the world is self-evident.

As the incarnation of world consciousness, there must be a lot of original power in the body of the spirit king. If Mu Feng can obtain the remains of the Spirit King, he can convert the original power in it to cost source points.(Read more @

Part of the remains of the Spirit King is hidden in the Spirit King Palace, and the part of the remains in the Spirit King Palace is hidden, and Mu Feng is temporarily impossible to obtain.

Although Mu Feng is an original-level powerhouse, compared with the spirit king, Mu Feng is much weaker in strength and realm. The spirit king hall has the arrangement of the spirit king. Even if Mu Feng has now recovered his strength, it is difficult to force it. Break the defense of the Spirit King Hall and enter the Spirit King Hall.

What’s more, the Palace of the Spirit King is the most important place in the Shinigami world, and the will of the world must always pay attention to it.

With world-conscious attention, even if Mu Feng could enter the Lingwang Palace, he would not dare not enter it.

Compared with the entire Shinigami, Mu Feng is still only an ant.

Mu Feng, who has the status of a world representative and has controlled the power of the entire world, deeply understands what terrible power a complete world has.

The remains of the Spirit King in the Spirit Palace are temporarily unavailable, and Mu Feng still has a lot of hope to get the remains of the Spirit King in other places.

After taking the remains of these spirit kings, Mu Feng can obtain a large number of origin points.

This is a more reliable way to obtain a large number of origin points.

In addition to this approach, there is another approach. And this approach is related to Habach, the second original powerhouse friend in the Shinigami world.

Thousands of years ago, Yuhabach was defeated by Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni in the battle between the Quincy leader and Shinigami, and was finally sealed.

Of course, a thousand years ago, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni was able to defeat Yu Habach, and there must be a lot of water in it.

Today’s Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni is just an infinite powerhouse. Thousands of years ago, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni could only be regarded as a newcomer to an infinite class at best, not even an infinite class.

As a patron of the world of Friends of Habach, and with his extremely anti-the-sky ability to change the future, he was defeated by Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, who had entered the infinite class, and then sealed up. If there were no surprises, this It is unlikely that this will happen.

· ······· Ask for flowers··· ····················································································

Youhabach’s ability can change the future, not to mention how unreasonable this ability is, but one thing is certain, that is, it is impossible to seal Sumitomo Harbach.

To change the future, Youhabach can change even the future of his death, and it is impossible that he cannot even change the future sealed.

Perhaps a thousand years ago, Uhabach’s ability was not as powerful as shown in the original plot, perhaps because of some other accidents.

But in short, no matter what, one thing is certain, that is, the friend of Habach a thousand years ago, has not broken through to the original level.

.. …

Thousands of years ago, Uhabach did not break through to the original level. Thousands of years later, Uhabach, who had been in the seal, broke through to the original level.

There must be an extremely important factor in the middle, which caused the strength of Yuhabach to continue to grow during the seal, until he broke through to the original level and broke his own seal.

Mu Feng can think of the root cause of Uhabach’s strength growth after a little thought.

In the original plot, in order to break the seal as quickly as possible, Youhabach once used sanctification and put out countless mixed-blood quenchers.

With the help of the power of these mixed-blood quintessences, the seal was finally broken.

In this way, the source of Ukhabach’s power is also clear.

For thousands of years, Uhabach, who has been sleeping under the seal, has not only not declined in strength, but has advanced by leaps and bounds, breaking through to become a source-level powerhouse, because there are a large number of quintessences providing energy for Uhabach.

Compared with Shinigami and Hollow, Quincy is very special, because Quincy was created by Yuhabakh.

Youhabach is born with a kind of ability called soul gift. People who are given a part of soul by him eventually form a race. This race is the family of quintessences. From this point of view, the quintessences are the quintessences. Created, Uhabach is the ancestor of the Quincy family. .

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