Chapter 829

The second way is to have strong power. If you are strong enough, you can release powerful attacks even if you can’t possess powerful skills.

For example, if your strength is ten, even if you master the skills, there is almost no increase in strength, and the released strength can reach ten degrees, which is far stronger than one.

Of course, this road is also difficult to follow. It is difficult to improve your strength, not easier than comprehending powerful skills.

The light wall that Mu Feng just displayed is the second case. Splitting Void is only the eighty-first Bakudō.

For Mu Feng. Eighty-one Bakudō can only be regarded as an extremely crude skill.

In fact, with the exception of Kidō above No. 90, other Kidō have little possession of Mu Feng.

Kidō above the 90th, seriously speaking, has no effect on Mu Feng.

After all, Kidō above No. 90, even the strongest Kidō No. 99 may not be able to reach the infinite level, and Mu Feng is now an indestructible powerhouse.

Kidō, who is not even infinite, can be of great help to Mu Feng. No help means that the level is too low to increase Mu Feng’s strength.

The inability to increase Mu Feng’s power does not mean that the Kidō that Mu Feng543 displays are not strong enough.

Even if there is no increase, with Mu Feng’s current immortal-level tyrannical Reiatsu, the kidō that was displayed still has the immortal-level tyrannical power.

Breaking clever with strength is nothing more than the same.

The energy light arrow shot was blocked by Mu Feng so lightly, and all the Quincy masters were taken aback.

However, just for a moment, these Quincy masters all recovered, and continued to condense the energy light arrows, and once again fired at Mu Feng.

As patrols, their task is to prevent suspicious people from approaching Yinjia City. Even if they can’t stop Mu Feng, they must stop.

Although it has been a long time since there have been invaders, the Quincy Division Legion has shown extremely good qualities.

For a soldier, the most important thing is obedience.

Only soldiers who know how to obey are good soldiers. A soldier who doesn’t know how to obey, no matter how good he is, cannot be called a qualified soldier.

No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to compare to a legion.

As for a corps, only when all the soldiers are ordered and prohibited can this corps be called a strong (bhdd) corps.

There have been no enemies for hundreds or even thousands of years, but the Quincy Division still possesses such high quality.

It is conceivable what kind of place the invisible empire is.(Read more @

The high-pressure policy, put in the normal world, is not a good policy.

It can only be practiced for a while, not for a lifetime.

Once this policy is implemented excessively, it will inevitably arouse resistance.

The brutal rule of the invisible empire has been implemented for thousands of years, and it seems to be extremely stable.

The reason for this is that the Shinigami world is a world respected by the strong, and the power is too personal. As long as the individual is strong enough, he can crush everything.

There is no doubt that Uhabach is such an existence.

Therefore, the invisible empire can always be maintained so firmly.

brush! brush! brush!

I saw that an arrow of light with supportive energy was fired from Mu Feng’s hand again, turning the rain of energy light and arrows into the sky, and enveloped Mu Feng in it.

Seeing the rain of energy light and arrows shot at him again, Mu Feng couldn’t help but his eyes condensed slightly, always being attacked like this, Mu Feng was also a little annoyed.

Raising his right hand, Mu Feng lightly waved at the arrow rain of energy falling on him.

Suddenly, an invisible force acted on the energy light arrow rain, and the sky energy light arrow rain rolled back one after another. From there back and forth, Huo Ran returned to the original path and shot towards the Quincy who shot these energy light arrows.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

boom! boom! boom! One per person, these energy light arrows that rolled back.

Just like growing eyes, every energy light arrow is aimed at a quinceaner, and as many energy light arrows as fired, as many quinceaners are hit.

The sound of falling to the ground came one after another. Under the inverted energy light arrow rain, all the quintessences who stood in front of Mu Feng were hit by the energy light arrow, flying upside down, and falling down. On the ground.

What is even more frightening is that the Quincy hit by the energy light arrow only suffered serious injuries and temporarily lost the ability to move, and no one died under the energy light arrow attack.

The energy light arrows that rolled back, Huo Ran didn’t have a hit to the point. There are thousands of energy light arrows rolled back, and the probability that none of them will hit the key is too low.

There is only one possibility for this situation, and that is that Mu Feng’s subordinates show mercy, letting the energy light arrow rolled back avoid all the key points of the Quincy.

Just a wave of the hand not only caused all the energy light arrows to roll back, but also accurately avoided the vital points of every quince, and severely inflicted thousands of them. Such a method is too scary.

A faint glance at the thousands of Quincy killers lying on the ground.

Mu Feng slowly retracted his gaze and turned to look in the direction of Yinjia City.

He has been in the invisible empire for a while, and it has taken a lot of time to fight with these ordinary quintessences, and he is not far from the Silver Frame City, and it is impossible for the seniors of the invisible empire to not notice him.

Now, Ukhabach has not yet awakened.

The one who manages the invisible empire should be the strongest combat power under Ukhabach-the Knights of the Star Cross. The members of the Star Cross Knights didn’t show up, probably because they wanted these ordinary Quincy to test him.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win in all battles.

His appearance was too sudden, and the members of the Star Cross Knights did not dare to take action without knowing the details. After all, Youhabach hasn’t woken up yet.

The main task of the Star Cross Knights is still to guard the friend Habach.

At the moment, the ordinary Quincy that was used to test him has been defeated by him. If you want to come to the Star Cross Knights, you should have to take action.

A few thoughts passed through his mind.

A strange light flashed through Mu Feng’s eyes, and he was still more interested in the Knights of the Star Cross.

The Star Cross Knights should be the most powerful group in the Shinigami world.

Gong is much stronger than Lan’s Ten Blades.

In the original plot, the Knights of the Star Cross are almost entirely hanging palaces.

If it weren’t for the last friend, Habach, to destroy the Great Wall, all the energies of all members of the Star Cross Knights would be collected by the Holy Spirit. I’m afraid that only relying on the Star Cross Knights can make Gong difficult to parry.

Of course, what interests Mu Feng most is the holy script that every member of the Star Cross Knights has.

Every sacred word represents a kind of ability, or a kind of rule. These sacred characters are no less magical than Devil Fruit in the Pirate World, and Mu Feng naturally wants to study. .

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