Chapter 832

At the same time that Kyrgyzstan Oupi determined that Mu Feng had just performed Kidō, on a high platform in the open air somewhere in Silver Frame City, about twenty quintessentially dressed in white cloaks were gathering. Together, watching the battle between Mu Feng and Kyrgyz Opi.

Among the two dozen Quincy Masters, the one standing in the leading position has long golden hair and blue eyes, delicate features and extremely cold eyes, without any superfluous expressions.

Wearing a snow-white iconic Quincy costume, behind him was wearing a white cloak with the Knights of the Pentagram Cross, wearing a slender, handsome young man.

This young man is not someone else, but Hasward.

The head of the Star Cross Knights, the assistant of the emperor of the invisible empire, is also the most trusted subordinate of Ukhabach.

Uhabach is still asleep, so strictly speaking, Hasward is the ruler of today’s invisible empire.

The invisible empire believes in the survival of the weak and the survival of the fittest. Hasward, who became the head of the Star Cross Knights, is also the strongest in the invisible empire except for Habach.

Even 16 Yu, in the original plot, when Friends Habach was asleep, he would give Hasward his omniscience and omnipotence ability and let Hasward replace him.

You Habach will give Hasward his omniscience and omnipotence, which is enough to show his trust in Hasward.

“It can already be confirmed that the intruder is using Kidō, death tyrants, Zanpakutō, and Kidō, which can only be used by Shinigami. The identity of the intruder has been determined to be Shinigami. Everyone, we must discuss how to deal with this issue. .” Hasward swept the other Star Cross Knights and said.

There is no doubt in the tone.

The other members of the Star Cross Knights also saw the battle between Mu Feng and Gilluja Opi very clearly, and they had no opinion on Hasward’s words.

“Yeah, yes, think about how to deal with this. Shinigami invaded the invisible empire. This is something that has never happened before. I really want to know how this Shinigami appeared in the invisible empire.”

On the right hand of Hasward, a quintessentially said with his arms in his arms, with a rather funny tone.

His remarks uttered all the members of the Star Cross Knights at once, and they all wanted to know how Mu Feng appeared in the invisible empire.

For nearly a thousand years, the invisible empire has been hidden in the shadow of the Jingling Court, under Shinigami’s nose.(Read more @

Because, always hiding under the eyes of mortal enemies, the invisible empire’s vigilance measures can be said to be very perfect and strive for perfection. Any wind and grass above the space will be detected.

Thousand years of time, it is not that Shinigami has strayed into the invisible empire.

Although the invisible empire has not been discovered by the 13th Division of the Guarding Court, the invisible empire is hidden in the shadow of the Jingling Court after all. In the long time of nearly a thousand years, there will always be some Shinigami, because some accidents have strayed into the invisible empire.

However, without exception, these stray invisible empires were all detected and then killed by the Star Cross Knights.

Most of Shinigami who strayed into the invisible empire were not very strong. The reason for this has a lot to do with the structure of the invisible empire.

The entire invisible empire, enclosing the Silver Frame City, exists in the shadow of all the buildings in the Jingling Court. It is the spiritual space constructed by all the Quintessences using the cluster of spirits and the abilities of Youhabach.

Lingzi clustering is the most basic ability of the Quincy. It gathers the spiritual children in the atmosphere, packs them through their own Reiatsu, and then fixes them into a certain shape, which is the Lingzi cluster. It can be fixed, it can be decomposed naturally, and some spirit creations can also be decomposed by using Lingzi Bundle.

When the Lingzi cluster is strong enough to a certain extent, it can even destroy something composed of Lingzi, instantly decompose it into Lingzi, and then reconstruct other things in Hasward.

The basic skill of the Quincy, the Holy Arrow is an application of Lingzi Cluster.

The so-called invisible empire is to use the spirit child cluster to construct a spirit child space, and then disguise this space into the shadow of the quiet spirit court. In other words, in the shadow of the building of Jing Ling Ting, a spiritual space was opened up.

Lingzi is a source of power, which can make all things and build a Lingzi space, which of course can be done.

It is not difficult to re-shadow the Lingzi space and blend it with the architectural shadow of Jinglingting.

After all, one of the Star Cross Knights is good at manipulating shadows.

The abilities of the members of the Star Cross Knights are all bestowed by the friend Habach. Of course, the friend Habach is also good at similar rules. It is not difficult to use the power of the friend Habach to shadow the invisible empire.

So, seriously speaking, the invisible empire hidden in the shadow of the Jingling Court seems magical, but in fact it is just the application of several rules.

The Quincy is on the path of manipulating the spirit child, can freely use the spirit child, and can hide in the spirit child space constructed by the spirit child.

In comparison, Shinigami is different. Shinigami takes the path of refining the spirit child, refining the spirit child into Reiatsu, and blending with himself.

Manipulating Lingzi is the way of manipulating heaven and earth. Refining Lingzi 420 takes the path of being heaven and earth. The two are completely different.

Of course, at the end of the day, they will return home quickly. Regardless of which path you take, you have to comprehend the original rules of the world.

The Quincy is on the path of manipulating the spirit child, so his own Reiatsu is not very powerful, and the manipulation of his own Reiatsu has reached a level of nuance, which can perfectly control the Reiatsu in the body.

Shinigami takes the path of refining the spirit child, refining the spirit child into the body, so his own Reiatsu is very powerful, compared to the control of Reiatsu is not so nuanced. However, the difference in size can make up for this.

The stronger the Shinigami, the larger the volume.

There is one more sentence here. Unlike Quincy and Shinigami, Hollowwalks through the path of fusing Reiatsu with the body. Therefore, Hollowis the strongest body among the three.

I have to say, or a coincidence, the evolutionary path of the Shinigami world is quite complete, and all three very basic paths are available.

The invisible empire is a space constructed by spirit sons, and the surrounding barriers are all formed by spirit sons.

Shinigami is taking the path of refining spirits, and there are a lot of spirits in his body. If Shinigami hits the barrier of the invisible empire, it is equivalent to a steel ball hitting the wall of Zanpakutō. .

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