Chapter 850

The saber on the right hand was raised high, and a Reiatsu blade burst out immediately.


With a slight force under his feet, a rush of Reiatsu rushed out from under his feet, and hit the ground fiercely. The force of the counter-shock, carrying Kyluj Opi like a cannonball, rushed out towards Mu Feng with an indomitable momentum.

In an instant, Kyrgyzstan Oupi arrived in front of Mu Feng, and the saber in his hand slashed at Mu Feng fiercely.

If the previous attack by Gilluja Opi was light and sharp, then the attack by Gilluja Opi at this moment is powerful and heavy.

After Reiatsu skyrocketed, Kyluj Oupai’s attack did not require too many fancy things, but only needed to crush people. Of course, there is another reason why Kyluj Oupi chose to use force to suppress people, that is, it is difficult for him to control the spiritual pressure in his body as lightly as before.

Feeling the momentum of the saber rushing towards his face, Mu Feng’s complexion has not changed at all, still with a slight smile.

In Mu Feng’s eyes, any attack by Gilluja Opi is equivalent to a child’s play. Even if it becomes a lot stronger, it will at most turn from a four or five-year-old child to six or seven years old, still a child.

As an adult, how can you care about children’s playful attacks? Therefore, Mu Feng’s expression will naturally not change due to the attack of Kyluj Opi.


Seeing that Kyluj Opi’s attack was about to fall on him, Mu Feng also began to counterattack.

The power he used now was only at the Super Captain level. Facing an attack comparable to that of the Super Captain Opi at the pinnacle level, he was of course able to resist.

If you don’t resist, unless Mu Feng reveals at least the power of the immortal level, otherwise, under the slash of Gilluja Opi, even if not injured, he will become embarrassed.

Exposing the power of the immortal level is not in line with Mu Feng’s plan.

Although he and Kyluj Oupi are now in the Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space, even if he displays the power of the immortal level, people outside will not be able to find it, but Mu Feng does not want to destroy his plan.


A sharp light flashed, and two blades appeared in Mu Feng’s hands.

Not only that, as the two blades appeared in Mu Feng’s hands, an invisible force also came to bless Mu Feng and the blade. Suddenly, Mu Feng and the two blades were covered with a white light.(Read more @

The function of Senbonzakura Kageyoshi’s space is not only to pull the enemy into the space created by the blade, and to nullify the negative abilities acting on Mu Feng, it can also bless Mu Feng.

In fact, blessing Mu Feng is the most important function of the Jianjing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space.

Senbonzakura is the top Zanpakutō among the many Zanpakutō in the soul world.

The reason why it can be ranked among the top, in addition to its offensive and defensive group attack ability, there is another extremely important factor, that is, the Kenjing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space.

This space condensed by billions of blades allows Senbonzakura to attack unparalleled while also possessing a not weak single attack ability.

Being in the Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space, Mu Feng can not only use the Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space to understand the enemy’s every move, but also get the blessing of the entire Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space, and the speed and attack power will be doubled.

Among the many unique tricks created by Byakuya Kuchiki, the most powerful Baidi Sword is actually the strongest attack that condenses the entire Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space.

Both the group attack is unparalleled and the single combat capability is not weak, this is why Senbonzakura ranks in the top.

brush! brush!

With both hands waving the sharp blade in his hand at random, Mu Feng’s figure slightly deflected, and then handed out the cross and handed out the blade in his hand.


Zi Zi Zi~~~

The crisp sound of impact and violent friction sounded at the same time. The blade in Mu Feng’s hand accurately held the saber in the hands of Gilouge Opi.

After absorbing a large amount of Reiatsu, the slash of Gilujie Oupi can be described as a heavy blow, and it is difficult for ordinary super-captain-level powerhouses to resist the full blow of Gilujie Oupi head-on.

However, Mu Feng, who has the blessing of Senbonzakura Kageyoshi’s space, is not a weak one, and Mu Feng still shoots with both left and right hands at the same time, with two blades facing Kyrgyz Oupai.

The most important point is that at the moment of contact, the blade in Mu Feng’s hand suddenly emits a sword intent, dispersing part of the force on the saber.

· ······Find flowers 0

Mu Feng’s sword intent is of the great master level, and the power level corresponding to the great master level of sword intent is infinite. In other words, Mu Feng’s sword intent is a great level higher than the strength of the saber.

Although Mu Feng did not go all out, and Jianyi did not have the strength support of the corresponding level, it is not difficult to plan a part of the strength on the saber.

Part of the strength on the saber is planned. Mu Feng’s two sharp blades are also blessed by the Kenjing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space. The strength is also close to the peak of the super captain level. · Opi’s attack.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

The slash just now was slashed out by Kyluj Oupi in an overloaded state.

Overloading caused considerable damage to the body of Kyrgyzstan Opi, and the physique of the Quenter itself was weak, which could not last long with the physique of Kyrgyz Opi.

Moreover, the first blow was the one that was brewed to the peak, and it was often the strongest attack. After that, no matter whether it was aura or attack power, it would inevitably be inferior to the first blow.

With the same blow, Kyluj Oupi is not incapable of cutting it out, but it will take time to brew again.

It is impossible for Mu Feng to give Kyrgyz Opie for the time to brew again.

Mu Feng is very clear about the status of Kyrgyz Oupi, he can’t let go of this moment. Now that he decides to clean up Kyluj Oupi, he must not give Kyluj Oupi another chance, and Mu Feng will not be sloppy.

He knew his own state, and Kyluj Oupai also knew his situation.

Kyluj Oupi is very aware of the situation he will face after his imposing slash is forced by Mu Feng.

To be honest, when Mu Feng was able to take his own slash, he was surprised and felt that the reason was of course. The reason was that he felt the surprise because he knew very well that he just made the slash. How strong is the strength?

Don’t talk about Mu Feng, even in the Knights of the Star Cross, except for a limited number of more special people, Gilluja Opi can guarantee that none of the remaining people can take the slash just now. .

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