Chapter 846

Another point is that the sharp blades scattered by Senbonzakura can be controlled with one hand. If controlled with both hands, the attack speed will be increased by four times.

The sharp blades all over the sky, gathered pink spheres, surrounded by Kyrgyz Ophi from all directions.

In the blink of an eye, Kyluj Ophie fell into the knife’s package.

Countless sharp blades cut toward Cheruji Opi at a very fast speed, with the sword intent of the Grand Master level.

For the speed of the blade, Kyluj Opi was also very surprised. He did not expect that he would be wrapped up by the blade in just such a little time.

However, he was not afraid of this. Because, in his opinion, the sharp edges around him cannot threaten him.

For the first time, Kyluj Opi urged his own Quincy to finish the Eucharist, and astonishing suction power came from the body of Kyluj Opi’s “Nine-Five-Three”. At this time, many sharp blades were pulled directly by the suction force, and they were attached to the Reiatsu protective layer on the body surface of Gilluj Opie. The Reiatsu on these sharp blades was also absorbed cleanly in an instant.

After absorbing the Reiatsu on the blade, the saber has another edge.

It was not only Reiatsu that Kyluj Ophi wanted to absorb, but also the body of the blade. Unfortunately, with the sword-inspired body protection, Kyluj Ophi did not succeed.

After pulling and absorbing some of the sharp blades, Kyluj Opi’s mentality gradually relaxed. In his opinion, the surrounding sharp blades were not enough to be afraid of.

However, in the next second, the sharp blades that were not affected by the suction gathered together, and lashed at the Reiatsu protective layer on Cherujie Opie and the saber in the hands of Cherokee Opie like lightning.

The power affected by the suction is only a small part of the sharp blades flying all over the sky, and it can be said to be extremely insignificant.

At the moment, it is the large army of sharp blades that is really attacking Kyluj Oupai’s forces. Under the control of Mu Feng, a large number of sharp blades arrived in front of Kyluj Ophi almost in the blink of an eye.

In the face of this scene, Kyluj Opi once again urged the suction in his body, this time with full force, and immediately Kyluj Opi once again transformed the black hole that had swallowed everything. Under the engulfing and decomposing of the black hole, a large number of sharp blades began to become very dim, and all the Reiatsu on it was swallowed by the black hole.

However, the number of sharp blades is too much, and only a small part of it can be swallowed by a black hole.

Instead, most of the sharp blades slammed into the Reiatsu shield around Kyluj Opi’s body by the suction of the black hole.

Nothing is invincible, and so is the absolute affiliation of Lingzi and Shengli.

The absolute affiliation of Lingzi, Shengli, can indeed decompose and absorb almost all Reiatsu, but this decomposition has a speed limit. It does not mean that Kyluj Ophi can instantly decompose something if it wants to decompose it.(Read more @

If this were the case, Kyluj Oupi would have been invincible long ago. He can completely absorb the enemy’s attack, but the enemy can dissolve and absorb in an instant.

Senbonzakura’s scattered sharp blades, because of their small size, contain less Reiatsu, and there is almost no resistance to the suction power of Reiko’s absolute affiliation and Shengli, but the number of sharp blades is hundreds of millions. Such a huge blade is definitely not. In a short time, all can be decomposed and absorbed.

Ever since, the self-confident Kyluj Oupi immediately took a cup.

In order not to end the battle too quickly, Mu Feng did hide most of his power, but the power he used also reached the super-captain level. The most important thing is that the sharp blade is also wrapped with a great master-level sword. meaning. Adding the two together, the sharp edge becomes extremely sharp.

Click! Click! Click!

Under the erosion of the sharp blade, countless holes appeared in the Reiatsu shield around Kyluj Opi. The crystal blades wrapped on the saber were directly shattered by the impact of the sharp blade.

If it weren’t for the fact that the saber is relatively strong, I’m afraid there will be countless small cracks on the saber.

The most tragic thing is the condensed wings of Reiatsu on the back of Kyluj Opi.

Originally shrouded in a layer of Reiatsu light, the seemingly dazzling Reiatsu condensed wings, the Reiatsu light was directly pierced by the sharp blade, and the surface was also left a lot of wounds, and some places were even directly penetrated, looking tattered.

After being besieged by a sharp blade, Kyluj Oupi could only stop the figure diving towards Mu Feng.

After Kyrgyzstan Oupi stopped his figure, Mu Feng waved his hands slightly, and also retracted the sharp blade surrounding Mu Feng. It seems that Kyluj Oupi is the one who has just suffered a loss. In fact, if you count it seriously, Mu Feng should be the one who really suffered. …….

The siege just now only tore the Reiatsu protective layer around Cheruji Opi, and did not cause any substantial damage to Cheruji Opi, but Cheruji Opi took the opportunity to absorb a large amount of damage. Reiatsu on the blade.

The protective layer of Reiatsu and the condensed wings of Reiatsu on the back are all made of Reiatsu. As long as there is enough Reiatsu, it can be repaired in no time. The Reiatsu protective layer was torn, and it was nothing to Cheruji Opi.

The Reiatsu that Gilluja Opie had just absorbed was enough to repair all his losses, and it was more than enough.

From this point of view, it is clear at a glance who has suffered.


Without a muddle-headed consciousness, after stabilizing his figure, Gilluja Opi immediately thought, and a large amount of Reiatsu spewed out, and the torn Reiatsu protective cover and the condensed wings of Reiatsu behind him were all repaired.

After doing this, Kyluj Oupi turned his attention to Mu Feng again. I have to admit that this time he really underestimated Mu Feng. Originally, he thought that the sharp blade of Sanling could not help him. But he did not consider the number of sharp blades, the power of hundreds of millions, even with his ability, Can’t stand it.

Although Mu Feng was the one who suffered this time, but Quexit did not feel happy after finishing the Eucharist.

0.1 What Mu Feng does not care about what Kyrgyz Oupi thinks.

The only thing he cares about right now is how to clean up Kyluj Oupai.

In fact, Mu Feng had already decided early on how to deal with Kyrgyzstan Oupi.

The reason why he chose to morph Senbonzakura was because on the one hand he was familiar with Senbonzakura, and on the other hand, he planned to use Senbonzakura to get rid of Kyluj Opi in one fell swoop.

“Jianjing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!”

Angrily shouted in a low voice, the sharp blades flying all over the sky immediately gathered towards Mu Feng.

At the next moment, a black space, centered on Mu Feng, spread to the surroundings. Before Kyluj Opi could react, it wrapped Kyluj Opi in it.

“Welcome to Jianjing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space.” Mu Feng glanced at Kyrgyzstan Opi and said lightly. .

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