Chapter 853

Chelsea Oupi believes that Mu Feng must know this point.

Even if it didn’t attack him, then it must have attacked the prison space. Regarding this, Kyluj Oupi is also very relieved. He is very confident and confident that Mu Feng’s profound meaning, a thousand-edged flower can not break the prison space.

It’s just that Kyluje Oupi didn’t know that what Mu Feng displayed was not the Profound Yi·Bite Thousand Blade Flower.

“Final Scene Baidi Sword·Change!”

Without making Kyluj Oupi wait long, a low voice suddenly came from Mu Feng’s mouth.

brush! brush! brush!

The low voice just fell, all the sharp blades unified a white light, converging towards the center of the Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space.

In the blink of an eye, a lightsaber shining with white light appeared in the center of the Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space. Behind this white lightsaber, there seemed to be a pair of white wings.

The white lightsaber with white wings is Senbonzakura’s ultimate move, the symbol of the White Emperor Sword.

What Mu Feng really displays is the White Emperor Sword, but the white lightsaber in the center of the Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space is a special trick he created temporarily using the White Emperor Sword as a template.

Because of this, Mu Feng called this move the end of the King Baidi Jian·Gai.

The real Baidi Sword should be able to hit the blade in Mu Feng’s hand with all the power of the entire Jianjing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space. The wings are also behind Mu Feng again.

After displaying the Baidi Sword, the entire Jianjing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space will disappear.

In other words, the Baidi Sword is a trick that condenses a space power.

The Final Scene Baidi Sword·Chang is different. It is condensed outside the body, and what needs to be paid is not the entire power of the Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space, but half the power of the Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space.

The entire Jianjing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi space half of the power, gathered together, is also an extremely tyrannical force.

More importantly, on the white lightsaber, Mu Feng also blessed the sword intent of the great master level.

With the blessing of the great master-level sword intent, this sword will definitely be extremely violent.


The dazzling white lightsaber cut through the void directly, appeared in front of the prison space, and then slashed heavily on the prison space.

The powerful force, under the command of Jianyi, slammed into the prison space fiercely.

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Before the power from the white lightsaber had time to disperse, a crack appeared in the prison space.

Then this crack expanded rapidly until the entire prison space was shattered.


The turbulent air wave raged around as the prison space shattered.

After dozens of breaths, these waves of air gradually subsided.

After the air wave dissipated, Mu Feng’s figure reappeared in the field of vision of Kyrgyz Oupai.

Mu Feng stepped slowly, walked out of the space originally shrouded by the prison space, and walked towards Kyluj Ophi.

Seeing Mu Feng once again broke through the prison space, Kyluj Oupi’s face was shocked and then unbelievable…Finally, all the emotions were swept away, leaving only depression.

Kyluj Oupi looked at Mu Feng sullenly, and said in a low tone:

“You won, Shinigami, you admit that you are better than me, kill me. Although I am defeated by you, your ending will not be better than mine. Chishi is better than me. “.”

“Haha, kill you, no, no, no, I’m not going to kill you.” Mu Feng said lightly, his expression still as indifferent as at the beginning, as if defeating Kyluj Oupi had no effect on him. In fact, it really has no effect. In Mu Feng’s eyes, Kyluj Oupi is just a small character. How can he care if he defeats a small character.

“Don’t kill me? What are you trying to ask me?! Humph! Give up, I won’t say anything. My companion will come soon, and you don’t have time to force me to say anything.”

Hearing Mu Feng said not to kill himself, Gilluja Opi’s complexion changed slightly. He thought that Mu Feng did not kill himself, because he wanted to know something from his own mouth. So, he started begging for death again.

For death, Cheruja Ophi is not afraid.

It should be said that from the moment of losing to Mu Feng, Kyluj Oupai was ready to die.

The rules of the Knights of the Star Cross, Chelsea Opi are very clear. Even if Mu Feng doesn’t kill him, the end of Kyluj Oupai as a loser is still a dead end.

Compared to dying in his own hands, Kyluj Oupi hopes to be able to die in Mu Feng’s hands. If you die in Mu Feng’s hands, you will die in battle. If you die in your own hands, that’s called execution.

In fact, for the Quincy, especially the Knights of the Star Cross, death does not mean the end.

Quincy was created by Yuhabach, who gave his soul to others, and then multiplied and finally gave birth to the Quincy family.

In the soul of every Quincy, there are fragments of Euhabach.

Therefore, the soul of each Quincy does not belong to them, but to Uhabach. Every Quincy is the wealth of Euhabach.

Once the Quincy dies, his soul will be swallowed by Euhabach.

In other words, even if the Quincy dies, their souls will not disappear, but will merge into the soul of Friends Habach.

Since it can be integrated, of course it can also be separated.

For ordinary quinces, the soul being merged by Euhabach is equivalent to disappearing forever, and Euhabach will not care about those ordinary quinces. For Kyluj Opi, it was different. He was a member of the Star Cross Knights, one of the 26 strongest people in the hands of Ukhabach.

Although Youhabach is very brutal, but for his capable subordinates (Li’s Zhao), Youhabach still has some concerns. If you Habacher wants to, he can completely decompose the soul of Kyluj Opie.

For people in the Shinigami world, the soul is the root. As long as the soul is still there, it is still alive.

Some of the Star Cross Knights were resurrected by Habach in this way.

Death, for the Knights of the Star Cross, is not the end.

Of course, Ukhabach is not a benevolent ruler. Want him to resurrect a person, the difficulty is not generally high. For most members of the Star Cross Knights, the so-called resurrection is completely illusory.

However, nothingness is better than nothing.

The most feared thing is to lose hope.

Most people fear death because once they die, there is nothing left. Death is the only thing in this world that has nothing to do with hope and possession. .

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