Chapter 839

Seeing that Mu Feng’s speech was very closed, Kyrgyzstan Oupi did not expect to speak from Mu Feng, since he did not expect to speak from Mu Feng.

Then the only thing left in Kyluj Opi’s heart is killing intent and anger.


A horrible Reiatsu rose from Kyrgyz Opi’s body, and then, a substantial energy light arrow shot from the saber, rushing towards Mu Feng, shooting a substantial energy light arrow at the same time, Ji There was a sudden wave of Reiatsu under Lujie Oupi’s feet, and the whole person disappeared silently again.


With a move of Mu Feng’s heart, the sharp blade flying all over the sky immediately flew toward the materialized energy light arrow, wrapping the materialized energy light arrow inside.

With Senbonzakura’s scattered sharp-edged guards, no amount of energy light arrows can hit Mu Feng.

Regarding this point, Kyrgyz Oupai also saw it very clearly, so he did not expect the materialized energy light arrow to hit Mu Feng. The materialized energy light arrow shot was just a fake move. The true ultimate move of Gilluja Ophi is still to come.


With his body slightly slanted, Mu Feng lightly flashed a substantive energy arrow shot at him just like just now.


The materialized energy 837 light arrow that burst out, with the extreme speed and sharpness of tearing the air, hit the ground, and plunged deep into the ground, leaving a small hole in the ground.

At this time, with the screaming sound of the materialized energy light arrow tearing the air as a cover, Mu Feng’s figure suddenly heard an imperceptible sound of breaking through the air. The figure of Kyrgyz Oupi suddenly appeared, less than two meters away from Mu Feng.

However, what makes people feel weird is that Kyrgyzstan Opi did wave the invisible empire and slashed down heavily, but the target of the invisible empire’s slash was not Mu Feng, but the air.

With the screaming sound of light arrows tearing through the air with substantial energy.

The sound of breaking through the air produced by Kyrgyz Oupi when he approached Mu Feng was concealed. Under the cover of the screaming sound, it is impossible for an ordinary strong person to detect the faint sound of breaking through the air two meters away from him.

It was the air that Kyluj Oupi slashed, not Mu Feng, and the killing intent did not lock Mu Feng. Under normal circumstances, Mu Feng is also difficult to detect.

It can be said that Cheruji Opi’s cut, under his meticulous design, has almost reached a state of soundlessness.(Read more @

The only thing that makes people incomprehensible…


It was not Mu Feng that Cheruji Opi cut, but the air two meters away from Mu Feng.

Of course, Gilluja Opi is not an idiot, carefully designed to cover up his figure, but in the end it is just to attack the air. He did this because of the power of his holy script.

The sacred characters are the special characters inscribed in the soul of every member of the Star Cross Knights. With the sacred characters, one can master a certain special ability.

Thousands of years ago, the members of the Star Cross Knights relied on the Holy Characters to break through the shackles of the Quincy and became the captain-level powerhouse.

Although the members of the Star Cross Knights who rely on the Holy Characters are not the opponent of Captain Shinigami because they have not mastered the relationship between the Quincy and the Eucharist.

But the captain level is the captain level, and even the weaker captain level is not comparable to the strong below the captain level.

The code name of Kyluj Ophi in the Knights of the Star Cross is “J”, which means Jail (prison). This “J” is the holy script that Kyluj Oupi was given, and the ability of this holy script It is the prison, which is why Kyluj Ophi is called the “Jiluj Opi of the prison”.


As soon as the saber fell, an invisible Reiatsu descended immediately. This Reiatsu turned into an invisible cage and enveloped Mu Feng in it.

This invisible cage is the ability of Kyluj Opi. It shoots a solid spirit cage from the tip of the knife to trap the opponent. The enemy trapped in the cage receives information from the outside world, but cannot transmit any information to the outside world , And the Lingzi cage will not disappear with the death of the caster.

The so-called prison is a real prison, the Reiatsu prison formed by manipulating Reiko.

After trapping Mu Feng in the prison, Kyluj Opi’s figure flashed slightly and appeared less than ten meters away from Mu Feng.

“How about it, Shinigami, you know now, it’s the price to anger me. This is my holy script ability-prison, people trapped in prison, unless the strength is far stronger than me, even if they are dead, This prison will not disappear. Shinigami, how about this surprise I left for you?”

Looking at Mu Feng trapped in the prison, Gilluj Oupi had a hint of sarcasm on his face, and said sarcastically.

For his own sacred writing ability, Kyluj Ophi is very convinced.

Unless his strength is far superior to him, otherwise, as long as he does not touch the seal, the prison will always be maintained.

In Kyluj Oupie’s view, if it were not for his own prison that he could not trap the Quincy, then the entire Star Cross Knight Order would be his opponent. This is also the arrogance of Kyluj Oupi. One of the sources.

Seeing that Mu Feng didn’t answer to himself, Gilluja Opi continued on his own:

“Oh, sorry, I forgot, people trapped in the prison can only hear the voice outside the prison, and cannot transmit the voice to the outside of the prison. Otherwise, I will ask you a few questions, you just need to nod. Or just shake your head. How about it. As long as you are willing to cooperate, you can’t say it. When I finish asking, I will let you out.”


Looking outside the prison, Mu Feng was talking to himself, and Mu Feng was speechless.

Kyluj Opie is too self-conscious. After being trapped in the prison, he obviously didn’t say anything. Kyluj Opie told him in a single brain that the people in the prison talked, and the people outside the prison. Not hearing it, it’s like a child who gets something and can’t wait to show it off.

Mu Feng decisively ignored Kyluj Oupai’s words and began to observe the prison.

The perception was slightly exhibited, and all the structures of the prison were clearly imprinted in Mu Feng’s brain. It only took a moment for Mu Feng to figure out the general principle of the prison.

In fact, the so-called prison, to put it bluntly, is a space similar to the invisible empire, but compared to the invisible empire, the size of the prison is relatively small.

The same size and small size resulted in thicker prison barriers. In addition, Kyluj Oupi put a seal on the space, which eventually made it difficult for those who were emptied to break through the prison barriers.

It is not difficult to explain why the words in the prison are not heard by the outside world.

The prison space is very similar to the invisible empire, and the invisible empire is such a space. Anything that happens in the invisible empire will not be known to the outside world. .

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