Chapter 843

At the moment of the collision, the Reiatsu contained in the Zanpakutō in Mu Feng’s hand was swallowed and absorbed by the saber, and then a strong force was uploaded from the saber.

Without Reiatsu’s blessing, Zanpakutō could not withstand a single blow in front of Kyluj Opi’s saber.

Fortunately, after recovering Reiatsu, Mu Feng’s strength also recovered.

With a thought in his heart, Mu Feng directly used a bit of strength. With the blessing of this bit of strength, his strength instantly increased countless times.

With sheer strength, Mu Feng vigorously withstood the saber of Kyrgyz Opi.

Seeing Mu Feng holding his saber, a glimmer of surprise flashed in his eyes. He did not expect that after Reiatsu on Zanpakutō was sucked and absorbed, Mu Feng could actually block his own slash. .

However, Kyrgyzstan Oupi didn’t care too much, only that the slash was blocked. After displaying the Exterminator, he could also clean up Mu Feng with many methods.

Just like here now.


Kyluj Opi glanced at him, blocking his Zanpakutō, and an astonishing suction came from the saber.

Click! Click! !

The Zanpakutō in Mu Feng’s hand was just condensed by him. It was not much stronger than ordinary people. In the summer of the suction of the saber, the place where Zanpakutō and the saber were released immediately began to decompose, and a dent appeared on the blade of To. Following this dent, the saber in the hands of Kyluj Oupi approached Mu Feng little by little.


In just a moment, the Zanpakutō in Mu Feng’s hands was partially broken down into Reiatsu and split into two halves under the power of Lingzi’s absolute affiliation and Shengli’s decomposition.

For Zanpakutō’s break, Mu Feng didn’t feel surprised. He only glanced at Zanpakutō’s broken rift, and then threw Zanpakutō aside, lightly flashing his figure, avoiding the hands of Kyrgyz Opie. Saber.

Although Zanpakutō was broken by Kyrgyz Oupi, before the second time, Mu Feng blocked the slash of Kyrgyz Oupi after all. After the saber in the hand of Kyrgyz Oupi broke Zanpakutō, he himself There was not much strength left, and Mu Feng easily passed the slash of the saber.

Kyluj Oupi did not expect that he could hit Mu Feng with a single blow, and after the slashing shot fell through the air, Kyluj Oupi’s figure flashed back to the original place.

“How about, Shinigami, you can see how good I am. This is my trump card. Only the members of the Star Cross Knights can master the Quincy End Eucharist. Now I am definitely not the 々々 you can match. “(Read more @

Kyrgyzstan Opi glanced at Zanpakutō, which Mu Feng abandoned on the ground, with a proud voice.

In the previous battle, Mu Feng did squeeze him down, but after displaying the eucharist of the Quincy, the arrogance of Kyrgyz Oupi was restored. For his own elder, Kyrgyz ·Ou Pi is very confident, and Kyluj Ou Pi firmly believes that Mu Feng is definitely not his opponent who has used Quincy to complete the Eucharist.

“Hehe, funny, it’s the first time I heard Quincy after the Eucharist, but it doesn’t look much different. It seems to be no different from our Shinigami Bankai. Based on this, you can conclude that I am not your opponent. It’s too arrogant.” Mu Feng sneered half-truth.

Of course, Mu Feng knew about the Quincy after the Eucharist, and he knew very well about the Quincy after the Eucharist of most of the Star Cross Knights. In Mu Feng’s view, Quincy End Eucharist is the same ability as Bankai and Shattered Face. They are both the power of rules to liberate the soul, and there is no difference between strength and weakness.

If there is really any difference between strength and weakness, many members of the Star Cross Knights in the original plot will not be defeated by the captain of the Gotei 13th Division.

The Quincy End Eucharist is only a means of liberating power. What is really strong and weak is the rule power of Quincy and Shinigami.

It has to be said that the Star Cross Knights are not born with the ability of the Star Cross Knights because they are standing behind Youhabach, a living Spirit King-level powerhouse.

Rather, it was born under the stimulus of Ukhabach’s power. Compared with Shinigami and many face-offs, the ability of certain Star Cross Knights to master the rules can only be described as metamorphosis.

When watching the Shinigami comics, Mu Feng more than once believed that the power of rules held by the members of the Star Cross Knights was almost the same as that of Friends of Habach, which was the existence of a bug.

It is precisely because the members of the Star Cross Knights have mastered the extremely perverted power of rules that they can sling the 13th Guardian Division and Hollow World.

Seriously, if it wasn’t for the last moment, Youhabach had recovered all the power in the Star Cross Knights, and the Star Cross Knights alone would be enough to conquer the Soul World.

Mu Feng believes that the more abnormal rule power does not include the rule power possessed by Kyluj Opi.

Therefore, in Mu Feng’s view, Kyluj Oupi’s words just now are a bit arrogant.

Judging from the power of rules controlled by Kyluj Oupi, many of the captains of the 13th Division of the Gotei Division can restrain or even defeat him.

Hearing Mu Feng’s ridicule, Gilluja Opi’s expression suddenly stiffened, he sneered and said:

“.ˇ Haha…arrogant?! Since you think I am arrogant, then come and see the real horror of my quintessential body, and see who is arrogant.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Kyluj Oupi did not hesitate to use his abilities.

The astonishing suction power began to spread around with Kyluj Opi as the center. Under the action of this suction force, countless souls began to converge towards Cheruji Opi.

The gathered Reiatsu are not only the free spirits in the air, but also the spirits produced by the decomposition of the ground. The Zanpakutō that Mu Feng had just thrown on the ground also began to decompose under the suction.

Not only that, not far behind Kyrgyz Oupi, the energy bow in the hands of the Quincy (Zhao Wangzhao) who was pulling the energy bow for alert, was also under the suction, and instantly collapsed.

Hua Lingzi gathered towards Kyluj Oupai.

Even some of the quintessentially closer, the clothes on their bodies began to decompose under the suction force, scared these quintessentially, they retreated very slowly, and they were lucky enough to keep the clothes on their bodies.

After urging the Quincy to finish the Eucharist, Kyluj Ophi’s whole person was like a black hole, devouring everything around him. With Kyluj Ophi as the center, everything in a radius of 100 meters, all things At the moment Cheruji Opi urged Quincy to finish the Eucharist, it was broken down into Reiatsu.


A large number of souls gathered together, like a torrent, converging toward Cheruji Opi.

The only thing that was not affected by Gilluj Opi was Mu Feng. The strong suction from Gilluj Opi’s body had already set off waves of air around him. .

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